Updated: December 5, 2023

NSV’s = Non Scale Victories

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Do you count NSV’s (Non Scale Victories)? If you don’t you are missing out on a lot of things that keep you going emotionally AND things that will help you keep losing weight.

A “non-scale” victory is any healthy victory that does not involve the number on the scale. Being healthy does NOT only mean losing weight. Some people may not need to lose weight; they are thin and desperately need to eat healthy and exercise to get the inside fixed. Others may need to lose some weight yet are working hard with weights. Their body is changing, they are getting stronger yet the scale doesn’t move much.

Try to highlight NSV’s. They make up the sum of your LIFESTYLE. Highlighting only the diet makes you do things that aren’t sustainable over the long haul AND keeps you from losing the right weight – the fat. You don’t want to just lose the fat around your kidney or the muscle that keeps you from having batwings.

Here’s the NSV’s I try to watch in myself. As a maintainer I need them because I don’t get any payoff on the scale unless I’m sick or dropping some weight from vacationing.

– Barometer pants are always in my closet. I have pants that tell me REALLY quick if I am tightening up.

– When I lift weights am I able to lift HEAVIER? EVERY woman should be lifting weights and you should track to make sure you are always doing more weight over time.

– Running faster. Not every workout I run faster but once every 3-4 weeks I do small “fit test” and I better see those numbers improving.

– Speaking of fit tests, I do a 4-week fit test of my own to see how I’m doing. It tells me a few things: if I’m doing the right workouts to get faster and stronger, if I’m resting enough to improve, and if my muscles are stronger.

– Listening for compliments! Too many times I will dismiss compliments when I need to take them, absorb them, and realize the NSV!

Those are a few of mine. We all have them or SHOULD.

Update on me:
I’m still recovering from wisdom teeth removal. They all came out two weeks ago and I contracted a wicked sinus infection in surgery. After the majority of the soreness finally died down, I started training again. I ran my best 10K ever last weekend with a 1:04:32. I was shocked! Not only had I done speed work two days prior, but I ran the day before as part of the Disney Dopey training AND I was sick. The race was hilly, too! Nashville is just full of them. Guess it makes you stronger but flat areas are awesome. Just saying.

My food plan for the day is:

B – Quinoa, roasted veggies, chicken breast tenders and an apple
L – Sweet potato with salmon
D – Blue cheese and steak salad
S – Shakeology, Cottage cheese and banana

Exercise plan for the week:

M – Shoulders and Chest, 1 mile jog, walking while working
T – VO2 Max Test in the a.m., Base and Back (P90X2)
W – Off (stretch, yoga, and foam rolling), 1 mile walk
T – 4 miles, Arms and Abs
F – 8 miles
S – 3 miles AM and Half Marathon in PM
S – Off


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I'm Corinne Crabtree

Corinne Crabtree, top-rated podcaster, has helped millions of women lose weight by blending common-sense methods with behavior-based psychology.

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