Hi. I’m Corinne. After a lifetime of obesity, being bullied for being the fattest kid in the class, and losing and gaining weight like it was my job, I finally got my shit together and I lost 100 pounds. Each week, I’ll teach you no bullshit weight loss advice you can use to overcome your battle with weight. I keep it simple. You’ll learn how to quit eating and thinking like an asshole. You stop that and weight loss becomes easy. My goal is to help you lose weight the way you want to live your life. If you’re ready to figure out weight loss, then let’s go.
All right, everybody, welcome back. We are here today talking about weight loss motivation. This is our weekly Clubhouse and it’s also our podcast for the day. We’re going to talk all about weight loss motivation. But before we get started, what I want to do is I want to introduce Sarah, who is our Clubhouse extraordinaire, moderator, and then Kathy and each of us are going to just tell you a little bit about ourselves. Because the neat thing about Clubhouse is we don’t only just have amazing No BS women here, but we also have lots and lots of people who are new to me, new to Kathy, new to the podcast, and new to everything in No BS Weightloss.
So I am Corinne. I am the host of the Losing 100 Pounds podcast. I’m also the Founder and CEO of the No BS Weightloss program. To date, I think we’ve had at least a half a million people go through our free course that I created, where it teaches you three easy steps to get your weight loss journey started. It’s the three things that I really started paying attention to when I started my journey to lose 100 pounds. And then we just want to just welcome all of you in here and let you guys ask questions, do the things. And every week, our intention is always to give you something … We’re going to give you weight loss motivation every week. But this week, we’re going to really focus in on it and talk about practically. So I’m going to let Sarah and Kathy introduce themselves. And we will get started.
Hi. My name is Sarah and I’m on the No BS team. I help print with the marketing. Before I was an employee, I was a No BS woman and lost over 100 pounds using the program. And I use the things that I learned to lose weight to build the life that I love. I quit smoking, run a half marathon, and now I have my dream job. So I’ll be your moderator here today facilitating the conversation and getting people up on stage to ask their questions live. That’s it. I’m done talking.
Good morning, everyone. I’m Kathy. I am, I don’t know, probably a good description of what I do for Corinne is I take what she wants in the membership and I make it happen. I am a project manager and I helped build out the team. And I too, like Sarah, have my dream job. I met Corinne in 2013 at a church retreat where she made so much sense when she busted through all the diet rules I had in my head and said, “Why don’t you just make this easy for yourself and stop eating when you’re not hungry and stop over eating. And this is something easy that you can do, and just do a little bit of a plan every day.” And with her common sense approach knowledge, I lost 80 pounds, I’ve kept it off. I feel great in my body. I’m a healthy grandmother. And I’m just living life now like I wish I had lived it for the past 55 years. So it’s a great place to be. And I’m super glad that you’re here tonight. And I’m finished talking.
So what we’re going to do is I’m going to start things off today with talking about a few things about weight loss when it comes to getting motivated. And then if you stay to the end, Kathy and I are going to talk about 10 ways that you can motivate yourself to lose weight. So let’s just talk about weight loss motivation in and of itself as a concept. I have never met a woman who wants to lose weight, who does not sit around and say like, if I could just get motivated, I’m not motivated, I wish I was motivated. We think about motivation as something that something outside has to like come in and somehow cheer us up and get us going and all this other stuff.
I’ve just been a big believer that what we want to do is we don’t want to wait for motivation to strike before we take action. And I think that that is one of the things that is really going to stop you if you’re trying to lose weight. The only thing you need to do, don’t sit around and wait to be motivated before you start. That’s like saying, before I do good things for myself that I logically know are going to be helpful and I logically know are going to get me losing weight, feeling better, in control of my food and all that kind of stuff, I need to wait to feel really good about it before I’ll get started. If you were feeling really good, you just be doing it, you’d already be doing those things.
So what I like to teach people is we don’t want to wait for weight loss motivation. What we want to do is we want to start creating environments and start doing things where the body byproduct of it is we get more motivated. So let me tell you how this worked when I was losing 100 pounds. I was not motivated on day one. I was literally in the shitter on day one. I was sitting on my couch looking at my son, I cried my eyes out because I knew I was not only 100 pounds, I was at least 100 pounds overweight. I was depressed as fuck. All he wanted to do at 10 o’clock in the morning was, he was one years old, he wanted his mama to play with him and I was exhausted. I wasn’t just physically exhausted. Trust me. I was pretty physically exhausted.
I was one of those people that couldn’t walk up a flight of stairs without being out of breath and when I got to the top had to stop for a minute to catch my breath, so that then I could go to the bathroom or then I could go get dressed. But I was like mentally exhausted. I sat around every day thinking about how overweight I was, what a disappointment I must be to my husband, that I was probably going to pass on obesity to my kid. I sat around every single day just basically thinking about what a fucking shit show my life was. And there was this day when my son looked at me and I just started crying. And I knew that like somewhere in a deep level that I could not wait for motivation. The day for me to be excited and to spring up and go do something was not coming.
But what I could feel was compelled, willing, I could feel determined, I could feel lots of things that did that didn’t necessarily generate excitement, or happiness, or motivation, or all of those feelings that we crave so much in weight loss. What I could do, though, is for me, it was a lot about I got to learn how to feel willing each day because I was going to have to override all the shit that I was thinking about myself. I could feel committed each day if I chose really small things to do for myself, because I knew when I first started, it was like, all right, what’s the minimum that you can do? Because we’re going to figure this out, we’re going to do little things, and I’m not doing a damn thing ever again to lose weight that I’m not willing to do for the rest of my life.
I knew that every time I’d failed at that in the past, it was because I was trying to do these 180s. I was trying to do way too much. I was trying to do stuff that the version of me who lost all her weight was doing, and I was trying to do that on like day one or day 20. And I knew that that was the reasons why I was failing. I wasn’t mentally prepared yet. I couldn’t override every urge. I couldn’t override every time I didn’t want to do something. I couldn’t override feeling deprived and all that kind of stuff yet. What I could do, though, was figure out how to start doing some stuff that challenged me just a little bit, but it would be easy to override my bullshit. So I started with like a 15 minute walk.
I have a famous ice cream story. I wasn’t ready to give up my ice cream. But after a couple weeks, I was done eating straight out of the carton and I was willing to put it in a big ass bowl. So I had to pick things that were easy and attainable for me where I was keeping my mindset straight on, if I just keep doing small things I know that’s moving me in the right direction. One of the coaches who works for me said something a few weeks ago, coach Yesenia, that was so pivotal. She said, “I just kept telling myself …” I think Yesenia is a young mom with PCOS and all the things and she’s lost like 25 pounds, somewhere around that range. And she said, “I’d rather be inching forward than going backward.” And that was me. I had to decide that moving forward was way better than sitting around judging myself or forcing myself to do shit I wasn’t ready for, that always set me up for failure.
So what ended up happening was as I made those small changes where I could learn how to commit, I could learn how to show up, I could learn how to not want to do something in the moment, but do it anyway because the things were small, I then started getting more motivated. Motivation, to me, is the byproduct of what you get when you start showing up because you’re willing. The more you commit, and the more willing you are, and the more little wins you collect, then motivation starts getting built. You’re setting yourself up to have situations where you’re showing up and it’s so much easier to have a thought that I’m doing this. This is working. I’m so proud of myself.
And we have to give ourselves those opportunities in weight loss because the diet industry right now is not teaching us that. They are only teaching us that we deserve our pride, we deserve our own congratulations, we deserve success when we finish, when we get all the way there and it doesn’t work. So that is one of the things that I really wanted to start off with today is when we think about motivation, I think it’s all … Like, if you get it in the beginning, count yourself as one of the blessed and lucky ones. But stop putting off your dreams, stop putting off the work and stop putting off everything you want in life because you’re sitting around waiting to be motivated. It does not drop out of the sky. It is earned.
And it isn’t earned with heroic efforts, it’s earned each day looking at the day and figuring out, what can I do today? What’s a little bit better than yesterday? What am I ready for today that I can build upon for tomorrow? And that’s where motivation is coming from. So I’m going to let Sarah and Kathy take over. You can either ask questions or you can … We just want to have a conversation. If Kathy wants to talk more about it, we can go into that.
Corinne, I love everything you just said. You articulated motivation in a way that totally resonated with me, and I’m sure with so many people who are listening.
You better love it, Kathy, or I’ll fire you. Wait, it’s not my day.
That’s right. I’m safe.
Kathy only going to be fired on Mondays. We agreed somewhere in like Episode 50 of the podcast.
That’s right. That’s so funny. I have six days of grace. But seriously, I think about when I teach my clients about motivation, I always add a visual. I add the visual of a snowman. You never walk outside after 6 or 8 or 10 inches of snow or however long it is and a snowman is standing in your front yard. You have to build that snowman. And it always starts with the tiniest little snowball. Motivation is you showing up willing and committed to build your snowman out of that tiniest little snowball. It takes rolling it around in the yard, sometimes uphill on days when it feels a little bit harder, sometimes downhill, those days that where it’s a little bit easier. But eventually you’ve got the base of your snowman. Then sometimes you have to start with another small snowball.
Basically, it’s just you just keep showing up and pushing it just a little bit further, rolling it across the yard just a little bit further until finally you’re able to put a hat and a scarf on your snowman when you’ve reached your goal. I love the visual of the snowball into the snowman to talk about [inaudible 00:12:10], to do a little bit more work and a little bit more work. And sometimes that work is easy, and sometimes it’s not in order to achieve that ultimate goal. That’s all I wanted to say about motivation.
Kathy, I love that visual. What a great way to represent getting started in building motivation. So my question actually for you, Corrine and Kathy is, it sounds like to get motivated, I have to start doing things even when I don’t feel motivated. So what are some thoughts that I can think to start getting me started and start doing some little things in my weight loss?
Well, one of my favorites is, because I use this one to work all the time when I have something like with work that I don’t want to do, and this can translate into weight loss, it can translate into if you need to exercise or whatever, I just tell myself, I don’t need to … Like a lot of times I’ll think like, I just wish I was motivated. And I always tell myself, I don’t need to be motivated. I need to be willing. Like when I think about weight loss, when I think about life, I think about all the things that we do, willing is one of the most unsung heroes of our feeling like life. And we use it a lot but we don’t even give ourselves credit for it. It’s just like when I think about …
There’s a lot of things that we don’t want to do in life. Like, most of us don’t want to take our kids to school in the morning, we may not want to pick them up, we might … I will give you one of my willings. Sometimes I don’t want to have the boom-boom, and it’s time for the boom-boom, but I’m willing to do it. And it’s because I tell … I’m not sitting around thinking about not being motivated. I’m actually spending more time thinking like, well, I need to do it, or I’m going to do it, or it’ll be worth it, or I don’t have to be motivated right now. And here’s the reasons why it will be worth it.
I think that’s another part of it is when you’re looking to get … Just basically do something you don’t want to do, it’s figure out … I think a lot of us will allow ourselves to obsess over not wanting to do it. And I’m like, stop obsessing over the not wanting to and start focusing on why it will be worth it. How you might feel when you complete it. Can you just do … Like, one of the things that we use inside of the No BS membership, the private membership, we do a lot of work with clients on, can I just. Those three words are so powerful to get you doing something when you don’t want to. There’s something that happens inside of you.
It’s like when you don’t want to do something and when you say, well, can I just, and you break down whatever it is that you’re not wanting to do into a little bitty small step. Once you take it, now your mind is not so focused on but not wanting to, it’s now thinking about what you’re doing. And a lot of times it can self-motivate wait to go from, well, I’m willing to do this first small step. Now that I’ve done that, I’ve created some momentum. And then I’ll do the next thing. And then I’m more motivated to finish. And also, this is the other thing that I was thinking about when you ask this question, is motivation doesn’t always feel exciting.
I think a lot of us when we think about motivated, we’re just like, yeah, and we have like sports figures in our mind. And they’re all in a hurrah circle, going nuts and high-fiving and dancing. A lot of times motivation is very quiet, stealth and subtle. I want you all to think about, like exercise is probably an easy one to think about. If you’ve ever dreaded a workout like, I just don’t want to do it. And you’re like, all right, I’m just going to start and if I don’t want to finish, it’s fine. So you do a couple things. The next thing you know is like, well, I’ll do this. So you start getting more willing. Next thing you know, momentum is kicking in. You’re doing a little bit more.
Then all of a sudden, is like you’re pushing yourself, you’re challenging yourself. And then the next thing you know, you have finished a workout because at some point, can I just and willing changed over to a little bit of momentum, changed over to this isn’t so bad, to hey, let’s go, we’re almost done. And just motivation came on the backside. So it was like it was never dramatic. It was never this epic moment. It’s like almost like a dimmer switch. When you don’t want to do something, think about, can I just, is where you just start turning on the dimmer switch, then as you keep taking some steps, eventually the light is bright.
And the nice thing about can I just also when it comes to motivation is that when you get started, if you really … Somebody asked me this yesterday, how do I know the difference between not wanting to do something and I need to push myself versus not wanting to do something, and it’s actually a good decision to not do it? I always say get started. And most of us can rely on if we start and we are not going to finish like a task, whatever it is that you’re trying to do, your brain will say like, we need to stop, we need to stop. And I would just always trust that you have that inner intuition on those things. But just getting it going a lot of times overrides the just basic, I don’t want to. I just think it’s a good way to kind of think about the difference between, do I need to push myself or not? It’s like, well, get started. And I think that pushing yourself will organically happen for you or you’ll know.
There’s lots of times where I’ll start doing something and I’ll get kind of in the middle. And I’m like, I didn’t want to do it in the beginning. Now I’m kind of in it, I am actually tired. I am actually these things. It’s a good decision. It’s a beneficial decision to stop. Then sometimes I’ll get started and I’m like, getting started wasn’t as bad as I thought it was going to be. I just needed to get started so I can shut down that part of my brain is bitching and moaning. So that’s my answer.
Thank you for answering the question. I really love that. Can I be willing? What am I willing to do? And can I just do something? Those are really two powerful things to think. Now here at the top of the hour, Corrine and Kathy will be sharing 10 easy things to do to start building your motivation. So stay tuned. Kathy has some comments here about motivation as well. But before we get to Kathy, I’d like to open up the stage to anyone who has a question about weight loss motivation. So if you have a question about weight loss motivation, please raise your hand and we’ll get some people up here on stage. Just be prepared to mute yourself when you come up here so we can keep the recording clear for everyone. The mute button will be at the bottom right hand side of your phone. All right, Kathy, what do you have to say on this?
So Corinne is going to laugh. She knows me. When she said sometimes you just have trouble getting started, I was over here silently in my kitchen raising my hand going, that’s me. Sometimes I just need a kick in the pants to get started. And that’s okay. I know that about myself. So what I do, here’s what happens in my brain, my brain will go, I don’t know what to do next. What should I do? It’ll kind of swirl out thinking that there’s a wrong choice. So what I have to offer all of you today is that there’s no wrong choice. Just take that one step. Like Corinne was saying, can I just take that one step, whatever it is. And if you are asking this question of yourself, what should I do? Where should I turn? Answer the question. Don’t let yourself just keep asking questions.
Your inner intuition is going to take care of you. You know what to do. Never tell yourself you don’t know because you do. You know what that next small step can be just by saying, can I just make a plan today? Can I just open my computer and read the first email. Getting started is the key to motivation because once you pack that first snowball, and you put it in the ground, you start to roll it, then all you got to do is keep making those small steps.
I love it. Easy and small steps is where it is at. Today, we’re talking weight loss motivation here on the Losing 100 Pounds with Corinne podcast. I’m going to just do a quick room reset, and then we’ll open it up to questions. If you would like to come to a live reporting, the Losing 100 Pounds with Corinne podcast, we are here on Clubhouse every Tuesday at 9:00 a.m. Central. If you’re listening to the podcast, you can go to to join our club and skip the waitlist to join Clubhouse. And if you’re new to Corinne and would like more information about how to lose weight without counting, without doing any kind of crazy diet and restriction or without working out, you can go to and get that free course. Or if you’re listening to the podcast, go to
We have some really exciting things happening here. I’ll talk about it in about 15 minutes. We are going to be having a challenge at the end of July coming up. So with that, let’s get to our first question. Kelly, good morning. Would you like to unmute and ask us your question about weight loss and motivation?
Hi. Thank you so much, Corinne. I’m just such a huge fan. I joined Life Coach School last year to lose those eight pounds. I find myself doing such a good job every day until about like seven o’clock at night. And it’s a consistent pattern of like Lucky Charms every single night. And I know it’s a feeling, urge buffering issue. But I was just wondering if anyone of you on stage had any practical ways of just sort of pushing against that evening struggle that I have. Thank you. This is Kelly.
So inside our membership, we call it the witching hour. Just about everybody, almost every woman I’ve ever met who’s trying to lose weight, always has their own witching hour. So a lot of times if you’re a teacher, it’s very often between 4:00 and 6:00. I’ve seen a lot of teachers where they’ll say, the second I get out of school, I come home, there’s kind of like this dull period and it’s then. For a lot of other people, it’s after dinner. It starts around between the hours of like 7:00 to 9:00 and we start wanting to eat. One of the things that I watch a lot of people do is they want to like, tell me what I can do about this. And it won’t help you.
I can tell you a thousand things to not do. I mean, the easiest one is, well, don’t do it. I mean, there’s a lot of tips and tricks and hacks you can do. But if you don’t fix your brain and why it wants it to begin with, then all you’re going to do is have tips and tricks and sit there trying to do those while your brain is still screaming to eat, while it’s still wanting what it wants, while it’s still seeking what it needs. One of the things that you can try when it comes to the witching hour, and I believe we have a podcast on this. I know if you’re inside the membership, we have a lot of calls on this. If you are one of the No BS women, and you’re like, I heard Corinne talking on the Clubhouse. Where are the calls? Where are the lessons on this? Post in the Facebook group or asking us coaches and we’ll give you links to everything. We have lots of lessons on this concept.
But one thing that you can do, Kathy, is you can like tonight, just tell yourself for tonight, I’m not going to eat the Lucky Charms. I literally just want to listen to why my brain wants it so bad. So the first thing that will happen when you do this, it’s called a thought reveal. The first thing that will happen is your brain will offer all of the whiny ass bullshit excuses. But we want it, it’s been a long day. It will run through, first of all, the Rolodex of excuses. And also for everyone listening, if you go to Rachel Hart’s podcast, Take a Break with Rachel Hart, she has a drinking podcast. But she’s got two podcasts that are really good. One is called the Rolodex of Excuses, and then she has a 2.0 version of it. It’s a really good explanation as to how our brain, it just knows all the things to tell you to set you up to get you to eat. So we got to bypass that first.
So we got to let our brain kind of have a moment to talk about the things. But what you really want to do is once you get past that, you need to ask yourself, okay, so I’m not going to eat and I’m listening to my brain. Why do I think I do want to eat? How am I going to feel if I eat? For a lot of people, what I noticed, nighttime eating comes down to it’s going to allow you to relax. It’s like we push ourselves all day long. We push ourselves all day long. We push ourselves all day long. And at the end of the day we have what’s called the adrenaline drop, where cortisol and adrenaline has been like basically running the show all day long. Then, the way your body does is it slowly ramps it up like a roller coaster all day long. You just keep having thoughts of like, I’ve got to do this. I should be doing this. This deadline is coming. I’m so busy.
So adrenaline and cortisol is really good to get you to do all that stuff. The problem is our body is not really good or efficient at ramping us back down. If it knew how to ease us out of it, we wouldn’t immediately want Lucky Charms. So it’s like a roller coaster. Like a roller coaster all the way to the top and then seven o’clock hits, you’re going downhill and you’re going down hill fast. So you dip below feeling good. And so now your brain is like, I want to feel relaxed. I don’t want to feel the letdown of the day. I don’t want to feel worn out from the day. I want to feel relaxed. And so it’s like Lucky Charms, bitch, that’s going to be the answer. Let’s have that.
So what you want to do is you want to really pay attention and figure out, all right, if I’m not going to eat, what is it that my brain is wanting? If your brain is wanting you to relax, to feel relaxed, that means that you have … So for everyone listening, the feeling of relax does not come from Lucky Charms. It comes from your thinking. And what most of us do is we’re craving relaxation, but then we’re jacked up until we eat to distract ourselves from what we’re jacked up over. So I noticed like a lot of times the thoughts that people have to work on is if you’re not eating, and then you get past all the I want this, I want this, I want this talk. The next thing you kind of roll into is, well, you really shouldn’t be just sitting on your ass. There’s so much to do. Or, why don’t you just check your email? Why don’t you just check social? What about this thing today that you said that no one liked.
Our brains on default, if we’re not eating, and we don’t know how to manage our brain, then the habit brain is just going to offer up all bullshit. That’s not relaxing. And so what we want to do is not keep solving a brain error problem with Lucky Charms. You need to learn how to, okay, my brain is going to want to think I should be doing more. But if I’m really just wanting to relax, I’ve got to … Like, my next level work for weight loss is learning how to relax without guilt, relax without thinking I should be doing something else, to think that this is the perfect thing that I can do for myself right now, to change the narrative around myself care, to change the narrative around my evenings. That’s where the real work and weight loss comes in.
There’s a lot to unwind when it comes to nighttime eating and what else is going on. But since you are in like an LCS, like I said, this will help you at least kind of start pulling on the right threads. But I’m going to tell all of you, you don’t need more tactics on how to not eat. Because if we take your food away, and we don’t change how your brain is talking at night, all we’re doing is taking away the food and leaving you with your broke ass brain bitching and moaning and whining, and that’s why you feel like you’re deprived, you’re denied, why it’s so hard at night, why it’s intolerable, because we really do have to change our thinking at night. We can’t just keep trying to change what we do. We have to change what we think so that we can change what we do. And I hope that’s helpful Kathy. Kelly. Sorry.
Yeah. I’m Kathy. She’s Kelly.
I ain’t got my new prescription yet, Kathy. I’m hanging on by a thread over here with these glasses.
I can say all the things because it’s Tuesday. We’ve already established that. Hey, the podcast you were talking about is called Why Do You Eat At 8:00 p.m. So that’s what I would search iTunes for. Why Do You Eat At 8:00 p.m. 8:00 p.m. under the Losing 100 Pounds With Corinne podcast. Kelly, here’s what I have to offer you. I don’t like eating reactively. Okay, let me tell you what that means. When I eat, I want to enjoy my food. I want to know that I’ve planned what I’m going to eat. I’ve planned what I love. I don’t want to eat because I’m tired, or I’m relaxing, or I’m sad, or I’m worried. I don’t want to eat for those reasons, because I like to taste my food. It’s kind of like, just a little sidebar, I also don’t do smoothies because I like to my food.
So I have all these lush thoughts about when I want to eat and how I want to enjoy my food. I love Lucky Charms. I don’t want to eat them at seven o’clock at night because I’m tired. If I’m going to eat Lucky Charms, I’m going to sit at the table at breakfast with really cold milk and a bowl of Lucky Charms. So that’s what I have to offer you. When you hear that voice tonight at seven o’clock that says we should have some Lucky Charms, Kelly, ask yourself is this how I really want to eat my Lucky Charms? Is this really the way I want to react to my day? I’m a very linear thinker, so I asked myself those questions and then I answered them. And I decide if I like how that decision makes me feel.
So I hope that helps you a little bit. Being so intentional with what you eat and when you eat and enjoying it rather than reactive to a tough day or the kids hollering or whatever it is, your partner’s climbing the walls. Whatever it is that’s when you decide whether or not you like your decision about whether or not you’re going to eat, and it becomes more of a proactive decision rather than a reactive decision.
Thank you very much. It was fantastic. I appreciate everything this morning. Thank you.
Thank you, Kelly, for your question. Kathy, I think that linear thinking and those questions you offered are very powerful, and a great way to figure out how to enjoy your food and lose weight too. With that, we’ll go to our next question. Cheryl. Good morning, Cheryl. Do you want to unmute and ask us your question about weight loss?
Good morning. Thank you. I hope you can hear me. I’m using a new headset. My question is, I’ve recently got the free course, again, and I’m looking forward to the open enrollment. I understand it’s going to be an August for the tribe. My thing is journaling. I don’t even know where to start. I mean, I can start writing down what I plan to eat this next week, but we’re a household of six people and that changes because we alter who’s cooking and all this stuff, because I have what I refer to as permit children that live here that are very supportive. But I never know. For me, as far as journaling goes, the only thing I’m really writing down is what I plan to fix this next week. But I know there’s got to be more to it to keep myself going.
Because it’s like, okay, I plan the week on my days to cook. And then of course, I eat the same thing every day for breakfast, I eat the same thing for lunch. Other than some days, I’m trying to learn when I really feel hungry, not just because, I’ve been working since 4:30. My days starts at 4:30 a.m. Pacific time. And it’s like, it’s nine o’clock, it’s breakfast time, it’s break time, I’m going to go eat. Well, this last week, when nine o’clock comes, I don’t feel hungry. I’m just going to get up and throw a load of laundry in or something like that. So I’ve been going back and crossing things out that I said, I’m going to eat breakfast this day. And I end up not eating it. But other than that I really don’t understand or know what to journal, and how to keep myself going as far as journaling every morning and then every night. If that makes any sense. I’d appreciate some help.
So this one is super simple. One, when you join the membership in August, we have just finished spending a whole month on what we call Thoughts 2.0 inside the membership, you’ll have access to that. But module two of No BS is all about getting your ass journaling. So we’re going to teach you everything you need to know. So don’t be in a rush. We’ll cover it all. But between now and then, journaling is a lot simpler than what we all make it out to be. Like when you become a member, I give you a planner. And it’s got basic questions in it. I tell people all the time, if you never do any freeform journaling, which freeform journaling is basically where you’re just going to answer … Like, you’re just going to write what’s in your brain. Anything that you’re thinking.
It’s a very messy, no form, no outline type thing. And I think that’s what throws most of us. It’s like we think there must be this process, there must be this way, there must be this thing that happens with journaling. It’s like, no. I sit down every morning and I’m just like, today I need to do this. I think it’s going to suck. Do I really want to think that way? Not really. Do I want to think about that? I just write like, I might even just write like, yeah, and I got to do the cat box. The first level of journaling is always just write whatever’s naturally in your mind. It could even be I hate journaling, I don’t even know where to begin. This sucks, blah, blah, blah, blah. That in and of itself, for all of you who do not like journaling, you know what it tells you? You have a shitty relationship with journaling.
It’s like if we knew that journaling was going to change your life, would you want to journal every day only thinking those things? Or would you want to think, I’ve never liked journaling before, but I’m going to do it every day for two weeks to see if my relationship with it can change. Journaling sucks. I don’t think I want to think that anymore. I just want to think I journal. So a lot of times it’s like journaling is a lot more plainer than what we think. But when you join, one of the things that I do is I give you a planner. And in that planner, it’s not just about writing down your food. I ask you some very targeted questions. And if you never did freeform journaling, that would be journaling. That would be plenty.
Inside the free course, if you take that page, I asked you a couple of questions on there. That’s journaling. You can just do that Cheryl. You don’t have to do anything else. Now, a basic way to get started for all of you is to ask yourself, how do I want to think and feel about my day? Most of us what we do … If I was going to start all of you with any kind of journaling, I would probably bypass finding your shitty thoughts. Because then unless you’re going to be a No BS woman, and you’re going to go through our process where we teach you how to find shitty thoughts, we teach you how to change shitty thoughts. We go through all that we start really redefining how you think like we get past your self loathing, we get past like the demotivating thoughts that you have, we really teach you that process.
If you’re going to do it on your own, I would much rather you guys start with just give yourself the opportunity each day to write down how you want to think and feel about your day. I want to think today I can handle what’s coming. I want to think today that no matter who cooks dinner tonight, I can eat when I’m hungry and I can stop at enough. What do I want to think and feel? And if I think those things, I want to feel confident today, I want to feel willing today, I want to feel motivated today. So if I want to feel those things, I’m going to think these things today to get there. I would start everybody with that. If you want to layer in one other thing … And one thing I’m grateful for today or, like if you are someone who has a lot of fear around food, one reason why I’m strong around food, one reason why I can handle food today, one reason why I can stay in control.
If you’re someone who doesn’t like themselves, one thing I do like about me, one thing that I’m willing to like about me today, one thing I’m willing to tell myself today about me that’s good. Those are journaling prompts. But we’ll have your back, Cheryl, when you get in there. One thing I did want to address is your idea that other people cook, so therefore you don’t know what’s happening. Never think that. That’s a terrible thought. It’s not even true. I know all of you are like, but what if somebody is cooking dinner and they don’t tell me? And I got to just roll up in dinner and not know what’s on the menu. All of that sounds like it’s so true. But if it feels like shit, if it feels scary, if it feels unknowing, if it feels out of my control, it’s not useful.
So many of you have got to put a dead ass stop on your useless thinking. What would be more useful in thinking about when someone else is going to be doing the cooking and not give me the menu? The most useful thought would be, great, I’m really glad. I know how to stop eating when I’ve had enough. That’s such a more useful way to think. So we always want to be thinking in the most useful of terms for ourselves. What’s going to be motivating for us? When we think about weight loss motivation, it’s so much about empowering ourselves, it’s so much about thinking about things in terms where we take control over our thoughts and feelings, where we take the reins of nothing is outside of my control. I never sit around and allow myself to believe something’s outside of my control. A lot of us want to focus on those things. I don’t ever allow my brain to go to focus there.
I’m always like, no, here’s what’s in my control. Most of the time, it’s my thoughts. There’s almost always something that I can control in a situation. It’s just like if somebody else is doing all the cooking, or you’re going on vacation, and other people are picking the restaurant, or you have a kid that’s got travel baseball, and you don’t ever know which restaurant the whole group is going to pick and stuff like that, it’s never out of your control. It’s never out of my control. I’m always just like, here’s what’s in my control. I can make a suggestion for a restaurant. I know that I can always look at a menu and figure out something that will work for me. I know that if I’m determined enough, I can ask for substitutions from the waitress.
I probably bet I can get any restaurant to substitute things and make something work for me. I know that I will always sit and eat until enough, I know that I could eat here and take half home. There’s always things that we know, there’s always things that’s in our control. But what we do is we lie to ourselves and we focus on like … But if it can’t be perfect, then I must not be in control at all. Guys, there is gray all over the place. We just have to be willing to put our brains focus there. That’s all I got to say. Thank you, Cheryl.
Hey, Cheryl. I have two quick beginning journaling suggestions for you. I was not a journaler when I started either, but I found that these two things really helped me. Corinne early on had me list three things that went right today. Just write three things that went right during your day. Then the other one was a lot of times you know if you’re sad, or you’re happy, or you’re anxious, or you’re worried. Ask yourself why? Why am I sad today? Why am I happy today? Why am I motivated today? And just write for one or two minutes. If you can clue into that feeling, then you’ll figure out what thoughts you like and which ones you don’t because you’re journaling about why you feel that way.
Thank you so much for your question today, Cheryl. We appreciate you coming up here on stage and being brave enough to ask it. It’s a question I think many listeners have.
Thank you so much. That is exactly what I needed to hear, especially about when other people are cooking, I have had. I had it in my brain, I had no control over what I was going to eat. But I do have control. I have control over how much I eat or even if I eat it. Just because they’re cooking, it does not mean that that’s what I have to have. Because I just got told while I was listening, my little note came in from my son saying, we’re having this pasta dish for dinner. I don’t eat pasta. I just don’t like it in the heat. I mean, it’s going to be not super hot here in 80s. But still, it’s hot for me. But I don’t eat pasta in the summertime. It’s just too heavy for me. And it’s like, great, here we go. But then I’m listening to Corinne going, you don’t have to. You have control over those thoughts. And that’s exactly what I needed to hear today. Thank you. And I cannot wait for you guys to open up in August. Thank you.
Thank you, Cheryl. What a beautiful segue. I just wanted to give you all some dates, if you’re listening, so get your calendar handy. If you would like to sign up for the free course that Cheryl is taking, you can head over to Or if you’re listening to our replay, head over to Corinne does run a course called the No BS Weightloss program. It’s a weight loss course, and membership that you can join. And we will be opening our membership up for new members, August 4th through 7th. But before we do that, we always like to have a challenge week free and open to the public. It’s called the Food Made Easy Challenge. And that’ll be the first week in August, August 1st through 7th. And we’ll start signups for that on July 25th.
So if you take the free course, you will for sure get an invitation to come to the challenge. So just make sure you head on over to our links. All right, we have time for two more questions today. And then at the end of the hour, we’ll be sharing 10 ways to motivate yourself to lose weight. These are 10 simple things that you can do, and Corinne and Kathy will share those at the end of the hour. So let’s move on to Kelly. Good morning. What is your question?
Good morning. Thank you so much. I just wanted to say this has been a fantastic program. I did join the tribe several years ago, and wasn’t quite ready. I’m going to be rejoining in August now that I’ve done a lot of work on myself. I’ve been doing the 24-hour plans for the last three years. And then at the suggestion following, I believe, several of your podcast, I ended up getting Brendon Burchard Planner and following that as well, which has helped out significantly with breaking out my day, creating small steps, as Kathy was saying, so that I can make goals, break them down so that they’re more palatable, and I can accomplish them.
One of the things that I have been struggling with, however, is retraining my habit and my brain to check back on my plan at the end of the evening or before I retire for the evening. I was wondering if you had any suggestions on how to create a better habit to check that in the evening. I have it set up where I get to the office early, I work through the full planner, I work through my plan for the day. And I’m great at following everything while it’s out there in front of me. In the evening, I don’t check it as often. And sometimes I really wish I had retrained myself so that I could check in, accomplish a few extra things on that list and not come back to it in the morning and say, shoot, I meant to do that, but didn’t get to it. And I know this will come with time. But if you have any suggestions, I’d greatly appreciate it.
Well, first, I’ll just go ahead and tell you welcome back when you come back. I’ll just tell you now. Also, I just want to give you some kudos to for being a member. A lot of people do leave because they may not be ready. One, I think you’re going to be blown away at how the program has evolved since you’ve been a member. We have sophisticated how we teach. So if anybody here is a past member, you will not be coming back to just the same stuff. Oh, my gosh, it’s just so much better. I mean, I’m so proud of the work we put into everything for you guys. So with that said, it’s not easy though. Like a lot of times when people quit a program, they also quit on the things that would work for them. Because they just decide, well, if some of it didn’t work, all of it won’t work.
I just want you to like be really proud of yourself that you left the program knowing you weren’t ready, but you didn’t throw away everything simply because of that. I mean, I just think that’s going to make your comeback so much stronger. So I did want to say that. So let me just tell you how I do journaling and then a couple of ideas that I had real quick. Which is, number one is I don’t check back in at night. I always do my assessment of my food and everything before I make my plan for the next day. So I get up early in the morning, I do my food plan, but I do my assessment from the day before first and I kind of do all my work around what worked and what didn’t.
I have found for me personally doing it that way helps me make better decisions for the next day. So I’m like coming fresh off of my evaluation, and then I’m making a plan based on what I learned from the day before. So for a lot of you, that might be more helpful. That doesn’t work for everyone, but I will just say that has been very powerful for myself. If you’re talking solely about like, I make a really great plan, I follow it. But there’s just a part of the day where, and this is very normal, where your brain all day long is like using emotional gas. And so you start off with a full tank, you’re driving all day long. So by the end of the day, if you think about it, if you went on a long trip and you drove all day, you wouldn’t have to get more gas. You’re running out of gas. Your brain kind of works the same way.
So it’s not crazy for you to kind of have less memory, less capacity, less motivation, less all of those feelings, because our brain it just expends all day long. So a couple of things that you can do to know that happens is look at what you plan for the day and think about, all right, of this list, what am I most likely to forget at the end of the day? Put that on a sticky note and put it someplace where you can’t miss it at the end of the day. Like, these are the things I need to remember. Maybe it’s the food you want to eat for dinner. Because for a lot of us, we’re great at following our plans at breakfast and lunch, but it’s dinner. So it’s like, let me just write what I commit to myself on a sticky note. And I put it in the kitchen where I’m most likely to be doing my bullshit eating and stuff so that I have got some guardrails for myself at night.
It doesn’t mean the sticky note will make you be compliant. But what a lot of us do is we don’t give ourselves an opportunity to have to see what we planned, to have to notice what we had intended earlier in the day, and to at least give ourselves the choice to be like, yeah, that’s what I was going to do tonight. So now at least I have a decision point. What most of us are doing are planning in the morning and we don’t really give ourselves a decision in the evening. We’re just rolling through, eating are Lucky Charms, doing the things that we always do, hoping that today will be the day that we suddenly are motivated to make a new choice. If the last 10 days you’ve Lucky Charms or you’ve blown past your shit at night, day 11 is probably going to be the same. That’s the way our habit brain works.
So if we want to override our habit brain, we have to start doing some things that are different that says, all right, I need to get my reasoning and my conscious brain woke up at night. So where can I put a sticky note? For a lot of you, if you have kids or you have partners that are in it to win it with you, especially kids love nothing better than to nag their parents, and to remind them of the things that they … Like exercise superiority over the parent. So for a lot of you, it’s like, tell your kids in the morning, hey, tonight, mom’s going to eat this. If you see me grabbing some chips, remind me that I don’t have chips on my plan today. Do the same thing with your partners. Put sticky notes in places.
You all, I’m going to promise you this is not going to set up disordered eating for your children. What it does is it introduces the idea that you can have a conversation with your kids about how like mommy eats chips when she really wants them. Sometimes what I’ve noticed is I’m just bored or I’m just tired, and I’m eating chips. And I don’t want to eat like that anymore. I really want to start listening to my body. You don’t have to say like you should do that. But think about kids. One of the lessons we want to impart on them is to not boredom eat, to not just be eating because it’s after a long day and stuff. That’s easy, subtle ways to also exercise influence over the people you love while getting their support to help you along the way. So that’s just a couple of my ideas, Kelly. I hope that’s helpful.
It is. Yes. Thank you.
Thank you so much, Kelly, for coming up here and asking your question. We look forward to having you as part of our membership in August again. We’ll get to our last question from Amy. And then right after Amy, Kathy and Corinne are going to tell us the 10 ways that you can quickly build some motivation for your weight loss. All right, Amy. What is your question this morning?
Hello. Good morning. This is Amy. My question is based on over this past year, I’ve lost over 75 pounds with a physician supervised very low calorie diet type thing. And about a month ago, I started the fear and anxiety of what next when I’m to my goal. One of my friends told me about the fit and fat and everything. So I’ve been listening to your podcast, which has been really helping. And today is the day, my last day I go see my weight loss doctor. And I’m moving to maintain. I have another 25 pounds but I want to do it over the next year and really join you in August is my plan.
I guess my question is some tips of motivating me now that I’m not being supervised every week with that in person visit how to stay motivated through till August. Any tips you have? Because now I’d like to incorporate what … I’ve been slowly moving regular foods back in over the past month, but like adding fruit, different things like. Like, how to motivate myself that I’m still on course that type of thing.
Okay. I love this question. And I am going to help you so much Amy. Trust me, when you come in, I would highly recommend joining us because you’re next 25 pounds and all of this, I can tell this by the way you’re talking, it’s all mental now. This is the part where we got to get the mental stuff going. Because if fear and anxiety … This is what’s amazing. You’ve lost 75 pounds. Most people in this room be like, fuck, if I lost 75 pounds, I’d have no worries. I’d be badass naked, running around, cheering myself along, buying all the jeans, I would be happy. No. She’s got fear and anxiety. This is why weight loss does not make you happy, your thoughts do.
And so like rather than saying things like this, and Amy, I want you to take notes, because here’s the thoughts I want you to start thinking. Rather than thinking, it was never the doctor, I was the one that was motivated to drive my ass there every week. I was the one that talked to myself. I was the one that talked myself into doing what they said every single day. It was never about showing up there, it was never about their plan, it was about my execution, my willingness, my determination. These are the exact reasons why I won’t have a problem moving forward. I already know how to be motivated. I already know how to be willing. You have done what most of us do and are taught by the diet industry, which is it’s the plan you follow. It’s the doctor you see. It’s the thing you do that made you successful. Uh-uh.
There’s just as many people that probably signed up with your doctor who did not follow through on the shit that he told you to do. You had to make the decision, so you are the one who gets to own that. So that means that you already have the skill to keep going and to do it. You don’t have any reason to fail. None. Until your brain starts thinking like, well, I don’t know. I’m not going to be seeing the doctor anymore. Fear and anxiety, worry and doubt starts creeping in. Well, what’s going to happen? I lost it this way, but I’m adding foods back in. Fear and anxiety, worry and doubt start creeping in. Rather than thinking like, this is going to be great. I’m going to figure out how to add the foods back in, I already know how to experiment, I already know how to like pay attention already know how to like … Reminding yourself of what you know.
I just love that you asked the question because it is so important for all of us to remember that it doesn’t matter what you do, we have to give ourselves more credit. And I think that that’s what you need to work on for the … Sorry, my phone started ringing. For the next few little bit until we open the doors, I want you to spend this time telling yourself, it was always me and here are the things that I did. I get to feel good about this. This is what’s going to give me motivation. The motivation is going to come from you writing each day about why you’re well equipped for this, how you made all this happen, and that nobody else gets the credit. We’re done doing that. So I hope that was helpful.
Yes, thank you very much. I really appreciate it.
Congratulations on your success so far, Amy. I know just by coming up here and asking the question that you will be successful. So thank you for your bravery and congratulations on your success.
Thank you.
All right. Corinne and Kathy, are you ready to kick it off the or kickoff or end the hour with 10 ways to motivate yourself to lose weight?
I feel like it’s the David Letterman show, Corinne, the top 10 ways.
I’m going to read them off. And Kathy, just keep on miked. And if you want to add anything, go ahead. But here are the things. Number one is you have to determine why you want to lose your weight. If you do not know how to do this, we have a podcast, it’s episode 157, Why Do You Want to Lose Weight? We will talk to you about how you find your why’s, why why’s are important and all other things. So number one is determine why you want to lose weight. The second-
And I think this is a big topic and your challenge week that you have coming up as well. Is that right?
Yes. So when we do the challenge and on July 25th through 31st guys, when you sign up for it on Wednesday, I actually take you through the exercise of how to find all of your why’s. I will explain a little bit deeper than the podcast goes into. It’s how do you use your why? I think we all understand we have to have a why, but I will be talking to you about how do you use it, what’s its purpose, and how do you make it work for you and all the nuances around it. Number two, focus on small habit goals. So for you guys, what I want you to think about, if you want to be motivated each day, it goes back to what I talked about in the beginning. Motivation is the byproduct of committing and doing something. So once you are willing and once you are committed and you do something, then You’re more motivated to keep going.
So the way that I lost weight was I knew my history. I was not good at committing and being willing to do epic sweeping changes, 180s. But I could do small things. And what I told myself, I’d never told myself it wasn’t good enough. I always focused on this is going to help me tomorrow. This is going to help me feel better today. So focus on your small habit goals. Number three, plan food that fits your lifestyle. So when you take my free course, I talk to you about planning your food and about how we’re going to include all of the foods. If you take the challenge, there’s also a day where we talk about how we drop good food, bad food mentality. I think what you’ve got to think about, like for me when I first started losing weight, I knew that we ate out and we weren’t going to not eat out for a while. I didn’t know how to cook so it was either eat out are we going to starve, and that was how we’re going to lose weight, is starvation.
So I planned fast food. I just made sure that those things always went on my plan and it was very intentional. And I ate it when I was hungry. And I stopped when I had enough. And I made sure that I planned fast food like … Let’s say you have a busy family, there are some nights your ass is not cooking and you know it. And everybody in the minivan is going to be begging to hit the McDonald’s. Okay, let’s quit feeling like a failure because we landed McDonald’s every single week. Let’s just plan McDonald’s and plan it like a sensible ass person. If you roll up into the drive-through with fuck it mentality, I’ve screwed up, I shouldn’t be eating this, you’re getting a Big Mac. If you roll up into the drive-through with this is on the plan, this is what I decided ahead of time, you’re probably eating like maybe a Happy Meal because you know you don’t need a Big Mac to have enough.
You plan differently when you plan from permission. You eat like an asshole when you do it from denial. Number four, keep a weight loss journal. We explained all about a weight loss journal and Episode 194, write your way to instant weight loss success. So you can check that out. Number five, celebrate your successes. I teach this all the time inside of No BS. Women are not socialized, we are not taught, we are not told that we’re good enough, that we’re amazing, that we should celebrate. We just don’t know how to do it. And that shits got to change. So I don’t care if you leave one behind. Let’s say that you’re eating a sleeve of Oreos, and you catch yourself and you’re like I’m leaving the last damn Oreo. I just noticed, like over here binging on some Oreos. I usually just finish it because I’m in a fucking moment. Today, no, ma’am. Not today, Satan. I’m leaving the Oreo.
You need to celebrate your success. You need to celebrate yourself. Every little thing counts. The more you acknowledge yourself and the more you celebrate, just like when I was coaching the girl earlier about her weight loss, the more you do that, guess what, you feel better. Most of you are trying to lose weight to feel better emotionally and physically. Well, if you want to feel better, talk better to yourself. Stop obsessing over what’s wrong with you, stop obsessing over what you didn’t do today, stop obsessing over what wasn’t enough, and start talking to yourself like a hero. Every little thing counts.
Number six, find social support. Weight loss is a fucking lonely journey. You cannot afford to sit around and keep trying to do it all by yourself and be stuck with your brain that says, nobody else eats this way. Nobody else thinks this way. I must be the broken one. Something’s wrong with me. I’m too old. I’m too busy. I’m too whatever. You got to find social support because you need to be around other people who are lifting you up, who are talking about the same things you are to normalize your brain. So here’s some ways that you can do it.
First of all, you should all be following me on Instagram. If you’re on Clubhouse, you need to click on my little profile, you need to follow me. If you’re listening to the podcast, corrine_crabtree. You need to follow me on Instagram. I post motivational shit every single day because women can’t see enough motivational shit. So make sure you’re following me. Use the #NoBSwomen. I follow that hashtag. Lots of my women follow that hashtag and we are all posting to it. Follow that hashtag on Instagram, use it everywhere. Guys, that’s how we start building a community and a movement. We got to start like feeling better about weight loss. We got to quit wearing a shame shawl around what we weigh, what our body is, what we eat, what we think, and the best way to do that is to find that social support.
Number seven, think and talk positively. Your self-talk is forever, your weight is not. Sarah, who said that? Because that was an amazing quote. I know somebody talked about it. I’m trying to figure out where that came from, because that is not Corinne.
Yes. That is Karen Koenig. She Words to Eat By and The Rules of Normal Eating. That is a Karen Koenig quote, and it’s one of my favorites. Self-talk is forever, but your weight it’s not.
Yes. One of the things you all should know is if you do end up joining No BS in August, we have studied her book this month, she came and spoke to us personally inside of our membership last night in a Q&A, we have a full book study, I love her books, you get access to all the book studies that we’ve done, and you get to participate in our weight loss book study club. I think she’s amazing. But we’ve got to start thinking and talking more positively. And you have to learn that skill. And you have to be willing to do it. You have to be willing to hear your shitty self-talk and say like, okay, that’s what my habit brain loves to offer up. But there’s also a new voice in the room too. And this is what I want to start thinking and talking to myself like. And it takes time.
And you have to practice. Yes. You have to practice those new thoughts, even when they don’t feel 100% true.
And we teach you how to practice. A lot of times we’ll say like, you’ve got to practice and people are like, well, what the fuck is practicing? Trust me, we will teach you all of that. Keep coming back to these clubhouses, keep listening to the podcast, and join No BS. We will do things where we will teach you what it means to practice. Number eight, plan for challenges and setbacks. That’s the next way to self-motivate to lose weight. One of the things that you need to think about is you’re supposed to have challenges. You’re supposed to have things go wrong, life is supposed to happen, shit is supposed to happen. We have to quit sitting around being like, I could lose weight if all this would quit happening. No, ma’am. What you want to do is learn how to lose weight and learn how to do it through all of that. We don’t need life to be perfect to not put a fucking ding dong in our mouth. So we have to get over that stuff.
One of the things that we talk about with our clients is you’re either winning or you’re learning. There’s no like, I fucked up, there’s no failure, there’s none of that. There’s like this happened, now what? What’s my next best decision? What did I learn from this one? I don’t self-loathe over this shit anymore. And you have to plan for these things. Most of us, like we sit around and act like shit is always happen, things that always get in the way. It’s like, yeah, like you couldn’t predict your kid was going to get sick. Some of us have a kid that gets sick about every two months. Quit acting like that’s a surprise. Some of us are like I had a rough period. If you’re like me, that’s called rinse and repeat every day a month. That’s not a reason to eat. Plan for shit, quit acting like you can’t.
Number nine, don’t aim for perfection and forgive yourself. We all at the end of the day have to remember that we’re human. So make sure you remind yourself, I’m just a human. I do make mistakes sometimes. I’m going to give myself grace. I’m going to learn from this. There’s nothing wrong with me because I didn’t do it perfectly. This is a really good opportunity for me to learn how to speak to myself, love myself and do something new. And number 10, you must if you want to be motivated, learn to love and appreciate the body you have now. We’re not going to sit and talk shit to this body and wait for the day we have the body we won’t. Otherwise, you just learn how to talk shit about your body. So you could insert any body and you will find problems.
Most of us are not going to lose weight and have a perfect body. I think they say like when you look at social and magazines and stuff, only 5% of the women in the entire world even have those bodies. And yet, we sit around thinking that’s going to be us one day. That’s what we’re supposed to look like. It’s a no. So you need to learn to appreciate the body you have now because when you lose your weight, the last thing you want to do to yourself is set yourself up to not be happy when you get there, to not know how to love it, to not know how to speak to it, to nurture it, to appreciate it. That’s a learned process. And you got to do that all the way down. So if you go to Episode 185, when you dread looking in the mirror, we also help you with that. And with that, that is today’s podcast. We went long. I hope you all don’t mind. But we had obviously a lot to say when it comes to being motivated and weight loss. Sarah, you can close this out.
Thanks everyone for coming to our podcast recording all about weight loss and motivation. We hope you all join us here on Clubhouse next week. If you don’t know what Clubhouse is or want more information about how to join our club, go to And if you want to take the free course, go to, and we’ll see you all next week. Bye.
Bye, everyone. Thank you so much for listening today. Make sure you head on over to and sign up for my free weight loss training on what you need to know to start losing your weight right now. You’ll also find lots of notes and resources from our past podcast to help you lose your weight without all the bullshit diet advise. I’ll see you next week.