Updated: December 12, 2023

How To Like Yourself

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Accepting Who You Are

In this video I discuss candidly how I’ve grown to finally like myself.

I used to be my own worst critic so I couldn’t stand being alone. I’d either eat or surround myself with people so I didn’t have to listen to myself.

I also answer their questions on things we’re working on inside our private membership.

You’ll hear me discuss…

  • How to quit eating until you are full…even when you love it.
  • Why overeating isn’t the worst thing we can do for weightloss.
  • Why journaling is important to your weightloss.


I used to use food to avoid being alone with myself.  Once I got food under control, I threw myself into business and being around people to once again avoid being alone with myself.

I have always wanted to be around people because I need validation. I wanted to distract myself from the way I thought about myself and I wanted to be around people that would accept me because I wasn’t accepting of myself.

I think I now desire some time alone because I finally accept who I am.

I’m craving more alone time because in those quiet moments, it’s not a shit show anymore. I notice my feelings, but don’t judge them anymore.

Not Having Everything Together Is Ok:

In the last year, I have realized that I don’t have my shit together any more now than before, but I’m not judging myself for it.

The difference for me these days is that I know that I don’t have everything together and that’s okay.

  • Before I didn’t have everything together and I thought that meant something was wrong with me.
  • When I had that belief I thought I had to have food to distract myself.
  • Once I solved my weight problem, I needed people to distract me from thinking something was wrong with myself.

It’s normal to have bad days and it’s normal to not love yourself at every moment, instead of beating myself up for it, I question what is going on. I understand that the mess of life is just part of life.

I want to figure out how to do that for the members.


I think many people are still overeating because they aren’t accepting that overeating is part of their process.  Instead, people focus on the shame and judgment over the overeats.

  • Focus on what’s driving the overeats.
  • Clean the mess up.
  • Then see if you’re overeating anymore.

I was at an event and everyone wanted to go out afterwards.  In the past, I would have gone because it was expected.  Instead, I expected myself to be tired and not want to be around people. I went back to the hotel instead.

I’m craving more alone time because in those quiet moments, it’s not a shit show anymore. I notice my feelings, but don’t judge them anymore.

  1. One of the lessons I’ve learned is to not try to change how I’m thinking.
    • Be aware of it.
    • Sit with it.
    • Be okay with it.
  2. I want to notice the conversation I’m having with myself when I’m alone at night or after a long day.
    • The more I notice what I’m thinking without judgment, the more I’m changed my thinking on accident.
    • It’s become more natural to go “I think I want to think something different, I don’t want to think this right now.”

Give yourself the opportunity to see yourself performing in a way that feels differently than you normally do:

We tend to start really hard and then bomb out

  • Do it slower.
  • More deliberate.
  • In a purposeful way.

I want my members to know that it’s okay to lose weight slower than you think you need to, to make smaller changes than you think are required, and to do it easier than you think it should be.


*The six month coaching program with me closes on October 28th.

*All the 2020 events are on the website for my members.

*The new purse-sized planner will release the first week of November for members.

*Members can print out or order the full-sized planner now.

*There are exciting changes in November.  There will be a monthly member call with me called “The Recovery Worksheet Lab.”

*Handling the Holidays will be start in November in the No BS Weightloss Program.






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I'm Corinne Crabtree

Corinne Crabtree, top-rated podcaster, has helped millions of women lose weight by blending common-sense methods with behavior-based psychology.

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