This week’s Facebook Live we are talking all about meal plans.
Here’s what I want you to know.
Traditional meal plans don’t teach you how to make your own decisions.
If you don’t learn how to make decisions about your food based on your life then you are likely to gain your weight back.
You must learn how to stop emotional eating. No meal plan will work for you if you can’t handle getting pissed, sad, bored, or feeling deserving of a treat.
I go over the keys to finally ending your pursuit of cookie cutter, Pinterest meal plans and learning how to commit, plan, and make food decisions that get your weight off.
See, I don’t mind a good meal plan. If you make it yourself you are likely to follow it. You just need to learn how.
And if you do want to follow one that is pre-done you still have to go into it knowing your body will be the judge on what it needs and doesn’t. I want every woman to quit abdicating their body to the diet industry and start taking control. It’s possible.
Enjoy the lesson and leave me questions or comments!