Updated: December 12, 2023

Traveling for Work – How do you fit it in your diet goals?

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Today’s video is live from CA where I am traveling for work. A lot of women I work with travel and there are two ways to think about it:

  1. See? Every time I try to lose weight something comes up that makes things so hard.
  2. There’s no reason why I can’t figure out things to do to make this work.

Take a wild guess which one I go with? Yes. Answer two.

See, before I even give you a ton of cool tips you MUST have your brain focused on how you can DO this. But, most of us go straight to all the ways this is just going to F us up and prevent us from losing weight.

We do it when we go on vacation, travel for work, and holidays.

Trust me, if you want to find reasons why you can’t lose weight you will have no problem finding them, right? I just want to say so many of us, including me, have spent our lives looking for those reasons. Until you decide to quit doing that and change the discussion you are having with yourself, you will never look for the things you CAN do to lose weight.

Don’t worry. Watch the video. I preach on changing that crazy, non-productive conversation in the middle of the video.

Now for the practical bottom line things you can do. I tell you a lot of them in the video as I am taking a morning walk on my business trip.

How Corinne Rolls Traveling

  1. Find hotels with gyms, near gyms or close to walking paths. You can walk anywhere!
  2. See if the hotel has a fridge – either in the room or an employee fridge you can keep a few things.
  3. Decide ahead of time when I eat out what I will have or how much.
  4. Never allow the thought I can’t control what I eat. I always control through quantity and/or quality. No matter what.
  5. Add in movement whenever you have small pockets of time. I take stairs or grab 10 min. walks outside at breaks and lunch.
  6. Keep an Evernote file (app) with your favorite workouts that can be done anywhere. Grab, go and you don’t have to think about it.



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I'm Corinne Crabtree

Corinne Crabtree, top-rated podcaster, has helped millions of women lose weight by blending common-sense methods with behavior-based psychology.

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Tried Everything to Lose Weight? I Did Too!

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