Updated: December 12, 2023

Ep. 47: Self-Care Ain’t Just Baths and Candles

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I’m a busy lady just like you. I can tell you one thing. I attract women who get a lot done and feel they have no time left for themselves.

That’s why I want to talk about self-care a minute.

I decided a long time ago that self-care was not optional. But, I also don’t define like most people.

Self-care, for me, is taking time each day to clean out my brain. I need to know what’s going on in there that needs re-directing. Just because I wake up pissy doesn’t mean the day is shot. It means I need to ask myself to generate the feelings I want for the day.

I also plan everything. EVERYTHING. My whole day is blocked out in 45-90 min. segments. Green is work, red is things for me and my family, and brown is teaching you.

My workouts are on there. Exactly what I will do that day so at 5:30am I just need coffee and air pods. Boom boom is on there. Church, date night, and when I plan and assess my week…all on there.

To me planning and assessing is self-care. The ultimate form of self-care is my mental health. Knowing I am prepared for my day, thought ahead, decided how I was going to show up for the world is the best gift I give myself.

Sure I get my hair done, go out to dinner every now and then, but the real form of self-care I love is taking a few minutes to just figure out how I am CHOOSE to show up each day in thought and action. What will I eat? When will I shower? What times are my meetings? What podcasts and books will I listen to on my drive? What do I want to feel at the end of the day?

That’s self-care.

When you start to feel bad that you are last on your list…don’t. Waste of time.

Take a look at what you might be doing now that IS for you. Game your brain. Stop telling yourself that just makes you feel terrible. Heck, I count doing dishes and getting coffee ready as self-care. One, I love me a clean dish to eat of. Two, I really like that coffee waiting on me like a sweet friend each morning.

I challenge you to ask one question of yourself? How can I care for me today? Get creative momma!

Don’t play victim to life. How you respond to your life is your responsibility.

In our podcast today you will hear a lot about how we care for ourselves. I share a story about Logan and start bawling. Warning! And poor Kathy didn’t know it was coming. I swear she looked at me and was like, “Holy crap! I think I have to take over the podcast.” LOL.

Enjoy Ep. 47. Click here to listen. www.phit.click/podcast.

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I'm Corinne Crabtree

Corinne Crabtree, top-rated podcaster, has helped millions of women lose weight by blending common-sense methods with behavior-based psychology.

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