Updated: December 12, 2023

Why Counting Calories Doesn’t Work

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Struggling with only consuming 300 calories a day and not experiencing weight loss? Try the Phit n Phat approach for effective results.

I want to talk to anyone who thinks they must STARVE or eat barely any calories each day to lose weight.

Are you PISSED because you are hungry all the time and struggling to lose weight?

Do you get mad, overeat, and then hop back on the starve hamster wheel?

Well, you aren’t alone.

Girl, most of my clients come to me because they spent their whole life starting a diet Monday, losing very little or nothing by Friday, and then saying f*ck it all weekend.

The problem is this: you’ve spent years not listening to your body and now you’ve taught it to be a fat storing machine.

You starve your body refusing to eat when it’s hungry. Then, you ignore her when you are pissed and overeat.

Your body doesn’t now what the hell is going on so it gets stressed and confused.  It starts to hold onto fat because it feels under attack…BY YOU.

Ladies! Your BODY wants to thrive – not deprive. Your body LOVES you.

The body is smart. It’s goal is to keep you alive. And it will adapt to what you do.

You sit around for 30 years – your spine will curve.

You severely restrict  – your body will send big cravings for your favorite foods to get you to eat.

I challenge you today to ask this question: How can I work WITH my body today?

Are you willing to quit making HER the enemy?

If you trusted your body what would you be doing differently?

Do that.





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I'm Corinne Crabtree

Corinne Crabtree, top-rated podcaster, has helped millions of women lose weight by blending common-sense methods with behavior-based psychology.

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