Updated: December 12, 2023
Episode 240: 75 Hard Review
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I keep seeing people talk about 75 Hard. Maybe you’ve even had friends try it to lose weight and get in shape.
Once I looked into it, I was like, WHOA. This can definitely perpetuate the diet myth that to lose weight, you must…
- Put a heavy emphasis on workouts for weightloss.
- Give up foods you love.
- Have inflexible rules.
- Be punished for not being perfect.
I don’t believe in that shit.
So in today’s podcast, I give you my thoughts. And I’m pretty sure the haters will be dousing me in the hater-ade. But so what? It’s my podcast, and I’ll say what I want.
At the end of the day, I’ll always tell you what I think. I’ll be honest. And I’ll always be on the side of making sure you can lose your weight in a way that you CAN LIVE YOUR LIFE.
Hi, I’m Corinne. After a lifetime of obesity, being bullied for being the fattest kid in the class, and losing and gaining weight like it was my job, I finally got my shit together and I lost 100 pounds. Each week I’ll teach you no bullshit weight loss advice you can use to overcome your battle with weight. I keep it simple. You’ll learn how to quit eating and thinking like an asshole. You stop that and weight loss becomes easy. My goal is to help you lose weight the way you want to live your life. If you are ready to figure out weight loss, then let’s go.
Corinne (00:37):
Hello, everybody. Welcome back. So today, Kathy and I are going to do a podcast that I promised our membership. So recently we had a three day camp that was amazing. It was called Transformation Weekend, Becoming the Hero of Your Story. So it was very themed around how do we start being the hero for ourself and understanding that heroes go on a journey. And so, as we were doing this whole weekend, it’s a member only event. We had 150 something people come in. In the room we had, how many? Like over 2200 or 2300 virtual?
Kathy (01:18):
Oh, it was almost 2400 virtual. It’s awesome.
Corinne (01:20):
Yeah. Virtual is in this who… We always like to call ourselves the Oprah Show meets a TEDx Talk because we do all… it’s all the stage, all the lighting, I come out to music, all kinds of shenanigans are happening. But while we were doing this weekend, several different times, things were coming up, and I honestly cannot for the life of me remember, and maybe you’ll remember Kathy, what people were talking about. We were probably talking about diet trauma, if I had to guess. One of the things that we talked about on day one was a lot of our current mindset around dieting.
Corinne (02:03):
So I want you to think about this. Whenever you think about losing weight, you probably think it’s going to be hard. And what your brain does is it goes to past diets and it remembers what life was like. And what your brain does is, now sometimes we’ll go back and we’ll have fuzzy memories that, “Well, it worked and I lost so much weight, and I was feeling so good.” That’s called hindsight bias, most of the time though. Just so you all know, I thought that that was called hindsight bias.
Kathy (02:38):
Most of that is exactly what it is. Yeah.
Corinne (02:40):
Yeah, most of our diets, what we conveniently forget is I yelled at my family every day when I got extra hungry or every weekend. I sat at home thinking that it was so unfair that I never got to go anywhere, or I would sit at home and think, “But the second this diet’s over, I am going out and bawling out.” We forget a lot of what happens to us while we are trying to lose weight. And so on the first day we went back to our past diets and we did a lot of work around what we learned as children. We went back and we learned what happened in our twenties. And we thought about these things. And we divided things up into big T trauma and little T trauma.
Corinne (03:29):
So at our camp, what we wanted to address was what was called little T. So trauma comes in two forms. One is, big T trauma is when maybe you lost a parent when you were a child. Maybe you were not treated so well as a child. We all know pretty much what big T trauma revolves around. Little T trauma though is often very painful, keeps us stuck in life. And we just don’t even recognize that we have it. And so when you are going to start a weight loss program, or you’re going to start a diet, a lot of us are thoughts about what’s supposed to happen stem from past trauma diets, where things were really hard, where we had to start, where we had to cut out every food that we loved and we could only eat certain things, and that was all we were allowed. And we were just told, “But it’ll be so great when you lose all the weight.”
Corinne (04:28):
And so what happens is, you’re getting ready to… Let’s say you join No BS. You become one of the No BS women. Even though you know intellectually that what I teach is not a bunch of bullshit tricks, even though you’re just like, “This shit is fucking simple. It makes so much sense, blah-blah-blah,” something in you though is scared. It starts generating thoughts of like, “It’s going to be really hard. This is going to be difficult.” It’s creating thoughts applied from other diets onto this new one that’s unlike any of the others that you’ve done before. And the reason why I mentioned all this is because throughout the entire weekend, this topic kept coming up because we were really wanting to help people understand how they can take authority over their life and how they didn’t have to worry about what other people thought of them and that you’re the creator of your experience.
Corinne (05:27):
And so we were really empowering people like a hero that what we want to do is learn how to save ourselves, learn how to be strong for ourselves, learn how to really be relying on ourselves. And so it kept coming up that people kept dropping into this diet is hard. And so I just kept saying over and over again about 75 Hard. So there is this diet program out there called the 75 Hard Challenge. And I’ve read about it and I’ve heard about it. I’ve known people to do it. I have been around other people who are successful who are trying to do this, and I hate it. I’m just going to tell you, here’s my honest opinion, it’s complete bullshit.
Corinne (06:12):
Now, if it’s worked for you in the past, great. Here’s what I want everybody to understand, it is based in what I would call… First of all, a man wrote it, and I don’t have anything against men, but it’s very much from a man’s mindset. And we’re going to go into what this is. And I’m literally going to tell you how you could do 75 Hard if you wanted to, but the reasons why I don’t advise it and I don’t like it. But it just kept coming up and I kept promising them I don’t want to turn camp into my manifesto and tirade as to why I don’t believe in the 75 Hard and what’s wrong with it.
Corinne (06:58):
So finally, by the end of camp, I just said, “Y’all, you know what I’m going to do? Me and Kathy are going to do a podcast on it. And then the whole world can know. And if people disagree with me after I do this podcast, great, that’s your opinion. If you think you want to do it, great, go for it. And never am going to stand in anybody’s way on doing whatever they want to do for themselves to lose weight. But I am going to tell you my opinions and I’m going to tell you what the fuck is wrong with it based on my opinions and then you can go and make your own judgements.” So let me tell you what it actually is. Kathy, you want to add anything before we even get started to all this?
Kathy (07:38):
Corinne (07:38):
I have a feeling I might end up preaching on this one. I don’t know.
Kathy (07:42):
Well, I will say just as a precursor, you talked about how it was written from a man’s mindset. I read these five things to Ken and he was like, “I’m not doing that.” He’s like, “No.”
Corinne (07:58):
Ken is like, “I’m a No BS woman. I don’t do that bullshit.”
Kathy (08:01):
He was like, “You’ll go into the things and all that.” He said, “I would never make 75 days. I would quit.”
Corinne (08:09):
Kathy (08:09):
So anyway, it was…
Corinne (08:13):
Here’s the 75 day hard challenge. I’m going to read it to all of you and then I’m going to break down a few of them. Number one, you must choose a diet and you must commit to it. Now he doesn’t tell you which one to do, which I don’t really tell people. Even when you come into my program, we don’t tell you what to do. We give you our basics, we give you my structure and stuff. But if you want to do other stuff with it, I’m like, “That is going to be your choice. I’m just going to tell you the way I’ve given it to you. That it’s all you got to do.” So he says just choose a diet and commit to it. What I don’t like about that whole mentality… In fact, we’re just going to do it point by point. It’s going to be bullshit if I try to read them all out and then go back through. I might have just rant now.
Corinne (09:02):
Most women have had diet trauma all over their life. And telling them to just go pick a diet, doesn’t help. But here’s what’s missing from that. Let’s pick a way to lose weight that you feel really good about that fits your lifestyle. What do you want for yourself? Where do you see yourself in the future living? None of that’s in there. It’s just, you just pick something and commit to it, which teaches us to just… It’s just like, “Just go get a job and show up every day for the rest of your life.” Wouldn’t you want to pick a job that’s going to give you the lifestyle that you want, that’s got a good commute, that has good benefits?
Corinne (09:47):
I mean, it’s the same thing. It’s like if you’re going to choose an eating lifestyle, if you’re going to lose weight, pick something that you see yourself doing and enjoying. But what happens is when you have something called the 75 Hard Challenge, your brain is like, “Okay, must pick diet. What’s the hardest one I ever did in my life. Let me go do that.” So it doesn’t address that. The other caveat to the pick a diet and choose one, commit it, is it’s clean eating only.
Kathy (10:18):
Right. Don’t pick a diet, but you have to eat clean.
Corinne (10:22):
Kathy (10:22):
Corinne (10:23):
And I know people will argue with me, “What’s wrong with clean eating?” There’s nothing wrong with fruits, vegetables, lean meats, all that kind of stuff. Well, there’s nothing wrong with those food. Also, there’s nothing wrong with strawberry shortcake, ding dons, and nachos either. The problem with saying clean eating only is it already segments. I want you to think what’s the opposite of clean, Kathy?
Kathy (10:55):
Not clean.
Corinne (10:56):
Dirty. If your house is not clean, you would call it dirty.
Kathy (11:00):
Corinne (11:01):
So it’s this idea of there’s the clean foods and then there’s the dirty foods.
Kathy (11:06):
It’s good and bad all over again.
Corinne (11:07):
Yeah. It just said in a different way.
Kathy (11:09):
Corinne (11:09):
And so what it does is it ends up each… You start fostering all of those bullshit thoughts that there are just these foods that make me overweight. There’s just these things happening to me. If you want to only eat clean, for God’s sakes do it because it’s like, “I love these foods. I notice I feel so much better. I could see myself doing this forever.” If that’s you, get all up in it. But if you’re like… I always think about some of my team members and stuff. And I talked about this at camp too, is they have cultural foods that mean a lot to them.
Kathy (11:52):
Mm-hmm (affirmative).
Corinne (11:53):
And when your cultural foods, your family traditions and stuff don’t fall into the clean realm, if you’re like the right family, which is, I’m a native, right? Instead of a crab tree, I’m just going to tell you right now, our family tradition food, the ones that we have sweet ass memories of, of my grandma and stuff, like granny, they are not on the clean foods list. But when you are only allowed to eat clean and you keep fostering this idea that clean foods are morally correct, clean foods are what we do, clean foods are for the successful people, that kind of stuff, then you’ve got all this food over here that means something to you that has now been bastardized. [inaudible 00:12:41] every podcast, at the root of our overweight, at the root of what’s going on with having more weight on our body than we want is not coming from necessarily the foods you’re choosing to eat. It’s coming from why you’re choosing to eat them.
Corinne (12:59):
Most of us are eating Oreos every night because we’ve had a bad day, because we don’t know how to talk to ourselves, because all day long we’re saying yes to everyone, we’re always thinking we have to do things, we’re on the go, we never give ourselves a break. And so then we choose foods like Oreos, donuts or whatever, but we’re eating them against ourselves. If you want to plan a couple of Oreos every night, go plan your couple of Oreos, but I promise you, no one is sitting around overweight because they have two or three Oreos every night, because they truly love them. You might be sitting around overweight because every single night you’re eating two or three Oreos, and then a few more, and then a few more, because the first three didn’t erase how bad you feel about yourself, your problems, your worries. It didn’t do that.
Corinne (14:00):
So this is one of the things I don’t like about when people put out, like clean eating only. It’s like there’s room for all the foods. It’s like if we’re going to adhere to something, if we’re going to make a rule, it’s like I only eat stuff because I truly love it, and in this moment, I know I’m hungry and I’m never going to have to stuff myself with it again because I’ve taken all the restriction off myself. I never have to do that to myself again in order to lose weight. That would be called the 75 easy diet instead of the hard one. The other thing he says is, no cheat meals. First of all, food you’re not married to. We eat cheating. I hate that term. A cheat meal. Kathy, let me ask you this since you’re the representative of all the listeners.
Kathy (14:59):
Yes I am.
Corinne (15:01):
When you think about a cheat meal, what are the thoughts and feelings that come up for you? Just drop yourself into thinking about… If I said, “Kathy, you’re not going to have any cheat mills. Or no, you are going to have a cheat meal,” what is your brain?
Kathy (15:18):
I get a cheat meal. I get to eat all the things I really shouldn’t eat is where my brain goes.
Corinne (15:23):
Kathy (15:24):
It’s permission to go whole hog on everything that’s bad for me.
Corinne (15:29):
Well, and that is usually the mentality that people apply to cheat meals. And I want you to think about even the word cheating.
Kathy (15:38):
Corinne (15:38):
It’s sneaking around.
Kathy (15:41):
Corinne (15:42):
It’s doing something you shouldn’t be doing. And that is the problem when we define it as cheat meals.
Kathy (15:51):
It almost-
Corinne (15:52):
Go ahead Kathy.
Kathy (15:54):
I was going to say it does feel sneaky. It feels like I’m getting away with something, I’m cheating. If you think about cheating on cards, you’re going after some result in the wrong direction. You know what I mean? It’s, yeah, just feels cheating.
Corinne (16:10):
Or even cheating on your marriage. I mean, we talk about it like we’re sneaking around with Oreos in the background. So it’s like I don’t like that term. And then there’s no alcohol. I don’t care if y’all want to drink or not, but one of the things that we teach inside of our membership, because we have a great little program for weight loss in drinking, is a lot of people do like 30 days of sobriety. And what they do is they spend 30 days or 75 days. And this is the whole essence of this first part of choose your diet, commit to it, no cheat meals, clean eating only, no alcohol, is you set yourself up for 75 days to only focus on getting through 75 days. You’re not thinking about day 76 until about day 60.
Corinne (17:03):
Then we start thinking, I can’t wait for day 76, and you start romanticizing all the foods you’re going to have. And then most of us, we do a blowout meal. What we teach ourselves is, “Hey, in order to lose weight, it’s got to be hard, it’s got to be restrictive, you can’t have all of this stuff.” But on this day we’re going to do everything we weren’t able to do as if somebody was making us do it. And it sets up that whole interplay of I’m either good or I’m bad, I’m on or I’m off.
Corinne (17:36):
And that does not work in weight loss. As hard as we keep trying ladies, it does not work in weight loss. What really works is the gray area, learning how do I go out to eat without it being a blowout. How do I go out and just enjoy some food and enjoy a little bit of what I love, maybe eat a few things that I commonly will go out to eat. If I’m going to have French fries, I’m probably having it with salad. I’m not going to have a double horse cheeseburger, French fries, and be like, “Oh, fuck, I might as well have some wine and dessert.”
Kathy (18:16):
Corinne (18:16):
I go out and I’m very deliberate about what will I enjoy the most. What’s going to be my favorite part of this meal? And what are the parts of the meal that I don’t care as much about? That I could just eat something like a salad, I could just eat these things.
Kathy (18:30):
So last weekend, Ken and I went out to eat. We eat out most weekends, but we ended up at this nice little Italian place. I ate about half my meal and we decided to order dessert. And Corinne, for the first time ever, I brought home cheesecake leftover. I did not eat the entire piece of cheesecake. 75 Hard would not have taught me to do that.
Corinne (18:53):
No. Why do you think you were making that choice? This is something that’s super interesting that I want everybody to pull out of this moment with Kathy, is that Kathy’s lost her weight and she’s had it off for a while, and she’s saying, “This is the first time I’ve ever brought home some cheesecake.”
Kathy (19:10):
Corinne (19:10):
So for all of you listening, for the ladies in the back, you do not have to be perfect, which the 75 Hard will get to in a minute requires perfection, right? You don’t have to be perfect to have lost your weight, become a weight loss coach, podcasts on weight loss, you still can be learning how to do these things all the way through. So what do you think has changed?
Kathy (19:36):
Just the way I talk to myself about food. I mean, it sounds super easy because it is. When you’re eating, you know how much am I enjoying this. I just start to listen to myself. When I hear in my head, “I wonder if I’ve had enough of this,” I really sit back and think, “I wonder if I’ve had enough of this. I can take this home. This will be fine tomorrow.” I just start…
Corinne (20:05):
So why hasn’t those thoughts always been there is the question, because if that was just this last Saturday, what was the thought before?
Kathy (20:12):
They’ve been there.
Corinne (20:12):
Okay. Tell us the difference.
Kathy (20:14):
I just paid attention to them. I just decided to listen.
Corinne (20:18):
Kathy (20:19):
I just decided to really just take a pause and think, “Well, maybe we just notice that these thoughts are here. Wonder what they’re trying to tell me.”
Corinne (20:27):
So what if you’re not thinking that? What if you’re sitting in the audience and you’re sitting there with your cheesecake and you’re looking and thinking, “Have I had enough?” And your voice is like, “No bitch, we haven’t, there’s still cheesecake on the plate.” Right. Were you ever in that place?
Kathy (20:42):
Well, that’s what-
Corinne (20:43):
I’m sure your voice [crosstalk 00:20:44].
Kathy (20:43):
Absolutely. No, it may have on certain days. No, there were days where I was like, “Oh no, I better clean my plate before I change my mind.” You just really get good at listening to what your brain is throwing at you about cheesecake. You just really get good at listening to it, and then you get good at thinking to yourself, “Is that helpful?” I mean, it’s just that easy. Is that helpful? What would really be helpful right now? Is if I’m not enjoying the rest of this cheesecake like I really want to, I better will tomorrow.
Corinne (21:25):
Mm-hmm (affirmative).
Kathy (21:26):
And I think that’s what it boils down to. Is just taking the drama out of it.
Corinne (21:32):
Yeah. And I think also for people to understand when they’re really still enjoying it versus when they’re not.
Kathy (21:39):
Corinne (21:39):
When you’re thinking you need to eat this, you’re done with the enjoyment part. Now you’re feeling compulsion.
Kathy (21:47):
Corinne (21:48):
I think all of that’s a good thing for people to pick up on, because what did you say your original thought was?
Kathy (21:56):
I better quit eating this before I change my mind. Or no, I better keep eating this before I change my mind.
Corinne (22:02):
I better keep eating this before I change my mind?
Kathy (22:02):
Corinne (22:03):
Now, how does that thought feel?
Kathy (22:06):
That feels urgent.
Corinne (22:08):
Kathy (22:08):
Corinne (22:09):
Yeah. Sneaky.
Kathy (22:10):
Yeah, sneaky. Well, we’ve talked before I was the sneak eater for my whole life. I was the one who was going behind people’s back and hoping they didn’t count the Oreos because I was going to have some. I didn’t want anyone to know.
Corinne (22:21):
That’s one of the things I think I want all the listeners to pick up on before we get back to 75 Hard, is that like Kathy just started listening to those thoughts, you’re going to listen and you’re going to… A lot of people will tell me the reason why they’re finishing their food is because, “Well, I just love it. I’m just enjoying it.” This is not even in the script for this podcast, but I want all of you who self proclaim, “Well, I overeat because I love it and it’s just so good,” I want you to really listen the next time you’re eating something you love through the entire thing.
Corinne (22:56):
Go ahead and eat all of it if you want to, but I just want you to listen to the conversation and see, are you truly sitting there the whole time going, “Oh my God, this by 32 is ecstasy. I’m so in enthralled with this.” Most of us are not doing that. What most of us do is we love the beginning. It’s like, “This tastes so good. I rarely get this. It’s so tasty. This reminds me of my mama’s cheesecake.” We’ll have some thoughts and we’ll be eating it, but at some point once your body starts getting enough, I bet your thoughts start changing. It’s not love anymore. It’s like, “This taste so good, I don’t want to stop.”
Kathy (23:43):
Mm-hmm (affirmative).
Corinne (23:45):
Which is not creating love anymore. It’s now feeling like urgent again. So for all of you, if you’ll just listen and you’ll just pay attention to those things, it can be a game changer for you, because then you can be like, “So I can stop telling my myself that the reason why I overeat is I love food so much. I can now start telling myself the reason why I’m overeating is because at some point I think I shouldn’t stop because I might not get it again.” Or whatever that you’re thinking so that you are at least in integrity and truth with yourself.
Corinne (24:25):
And then you can open up the conversation of, “Okay, but we’re planning this more often, maybe we don’t have to finish.” And that’s I think what’s happened with Kathy over the years, is challenging these thoughts away from the eating situation. She got real aware of what she was thinking, but away from eating, she is thinking about that stuff. And how does she want to think about it? And what’s true and what’s not so that she sees herself changing later in the moments? This is one of the things why I don’t like 75 Hard. This is the stuff diets should be teaching. All the weight loss programs out there, this is exactly the stuff that we’ve always needed and they’re not teaching us. And we keep getting new iterations of 75 Hard reinforcing old bullshit mentality that does not address our emotions, that does not address our needs, does not help us craft who we want to be, it’s just we got to at some point draw a line in the sand.
Corinne (25:34):
All right, that was just number one. Number two, which I’m okay with, drink a gallon of water a day. Nothing but clear plain water counts. Now I deviate a little bit here.
Kathy (25:48):
I’m not okay [crosstalk 00:25:49].
Corinne (25:48):
I don’t care if you put some shit in your water. I mean, I drink something called Xtend, X-T-E-N-D, for everybody is always like, “What’s that [inaudible 00:25:56] stuff you drink?” I’ve been drinking Xtend for 15 years now. I love it. If anybody wants to know, I get the grape, I put two scoops in a gallon of water every day, and then here we go. So if you want to add a little flavor into your water, it’s fine. The one thing I do like about this is he’s trying to get you to drink water, which is always a good thing. I would love for him to explain more reasons why water’s important. If y’all don’t know, go look through the podcasts. I’ve talked about water and how much you should drink, and what your pee should look like, and all kinds of stuff in multiple episodes.
Corinne (26:32):
But at the end of the day, he and I we can definitely agree that I think that most of us need to start at a baseline of 64 ounces. No one should be drinking less than that in my opinion. I ain’t got no science to back that up, but I’m just thinking, if you want to lose weight, you’re probably going to need at least 64. Most people are going to need more than that. Another rule of thumb that a lot of people use is divide your body weight in half and start with that many ounces. So whatever you weigh and divide it by half. But at the end of the day, get more water in. It’s going to help curve cravings, it’s going to help you sleep better. For all of us who have a hundred pounds to lose like me, more water, less loose skin.
Corinne (27:17):
Doesn’t mean it’s going to clear it all up, ladies, trust me. I’ve got it to this day, but had I lost weight, dehydrated on top, I wouldn’t even want to know what that would’ve looked like. People ask me all the time, why does my skin look so good? I swear to God, it’s because since I’ve been in my early thirties, I got real serious about water. I have always been hydrated and I think that’s why my skin tends to look good. Plus I like the Botox, let’s just be honest.
Kathy (27:45):
Well, and the other thing water does, especially for me, as I’m on the downside of the fifties, it keeps my skin hydrated. I’m not itchy.
Corinne (27:57):
Kathy (27:57):
Especially in the winter time, it really helps keep you from getting a lot of dry skin.
Corinne (28:03):
Well, also even women of our age, when it comes to libido and sexuality, you want to stay hydrated because you want downstairs to be hydrated too. Here’s what the body does, if you’re not hydrated, it’s going to take lube and liquid away from all the non-essentials. When you’re our age, it doesn’t think that it’s essential for you to have a baby anymore. So guess what’s going to dry up first, it’s going to be the desert down there. Well, seriously, I listened to Dr. Sonya Wright, and she has a podcast for-
Kathy (28:46):
I love her.
Corinne (28:47):
Yes. She’s one of our No BS women.
Kathy (28:49):
She is awesome.
Corinne (28:49):
But she also happens to have an amazing podcast on sexuality and stuff. And I listen to Dr. Sonya all the time, and I know that she will get behind me in saying you ain’t doing yourself any favors being dehydrated, you’re experiencing some [inaudible 00:29:04] downtown. At least start with that and see what happens. Number three, here’s where it gets juicy everybody. You bitches, if you’re going to do 75 Hard, you’re going to have to do two workouts per day, 45 minutes each, hate [inaudible 00:29:21], and one of them got to be outside, rain, sleet, or snow. It’s like, “What? Are we postman?” I’m like, “God, I’m going to go postal if I have to do this.” And I’ll be honest with everybody, I did this when I was doing a bodybuilding competitions. I did two workouts a day for four years. It ain’t fun. It also is hard. No, I didn’t do all that, I was already breaking the 75 Hard because I didn’t do one of them outside every day. But this doesn’t help you lose weight.
Corinne (30:02):
I’ve got two big issues with this. Number one, let’s just talk about exercise in general. If you’re going to move your body, I want you to fall in love with it. I want you to do it because it’s who you want to be, and that you’re going to go and pick shit that’s going to suit your lifestyle, that’s going to suit your body, that’s going to suit where you’re at. I started with walking in the very beginning because it’s just all I could do. It’s all I could even get my mind wrapped around. I was like, “Well, I can go walk for 15 minutes a day.” I felt like my thought was, I believe that at 30 something years old, I should be able to walk 15 minutes a day and override bullshit excuses. Humans need to walk. That’s why we got two legs.
Corinne (30:51):
So I was just like, “I’m all in on that.” And it was something that I could agree to. But when we have to do two 45 minute workouts a day, one, they don’t really give you any kind of guidance on what would even be good for you. So if it’s 75 Hard, guess what your brain’s going to do? Go pick fucking 90 minutes worth of hard shit twice a day, basically. So you don’t want to do that. I just think that it just makes us already commit to a very bastardized relationship with exercise, and especially I see a lot of people do this challenge who have not been exercising at all, who aren’t in good shape, and they end up getting injured. I can’t tell you how many people that I have read who end up with some kind of injury, because from day one, they’ve got to do two 45 minute workouts.
Corinne (31:41):
So I don’t like that. I don’t like how it just makes… It doesn’t even ask you what kind of relationship you want with exercise. Why are you moving? What would feel good for you? What do you see yourself doing long term? What would you like to try? It doesn’t do any of that. The other thing that I don’t like about it honestly is, number one, I don’t understand why one of them has to be outside. I don’t even see the purpose of it. I’m sure he’s got good reasons, but I can’t figure that out. I’m like, if it’s raining, snowing or storming, and you miss a workout, we need to teach women more things like this. That that’s a legit reason to not go. If you’re going to be outside and it’s lightning, or there’s sleet on the ground and stuff, that’s not even safe.
Corinne (32:36):
You know what? I didn’t get into this shit because I was making very reasonable choices with exercise. What this doesn’t teach is, when am I quitting because I just don’t want to, I’m just giving in to justifications and whims? And when am I saying no? And it’s purposeful, it’s beneficial. This is a no habit I would like to continue. That’s my biggest problem with this one. And it’s almost the whole thing, but this one in particular, because it’s so black and white on the exercise rule, is that it doesn’t help someone understand. I don’t want to teach women how to just make themselves do something when they don’t like the reasons, when they’re injured, when it’s not safe. I think that’s bullshit. What I want to teach women is, if you’re going to not do something that you said you would do, I want to teach women how to go back and check, do I like my reason?
Kathy (33:37):
Yep, absolutely.
Corinne (33:38):
If I don’t like my reason, then this is the moment I make myself do it, because I’m going to override my immediate desire. But if I love my reason, like my child’s sick, and then what I’m going to do is I’m not going to work out today, I’m going to plan tomorrow right now, I want to teach women how to be there for themselves, not to just do things because they said they would and it’s the rules. I think women we have spent generation upon generation doing things because it was the rule for us. And we need to teach women more about you create your rules. You are the one who gets to decide and design the life you want. Let’s just learn how to design and decide the life you want from a good place, not from your lack, not because of what some man said, not because of what society says. And I think that that’s one of the things that this rule… It just bastardizes the relationship with exercise to me.
Corinne (34:44):
I think exercise, I would love for all of you to do it at the end of the day. I think it’s a beautiful gift. I’ve never felt stronger in my life than when I started moving. I’d never played sports, I’d never done Jack shit in my life when it comes in the exercise realm. And when I decided to do it, it was because I wanted to be an athlete. I just thought that would be amazing. And so I was very committed to going, and I would love it if all of you fell in love with it. And I know not all of you will. Like my mom is not an exerciser. Never has been, but as she’s gotten older, my mom’s lost 120 pounds. She has started walking some. Not every day because she has to, but because she’s like, “You know what? I like that I can, and I want to.” She gets in her little pool, and she gets out there and she does her movement, not because she has to because of weight loss, but she does it because it’s like, “I notice my joints feel better.”
Corinne (35:47):
That’s what this doesn’t teach. I think that this two workouts per day, 45 minutes a day, rain or shine, blah-blah-blah, it’s not teaching us to fall in love with exercise. It doesn’t mean that some of you won’t do that, and some of you will fall in love with exercise, but you’re starting it from the place of, this is going to help me lose weight. The best thing that will ever help you to lose weight is to learn how to have an amazing relationship with yourself, to stop having the relationship with food in place of yourself, and to start learning how to move your body, because you’ve learned to love your body, not shame your body and then go move it. Do you want to add something?
Kathy (36:31):
No, I was just thinking about my own journey. I started losing weight in January of 2013. And you started teaching me how to exercise that summer. And I was thinking about why did I go to that beginner bootcamp? And it was because-
Corinne (36:49):
[crosstalk 00:36:49] Kim told you.
Kathy (36:51):
No, it wasn’t Kim because Kim was [crosstalk 00:36:56].
Corinne (36:55):
Kim was [crosstalk 00:36:56] to hear me speak.
Kathy (36:58):
Yeah, she’s the one that made me get right. Somebody else invited me. But I thought, maybe I’d like to learn how to do that. I never tied it to I need to do that to lose weight. Looking back, I just never did. I think it was more of I don’t know how to might be fun to learn something new. I’m feeling a little bit better now, because I was six months in. I was a third of the way in, so that probably would’ve been about 25 or 30 pounds. I probably just crossed over into the 100s.
Corinne (37:31):
It’s probably why you probably also always stuck with it. I know you don’t work out in bootcamps. I mean we had our bootcamp days and stuff, but you still are very intentional about including movement. I mean, you’ve gone through your yoga phases.
Kathy (37:46):
Corinne (37:46):
I know you like walking and stuff.
Kathy (37:48):
Corinne (37:48):
I mean, I-
Kathy (37:49):
Yeah. Three or four times a week, we do a 30 minute weight training video.
Corinne (37:55):
Kathy (37:57):
Corinne (37:57):
I think it’s because you never made yourself do. You never tied it to… And this is the other thing that happens with exercise and weight loss too often, is when we tie the two together, I’m going to exercise to lose weight, this is what I’m going to do, then when you do lose the weight, then you’re like, “Oh my God, I got to keep the exercise habit up or I’m going to gain weight.”
Kathy (38:20):
Corinne (38:20):
And when they’re co-mingled, they’ll be co-mingled in a bad way. I’ve always liked to think of the exercise is very separate from my weight loss. I have always found that the healthiest way for me to think about weight loss and maintenance is it starts and it ends in my mouth.
Kathy (38:38):
Corinne (38:39):
That’s where maintenance happens, that is where weight loss happens. And when I always remember it starts and ends with my mouth, then I’m very focused on what the problem is and what the solution is. It’s my mouth. It’s what’s going into it. And that always is from the head down. I like to think of it that way. When with my exercise, I always like to think of it as this is how I’m strong, this is just what I do, this is how I feel good. And also it motivates me to eat better. On the days that I exercise, even when I want to have some… The other day I did this big full body circuit. Hadn’t done a full body circuit. Let me just tell you, I was so fucking sore too after that. I don’t know what got into my head, but I was like, “I’m going to do it. I haven’t done circuits in forever. I want to do this full body circuit with ropes, all kinds of stuff.”
Kathy (39:42):
Corinne (39:43):
I had an amazing time. I had the ass jams pumping in the garage. I was going ham. I just felt good that day. So I thought I’m going to do this. Well, the later that day Chris was asking, did I want to go and have some drinks. And I literally said, “No, not today, because I did a really good workout this morning and I know I’m going to be sore. And so I want to give my body the best food it can get today.” I was like, “I’m all in on,” making that pay off. That’s where I would love for all of you to get to with exercise, is so that you are using exercise as a way to challenge yourself, love yourself. Today, I just went on a three mile walk.
Corinne (40:30):
I had a class I wanted to listen to, something that I’m studying about designing the future you stuff, because we’re going to be doing a huge workshop and kickoff for all of our members. All members are in that. If you haven’t saved your spot, you don’t have to save your spot. But if you haven’t marked your calendar, January 2nd everybody, we’re spending a full day together. We’re doing a mini camp. It’s included in your membership. You’re going to love it. And it’s all going to be about 2022, the year of you stuff. So anyway, I was listening to a class today because we got to write content for it. And all I wanted do was walk. I knew today was one of the days where I wanted to be moving and listening and inspired.
Kathy (41:10):
Mm-hmm (affirmative).
Corinne (41:10):
And that is how you build amazing relationship with exercise. You will not have an amazing relationship with exercise thinking I have to do this to lose weight, right? Because every day that you don’t do it, and even when you have a good reason, you’ll think, “See, I’m not going to be able to lose weight.” It’s not a great mindset to establish. Number four, I don’t disagree with this one, read 10 pages per day. He wants it to be nonfiction, self development of some sort, but it can’t be an audio book must be a real book.
Kathy (41:48):
Corinne (41:48):
Okay. So he and I were there. We are on the water. We’re a little bit there. I think that this is amazing. I would love more people to do self development every day. I think your brain is the best investment in yourself you’ll ever make. And for all of you that like, “Corinne, I think shitty. Corinne, I don’t have the most amazing thoughts.” One of the best way to drown out your thoughts is to put somebody else’s in. It’s like listen to this in self development. I don’t think you have to read a hardcover book. Some of us don’t even do well with hardcover books. I think we’ve done a podcast on different types of learners and things like that. You can go back and listen to that one.
Kathy (42:36):
Mm-hmm (affirmative).
Corinne (42:37):
But Kathy is a good example of someone who buys the audible plus a real book. And she reads along with the person, because when she hears it and she’s reading it, she gets so much more out of it. I’m the kind of person who literally gets way more out of listening. When I’m listening to something, I can focus more and I hear more and extrapolate more audio wise. So video and audio work really well for me. I do like reading books, but my attention span is way harder to wrangle with a book.
Kathy (43:14):
That’s my problem. Yeah.
Corinne (43:16):
So y’all read some stuff every day. If y’all want to follow one thing he says, I’m like 10 pages per day, 10 minutes of listening a day, just keep it at the 10 to keep it simple. I think that that’s great. I do like the idea of it being self development. But I will say this, my son is always up my ass because I don’t ever read anything but nonfiction. He’s like, “You need to expand mama.” I think for some of you, you could read anything. I think the point of this one is to allow your brain to focus on something else, even if it’s to get into a good juicy book for self care.
Corinne (43:59):
I would like to see this one change more into like, if you like self development, do some self development, if you want to read the Bible and you want to be spiritual, read your Bible. If you just want to spend 10 minutes a day reading a trashy novel, because that’s how you unwind and that’s how you get in your mood or whatever, I think that’s beneficial too. I keep going back to what I don’t like about 75 Hard is it’s set up to just be really hard. And I don’t think we have to keep making life so hard. I don’t like that mentality. The last one is take a progress picture every day. I don’t really know why. I don’t know [crosstalk 00:44:45].
Kathy (44:44):
Corinne (44:46):
Go ahead.
Kathy (44:46):
He says on this one, if you’re a dude shirt off, if you’re not a dude, [inaudible 00:44:53].
Corinne (44:53):
Kathy (44:54):
Corinne (44:55):
Does he say why? Does he give his reason why this is important?
Kathy (44:59):
He wants you to be able to see your progress.
Corinne (45:02):
Kathy (45:05):
If you’re clothed, you’re apparently hiding your progress.
Corinne (45:09):
Okay. Here’s ways to see your progress that matter. Track your fucking habits, show your progress there. There’s a thousand ways to show progress other than taking bra and Penny jailbird short of yourself every single day. Now, it’s not that it’s bad. It’s fine. But if we’re going to track progress, let’s track progress of what’s changing in our life. Are my moods changing? Are my emotions changing? Are my relationships starting to change? Are my habits starting to change. Track the real shit that matters. If you want to take some photos and stuff, I think that’s fine.
Corinne (45:52):
I honestly, I have also taken photos of myself in my past, because if I’m going to do a lifting routine, I want to see, do my shoulders actually get any bigger? What happens? Be curious about it. I think one of the things, and I don’t know this for sure, but I have heard that this program was created because he sells something on… I ever heard this and I don’t know if this is true, but I’m just going to tell you what I’ve heard. But that this program was created because he had something he wanted to sell, and he did want to create something that not only he could get in shape with and he could get committed to, but he also wanted to put it out to the public. And the more people that did it and had success, they might want to… Does he have a book or something?
Kathy (46:39):
Yeah, he talks about how the program itself doesn’t cost anything, but he has written a book and the book is not for-
Corinne (46:48):
And I think that’s fine.
Kathy (46:50):
Corinne (46:50):
At making money. I have nothing against anybody making any money. That is not what I’m talking about here. But on this one, I can’t really tell exactly why a photo every day… I just think it’s tracking the wrong progress. It’s the same reason why I don’t have clients way every day. That is the result of the work you do. And so what I would like to see is, have some results driven stuff. But track your habits. Track how many days you finished the day proud. If you do my stuff, I ask you to make a plan every day. Track how many plans you’re making, track how many plans you’re following. And if you’re not following them, look into the ones you’re not following and then do the self-discovery of what do I need to do to follow it, what are the reasons why, what were my excuses, what were the things I was telling myself, how could I think differently with a thousand podcasts on that.
Corinne (47:53):
But that’s I think where I have a rub here, is in general, the whole thing, it doesn’t feel like it’s written in a way that explains why this is even important. It doesn’t get to the root of what our real problems are. I’m sure it works for some people, but in my mind, I think it’s just time that we quit promoting that weight loss is hard, and that we quit promoting that creating eating habits that you want, creating an exercise style that you want, it doesn’t have to be so hard, so strict. This thing feels to me like it’s set up as if it’s a punishment. So here’s one of the other things. Those are the five rules. There’s also zero deviation.
Kathy (48:50):
Yeah. This is the crown jewel.
Corinne (48:52):
Yeah, crown jewel of this program.
Kathy (48:55):
Corinne (48:55):
You have to do 100% of the program every single day. If you compromise on anything, three minutes short of a workout, one page short on your reading, bitch, you got to start all over. [crosstalk 00:49:10].
Kathy (49:10):
From day one.
Corinne (49:11):
[crosstalk 00:49:11].
Kathy (49:10):
Corinne (49:11):
From day one.
Kathy (49:14):
Yeah. If you mess up on day 12, you’re done, back to day one.
Corinne (49:19):
Oh my God. He says this is a mental toughness program it’s not a fitness challenge. Yeah, I would call this a mental toughness challenge, but why does it have to be tough is my question. In my mind, we’ve all, as women, tried to do it the tough way for too long. To me, doing the tough way has a lot of self-loathing involved, a lot of telling yourself you have to do things, ordering yourself around like parents probably did as a child, all that kind of stuff. It does not have to be this way. This is not what I teach. If you listen to any of these podcasts, you’ll know that we are not going to do anything we’re not willing to do for the rest of our lives to lose weight. We are going to do the program that we can see ourselves doing and living our best life. And we’re going to get there.
Corinne (50:18):
And so, when you start saying you have to start over, that is going to trigger most women to say I’m broken. One more thing that didn’t work. When we think, oh God… If you’re on day 50 and you’re like, “Fuck, today’s the day that I needed a break. Now I’ve got to start all over?” You have missed the opportunity to celebrate the 50 days that you did it. There’s none of that built in this program. It’s a zero sum game. This is what really bothers me about it, is that it perpetuates that to lose weight, it’s got to be hard, you got to be perfect. That it doesn’t build any relationship with yourself or with food, it’s just a bunch of rules with no context around the person you want to be. And I will say, this is probably… I can’t say that it’s around no context. This program was written because this is obviously somebody who wanted to prove to themselves they could do something hard and that they thought if they do this, they’re officially mentally tough.
Corinne (51:45):
You could do this and at the end not be mentally tough. You could get all the way through this and on day 76 be terrified you’ll gain your weight. That’s not being strong. You could finish this and go on a big binge and think, “See, I didn’t learn anything.” You could finish this, eat some foods you weren’t normally eating, and then gain two pounds and think, “Oh God, I’m going in the wrong direction.” That’s not mentally tough. It didn’t teach you how to do any of that stuff. It didn’t teach you how to unwind all of that. And that’s the problem with it.
Corinne (52:19):
So I just want to say one more time, because here’s what’s going to happen, I’m going to release this podcast. Hundreds of thousands of people listen to this podcast every single week. It’s likely to get shared a lot, and the haters are going to come. All the people who were like, “[inaudible 00:52:35]. What do you mean? It changed my life.” I think that’s great, but I will bet you, the majority of the people who have tried 75 Hard that I talk to on a regular basis will tell you it did not work. It didn’t teach me. I just worked out every night and still felt crappy about myself. I was proud that I was working out, but I was still beating myself up over the mother that I am.
Corinne (53:03):
I was still sitting there thinking after I lost weight on 75 Hard, I didn’t lose enough. I didn’t look the way that I thought I would. I’m just as afraid of food as I was on day one. I have a whole list of foods now that I’m terrified of eating because I didn’t do it when I was losing weight. So now I don’t know how to be around those foods. What if I want to have a piece of cake? It didn’t teach those things. That’s going to be my big beef with it. And it’s just where this guy and I have a totally different mindset when it comes to what women probably really need when it comes to losing weight for the absolute last time. Do you want to add anything to that, Kathy?
Kathy (53:49):
I was thinking there was a few things I could add, but I think you summed it up beautifully. This fosters an all or nothing, on or off, good or bad mentality. And I think what we teach is that it’s when you eat off plan, it’s when you don’t like the reason you had the cheesecake, that’s where the learning is, that’s where the self love work is, the self-compassion work. And it’s in those areas between the good and the bad, and the black and the white, and the on and the off that you really start to develop your own self concept and your own belief in yourself. I don’t know that doing 75 days of this would create that belief in me. I just don’t. I think what it would tell me, what it would teach me is that I could do this for 75 days.
Corinne (54:47):
Kathy (54:47):
It wouldn’t teach me that I could change my life and the way I think about myself.
Corinne (54:51):
I could to it to the day that I drew my last breath.
Kathy (54:57):
Right. Because I have powered through some diets before and I still ended up at No BS figuring it out.
Corinne (55:05):
Yeah. And that’s the thing, is I think this diet is about just powering through, it’s not about changing as a person. Now, you may end up changing as a person going through it, and you might be one of the few where your thoughts will just naturally change and all these other things. But the majority of us don’t, majority of us have grown up diet after diet with our mamas. And we don’t change our thinking, we just keep thinking that when we lose weight, when we complete things like this, everything will be different. And we end up noticing nothing is really different, I’m just thinner. But I’m still looking in the mirror every day, still picking my body apart. I’m still getting on the scale every day. I went from worrying I’ll never lose weight to worrying now I’m going to gain it back.
Corinne (55:54):
I never learned how to quit worrying. I never learned how to teach myself how to believe in me, how to recognize what I was doing and stuff. And that’s my fundamental differences. We got to get more into teaching people that losing weight is a mindset. It’s a mindset shift and it’s an evolution in your mind. It’s not just powering through another program that looks good on the internet. All right. The haters come but the lovers come too. Here’s what I’m going to choose to believe, more of you will love it.
Corinne (56:35):
This is always what happens. A few people are going to hate it, but a whole lot of you are going to love it. And if you loved it, you share it. Especially if one of your friends is fixing to jump on that bandwagon, and just tell them, “Hey, if you want to do it, that’s great. Listen to this first though. Just make sure it’s what you really want. And if it is what you really want, get all up in it. If it’s not, figure out what you truly do want, and then go find the program that’ll suit you for that.” All right. Y’all have a good week. We’ll talk to you next week.
Audio (57:05):
Thank you so much for listening today. Make sure you head on over to nobsfreecourse.com and sign up for my free weight loss training on what you need to know to start losing your weight right now. You’ll also find lots of notes and resources from our past podcast. Help you lose your weight without all the bullshit dieters. I’ll see you next week.