Updated: December 5, 2023

Lose 100 Pounds and Keep It Off Without Going Crazy?

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6 easy tips to lose fat and shed pounds.

It’s taken me a long time to lose 100 pounds and keep it off without being crazy. I still remember the first day walking into the YMCA and so nervous about stepping on the treadmill. 15 minutes later and my ass kicked…the journey had begun.


Yesterday I did an awesome workout that my old self would have never done. I would have told myself that if it took that kind of work to be thin, well, I’d rather be fat.

In 2003 I didn’t have the ability to see where I would end up. Envisioning the way I eat and exercise now was overwhelming. Heck it was ridiculous. I would have laughed you off if you showed me the life I lead now.


I couldn’t imagine a day without McDonald’s, my half gallon of ice cream, and sleeping every morning until the LAST possible second.

There was just no way I could focus on some long term goal. Losing 100 pounds, doing crazy circuits, running races…that wasn’t believable back then.

What I could believe in was what I could do in the moment. It’s a valuable lesson for all of us no matter if you have  to lose 100 pounds or 10 pounds.

It’s OK if you want to think about it but most of us get locked into to these dreams. Then we spend each day missing out on what we can be doing to get there because all we do is focus on how terrible it is that we aren’t there.

I teach and live this: Be here today. What can I do today that will lay the foundation for my future self?

Each day you lay down the foundation. Brick by brick. Every small thing you do today to be a healthier version of you leads to big changes.

I so believe in small changes that I made a list of things most women will tell me, “Does that really make a difference? Shouldn’t I just go on a big diet?”

6 Easy

I don’t know. Should you? I’m guessing if you ask that question you have a lot of big ass diets that didn’t work. I wonder why? Oh, you tried to change your life overnight but didn’t truly believe you could do it.

Let’s try something new. Let’s try being present with today and doing the best we can with it. It’s a lot easier to lose weight when you start proving to yourself you CAN have success. The more you can find yourself doing things right the easier it is to believe in you.


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I'm Corinne Crabtree

Corinne Crabtree, top-rated podcaster, has helped millions of women lose weight by blending common-sense methods with behavior-based psychology.

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Tried Everything to Lose Weight? I Did Too!

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