Updated: December 12, 2023

Lose Weight, Not Your Mind [FREE TRAINING]

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Lose weight, not your mind.

“How do I quit eating because I’m so stressed out right now?”


One thing we all know…eating pizza and ice cream isn’t solving our problems.


We wake up the next day with the same worries staring us in the face and then beating ourselves up for not eating when we know better.


Weightloss MUST be simple right now. When life is throwing all the doo doo and it’s hitting the fan spraying the WALLS… It’s time to make eating so easy a Dummies book could be written about it.


First…eat only when hungry and stop before full. This cuts eating “just because it looks good,” it’s something to do, or because it will go bad since your partner bought out the aisles in a panic.


Second…plan what to eat in the morning for the whole day. Deciding what to eat after the kids asked 1000 questions and the boss assigned projects like it was Pez candy isn’t the time to decide “what’s for dinner.” That’s a recipe for screw this…I’m eating whatever is easy.


Third…replace something each day that is BS. Maybe it’s eating a snack at 3pm to take a break. Or, it’s refusing to watch the news while eating chips. We all have some kind of BS we do every day that can stop. Find it.


If this makes sense then listen to my free class Lose My Weight, Not My Mind.


It’s free and will help put commonsense back into weightloss.  No more crazy, restrictive rules that require a degree to figure out how to go to the grocery store.


Now more than ever it’s time to learn how to lose weight so LIFE CAN HAPPEN and we don’t need a sandwich to handle it.


Watch the class.

Share this with someone who could use it.

It’s time we learn how to lose weight the way we want to live our life.



Click here for access to FREE training, Lose Your Weight, Not Your Mind.


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I'm Corinne Crabtree

Corinne Crabtree, top-rated podcaster, has helped millions of women lose weight by blending common-sense methods with behavior-based psychology.

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Tried Everything to Lose Weight? I Did Too!

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