Updated: December 12, 2023

Episode 198: Change Your Shitty Scale Story Today

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How do I Gain Control Over the Scale?

I’ve been helping women lose weight for a long time. Believe me, I’ve heard it all. The biggest way that I see women mistreat themselves is what they say and think before and after they step on the scale.

Y’all, I promise you, the scale ain’t the Big Bad Wolf.

And you ain’t one of them Three Little Pigs.

Yet, every time you weigh yourself, you huff and puff and blow your own self-worth down.

That horseshit stops today. I’m letting you listen in on a special coaching call I did with No BS Women. On the call, they learned how to use the scale to support (not stop) their weightloss success.

“But, Corinne, how do you not let the scale control you?”

Friends, you’re just gonna have to tune in to find out.

In today’s podcast, I’m passing out some truth serum to get you over your scale phobia once and for all.

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Topics discussed in this episode:

Weigh In Day Scale Tips for Weight Loss Topic 1: The simple answer to how to not let the scale control you, and the easy way to learn how to make the scale work for you! [0:00-6:33]

Topic 2: The 4-step drama-free process I teach inside my private No BS membership to help you not quit on yourself before reaching your weightloss goals. [6:34-12:42]

Topic 3: I let you in on why the number on the scale changes nothing, and what I think before and after I step on the scale. [12:43-17:47]

Topic 4: I share my best tips to getting your mind right, so weighing yourself doesn’t lead to self-loathing. [17:47-23:15]

Click here to listen to Podcast Episode 198: Change Your Shitty Scale Story



Let us talk all about the scale. Ladies, number one, you ask me this all the time. How do you not let the scale control you? Number one question when it comes to the scale. The answer? Use your fucking brain. The scale shits out a number. That’s it. It doesn’t have powers. It’s not sitting down there with Satan in it somehow getting up in you and possessing you. It’s just the number coming out. Everything after you read your number is what your brain interprets. It either throws you under the bus, it gets excited. It thinks you’ve got to take shit away from yourself. It says, “I’m doing a great job. Not doing enough.”


Whatever happens after that, it is your brain. So if your brain is the cause of your pain and suffering, guess what the answer to your pain and suffering is? I will let you take a wild guess. It is your brain. The reason why I have you guys do think-feel-do cycles inside the journaling part is so that once you weigh in, if you notice you feel like shit or you start suddenly going, “Woo. Definitely going to work this weight. Momma going to have a cookie tonight,” whatever it is, you get your journal out next. You put, “I weigh … I immediately started thinking these things.” Whatever the top three or four things are. Top one. Whatever it is.


Those are just now sentences. If you could just let go of … This is the most painful sentence all of you have, “But I think this and then I just do.” I got to quit thinking. Every single time I get on the scale, I think, “I deserve a treat tonight. I’m posed.” No, you’re not. You’ve got to quit deciding your thoughts are a problem. Currently, a lot of you think your thoughts … when we put thoughts and what do you think? Well, they’re a problem. All the thoughts I’ve got on the scale, they’re a problem. You know what your next thought needs to be? They’re sentences. These are sentences. The majority of you do not need to think anything other than the moment old shitty comes in. The next thought needs to be, “And that’s a sentence. It’s not a problem.”


That’s a sentence. It’s not terrible that I think this way. It’s a sentence. It’s not, “Now I’m going to do these things.” Just because your brain thinks something does not mean you are automatically commanded to do and do. The only time thinking commands you to do something is thinking not seen or heard. Those are automatic thoughts that run from your habit brain. That’s supposed to be happening. Those automatic thoughts like, “Breathe. Hey, step over that before you fall down.” You get on the scale and you’re like, “Oh, we can have wine tonight. We were so good.” All of those are just automatic thoughts.


If you don’t hear them, you take action because of them. Let’s say you’re walking across the floor and you notice the carpet is rippled up. You probably don’t go, “Stop. I just heard my brain say there’s a rippling in the carpet and I might fall. My new thought needs to be please step over it carefully.” We want our automatic brain happy. Could you imagine if you had to go through life and everything had to be super conscious all the time? There are just a million thoughts that you’re going to have a day that do not need a conscious redirect.


But there are some that do, and the way that we know which ones need a conscious redirect are when we see ourselves doing shit that we know we don’t want to be doing. So if you say I want to lose weight, but every fucking night at 8:00 you’re eating Oreos, you have unconscious thoughts that are running somewhere that we just need to find so we can redirect when they come up. Redirect. That’s it. It’s no more complicated than that.


So when it comes to the scale, you want to make sure you’re listening. You want to make sure you’re hearing the things that you’re thinking, because the ones that aren’t going to help you continue to lose weight, that aren’t going to help you repair relationship with yourself, the ones that aren’t going to help you love your actions, get creative about the ones you’re going to take next week, that have you appreciating all the work you’ve done this week … A lot of you are like, “All right. I lost weight. Let’s have wine.” That thought needs a redirect to, “Oh, wait a minute. I don’t want to focus on wine. I want to focus on celebrating the fuck out of this bitch because she showed up like a boss all week long.”


Think about it. If your brain wants to eat because you lost weight, it’s because it wants to celebrate and it thinks eating is celebrating. You haven’t taught it yet that thinking is how we celebrate. This is what we do. Conscious redirect, conscious redirect. That’s the part that’s the habit. For a lot of you, it’s getting on the scale and saying, “Whatever comes up from doo-doo ville to whatever,” and that’s just a sentence. Some of them I want to keep, and some of them I don’t and I want to redirect.


All right, so we’re going to use our brain. Here’s the four step process to getting your happy ass on the scale and doing it like a No BS woman. Number one … let me put it over here so I can read it … anticipate old shit. Look, I even drew old shitty. I am obsessed with old shitty. July camp, I love how that became a thing. Number one is you’re going to anticipate old shitty coming up. Before you get on, all I want you to do is … Here’s some stuff I normally say to myself. I don’t want to be caught off guard, it’s not a problem, here’s the sentences that are going to come up. I want you casual as a motherfucker about that conversation. I do not want you anticipating old shitty going, “Oh my God, I just know I’m going to be some bullshit. I dread getting on the scale. I’m going to feel so terrible.”


We’re not doing that ever again. That stops now. Listen to the words coming out of my mouth. You’re never green lighted to have that bullshit argument with yourself ever again. Seriously, I’m 15 years in and sometimes before I get on, I can just sense. You think it’s going to be a day that you’re going to let that number monkey with yourself. Don’t want to anticipate some old shitty that you’re going to have, and I just think about it. And then, I go on to step two. I’m like, “All right, so then what’s going to be my equal air time thinking? What am I going to tell myself?” I know old shitty’s coming so now what I want to do is have a plan for what I’m going to think on purpose. It’s that simple. If I think I deserve wine, I’m going to on purpose say, “That’s just a sentence. Here’s what I deserve. My love and adoration for myself. I think I shall go the journal and write for 10 minutes about the amazement of me this week.”


Then you move on to step three, which is you’re actually going to weigh and then you’re going to listen. We already know old shitty’s coming. You know what we want to do? We want to listen to make sure there’s not old shitty’s we’ve never even anticipated. You want to hear it all. Remember what I said about if you’re doing shit that you don’t want to be doing it’s because you’ve got old shitty’s you’re not listening to? Those are the ones commanding your way. Best time to figure out exactly the kind of shit you tell yourself is when yo weigh. Same thing with overeating. Right before an overeat, you can use this, guys. With urges, weighing in, planning your food, before a meal. You can use this all the time. Four steps. Easiest thing that I’ve ever put together.


You’re going to weigh. You’re going to listen so that next time, you can anticipate even more old shitty’s. They’re not hitting you off the charts anymore. They’re caught off guard. You’re like, “Oh yeah, that’s just my thinking. That’s just my sentences.”


Number four, you’re going to talk and you’re going to walk. We weigh and we listen, old shitty’s come in. We talk the equal air time talk, and then we walk away and do shit we planned to do. We act like the person we want to be. One decision at a time, one meal at a time, one urge at a time, all of it.


All right, so two thoughts that I want to give you guys to help you with your freaking weigh ins. This is the one that I recently started using. It was just like an ah-ha moment. It literally was about six weeks ago, eight weeks ago. I’m always learning. Guys, I tell you this because I think a lot of you are like, “Corinne, I’ve been in the program for four months. I should know all this by now.” I love it when an elder comes in … Some of you bitches are old No BS women, meaning you’ve been here four years, and y’all are like, “But, no. This four month old baby shit don’t even count. I’ve been here four years, Corinne. I’m the one that should know better.”


And you guys get into a pissing contest over who should feel worst about themselves based on their lack of what they know. It’s called #UltimateTimeWaster. I am 15 years in. I am still learning. I am sitting around studying myself like a lab rat. If I’m still figuring shit out, none of you need to feel bad you’re still figuring your shit out. Be glad you are. I want you guys to think about every single person who has started this membership and quit. Guess what they’re not doing? They’re not figuring themselves out. They quit to get relief from not changing who they were. You guys are here still trying to figure out how to think better, how to feel better, how to do better so you can eat better.


There’s plenty of women sitting around out there who aren’t here anymore because they wanted to feel that immediate relief of not having to do the work and you know what ends up happening about a day after relief? Remorse, regret, let down, apathy, disappointment, self-loathing. Because when you quit, you don’t learn how to challenge yourself. You don’t learn how to show up for yourself and change the conversation to keep going. You don’t learn how to create momentum for yourself. Just enough momentum to say, “I’m worth this. Even on my worst day, I am still worth hanging in there.” That is the difference between all of you.


So thought number one that I just discovered, because I was getting on the scale and I knew it was going to be one of those days that I wasn’t going to feel amazing about Corinne automatically. This changes nothing. Best thought I’ve ever had. Seriously. Well, I’m figuring out number one. This one’s going to be number two. I have used this when people have wrote all over my social media about what a horrible person I am. They don’t like my makeup. They get all up in arms about my mouth. I’m like, “This changes nothing.” It used to be stuff like that would happen and I would freak out and try to change myself to please people. I would worry, I would not sleep for days and then I started realizing other people’s opinions changes nothing.


If somebody has this opinion that’s worth nothing, I’ll know it. The scale is the same way. I was going to get on the scale and I was afraid it was going to be up. I’d been toot-tooting with Chris for a couple days with the boozies. And I just told myself, “This changes nothing. I have a food plan today. I know the things I’m going to do for myself. I know who I am. I know that I always work on myself. This number changes nothing.”


You want to, before you get on the scale, you want to tell yourself, “However I’m thinking and feeling about myself right now, that number is not going to change it. If I’m feeling really good about how I’ve showed up for the week, that number can’t change that unless I change my thinking based on that number.” I get to keep the thinking. If that number goes up or down, however I’m feeling about myself, what I consciously decide to think about myself before I get on the scale, the number doesn’t have to change it as long as I let my thinking be deliberate in what I want.


And then, once I weigh in, it changes nothing about the actions I’m going to take. Whatever plan I’ve made for the day, whatever personal rules and boundaries that I have for myself created from love, none of those change because of the number. It just doesn’t change anything. I get to be on purpose. I don’t have to be reactionary. I will tell you guys a secret. Most of my weigh in assessments, do you know I do the weigh in assessment before I even weigh in? I want to just do all my thinking first, and then I plug in the number, and then I ask myself, “Did anything change?” I just want to note it and I want to remind myself all of it, pre-thinking and post-thinking, it’s all a choice.


Number two thought that’s super helpful, that I’ve told you guys before. This is when I build the relationship with myself and my body. I know I probably could mirror this and it’d be much easier for even me to read, but most people are just listening to it in the private member podcast. This is when I build the relationship with myself and my body. This is where we do our pre=planned thinking. Remember when I said you’re going to anticipate old shitty? Well, we’re going to have our equal air time. If you’re this type of person who weighs in and never feels good about their body, pre-planned thinking.


And then you’re going to go to your post-deliberate listening and directing. You’re going to get on there, you’re going to remind yourself, “This is when I build the relationship with me and my body. Here’s the thoughts I’m going to have about myself. No matter what, no matter what old shitty’s come up, no matter what the number says, today this is how I’m practicing loving myself and loving my body. By these thoughts, these chosen ones.” Then when you get done, you allow the old to come in and you reiterate all of it.


When you guys ask me, “How do I change my thinking?”, this is exactly how you change your thinking. It’s very on purpose. It’s very deliberate. It doesn’t just happen because you heard something. It’s what I am now calling paper thinking. You’re journaling. I want you to think about when you’re writing about things I want to think before I get on the scale, things I want to think after I get on the scale, things I want to think when the number’s up, things I want to think when the number’s down, all of it.


That’s called your paper thinking. When you listen for your old shitty’s and you write them down so that you have a record of the things that you think about yourself and your weight and your food and your life, you call it this is my paper thinking. This is where I get it out of my brain and onto the paper where I can examine it and look at it and put it under a microscope. When it runs around in your head and it never happens on paper, guess what happens? It becomes a lot of those thoughts that you’re acting out. That’s why paper thinking is so important.


Here’s the big idea for all of us. Corinne’s big idea. She even drew a light bulb, because y’all want light bulb moments. Have a plan. I want you to have pre and post-weigh in thinking. Then I want you to have a plan for your day. For all of you that blow up on weigh in day, because I know that’s a big problem. A lot of you get on the scale and then you just blow up. I want you to have a very deliberate plan of what you’re going to eat. All of it. Go back and look at three or four weeks worth of data and say, “All right, what are the things that I always say I’m not going to do but I’m doing this week?” It has to be planned intentionally and it has to be eaten in a different way.


Y’all got to shake things up over here. Then, I want you to have a plan for the bullshit. What this means is you are still going to have old shitty thoughts, just like you did the last three or four weeks. I want you to have a plan for what you’ll think in those moments. I want you to have a plan for obstacles, anything that’s going to get in your way on the day of the weigh in or the day after, make a list of the five things that get me off track and here’s how I’ll tackle them. You do that every week, and you don’t just do the same shit. You try new things every week until you have tried so many things that you figured it out.


Most of you try a few things and then tell me you’ve done all the things, and then you quit trying things. That’s not how it works. People that lose weight try about a million things. People who bitch that they’re not losing weight, they’ve tried about 100. How many tries are you willing to go at it until you find your success? Whatever that number is will tell you if you’re going to get there or not.


Last, you’ve got to visualize the fuck out of all of it. That’s a quote by me. The last big thing is if you really want to conquer a different relationship with the scale, pre and post-weigh in success, getting over the hump of not eating your face off because you’ve lost a little weight or gained a little weight, you have to sit and have some deliberate time in your brain where you see yourself on the scale, you hear the old, you see yourself replacing the thought, you feel how good it feels to have the new thought. You get off the scale, and whatever you do next, you go get dressed, you continue to tell yourself amazing things.


You need to visualize yourself doing all of it, and then you need to visualize yourself with that new plan for the day. You need to see yourself going out to eat, eating what you planned, stopping when you’ve had enough. You need to visualize yourself enjoying all of it. The conversation that you’re going to have that makes you feel powerful and strong in the moment, determined and motivated. And then you visualize the bullshit. You visualize yourself wanting to think it’s too hard to go out to eat and not have exactly what you want, and then you visualize yourself saying, “Oh no, I chose this because I love me and I want more for me, and I’m figuring my shit out every day like a No BS woman.”


You visualize yourself doing all that. You allow your brain to scrimmage. You know how in sports, they don’t just say, “All right, guys. Let’s all get together. Now we’re going to play. We’re going to the game. We’re not going to practice at all. Y’all watched a football game before haven’t you? Get out there.” We don’t do that. What do we do? We practice, we drill, we rehearse, we scrimmage. We do a lot of that before we ever even play the game so that we have a chance at winning. That is how you do weigh ins.


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I'm Corinne Crabtree

Corinne Crabtree, top-rated podcaster, has helped millions of women lose weight by blending common-sense methods with behavior-based psychology.

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