Updated: December 12, 2023
Episode 70: When Exercise Feels Hard
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Have you ever thought, “Exercise is hard?”
Recently a PNPTribe member asked this very thing.
She wants to be an athlete, but she still has a lot of weight to lose.
Just like I had 100lbs to lose, so does she.
When she works out she is laid up for days.
She has the drive and the will to move, but her body is not quite ready to do what she really wants.
This is how I started. I had always wanted to be an athlete. But at 250 pounds and ZERO background in exercise, all I could do was a 15 minute walk. And that’s okay.
Even then I told myself this is what it is going to take. I would tell myself over and over again I had to stop beating myself up for where I was. Each time I wanted to be mad, sad, or frustrated I quickly told myself that was the exact inner dialogue keeping me fat.
In this podcast I talk about meeting yourself where you are and THEN leveling up a little at a time. That’s exactly what I did. I went from walking 15 minutes at a time to running marathons and weight lifting. You can too.
Go to phit.click/podcast to listen to this week’s episode. Android users use Castbox to listen.