Show Notes:
Facebook Live: Five things you must stop thinking and saying to yourself to lose weight
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One of the things that Corinne works with her private clients on is how they think. How you think is going to be how you lose weight. If you feel defeated, then you’ll show up defeated.
You can’t successfully lose weight if you’re holding on to fear. If you keep thinking like you always have, but try to eat really good, you’ll create an environment where you’re stressed, don’t know how to deal with the stress, and constantly fighting urges to overeat due to the stress.
There are five things you must stop thinking if you’re going to lose weight:
1. I can’t do this: Don’t argue for why you’re such a failure. Trying to prove why you can’t lose weight is idiotic. Don’t go to bat for your failures. Instead try to think about whether there’s any evidence that you could lose weight. When you think “I can’t do this,” you need to automatically stop and tell yourself “that is the wrong response.” You need to be aware of the thought and correct it so that it doesn’t become the truth for you. You have to redirect your brain.
2. I’m worried I won’t stick to my diet: Sitting around worrying does nothing. There is a podcast episode called The Worry Bucket (episode 65). Sitting around worrying is not productive, it is a waste of time. Worry is a collection of bullshit thoughts that feel terrible. When you catch yourself saying “I’m worried I won’t stick to my diet,” try and replace that with “I’m going to try new things to see what happens when I eat.” Be in the mindset of solving, not stewing.
3. I’m afraid I’ll be wrong. During the weightloss process, you’re going to have to try lots of things and some of the time you’re going to have to be willing to be wrong if something doesn’t work. Most people are worried about being wrong because they beat themselves up over it. You have the option to not beat yourself up if things don’t go right. Self-accountability is about the relationship you have with yourself the moment it doesn’t go right. You can be the best partner for yourself if you tell yourself “we’ve got this, let’s keep going” when things go wrong. Don’t sit around and just try to stick to the plan. Anyone can figure out how to force themselves to stick to a plan if they have to. The key is figuring out how to want to do better and keep showing up for yourself.
4. I wish I didn’t eat that. Wishing, hoping, and praying that something in the past that’s already happened didn’t happen, feels horrible and is a waste of time. This also helps with other situations. For example, if you’re in a meeting and say something that you wish you wouldn’t have. Spending the rest of the day wishing you didn’t say it and feeling regret and ashamed is a waste of time. It will leave you feeling emotionally drained and when you get home, it will be harder to say no to the chocolate cake. Once you’ve said something or eaten something, accept it and move on.
5. If my diet is easy, it won’t be good enough. People always freak out over Corinne’s plan because they think it won’t be good enough. Corinne always wants to know how just eating when you’re actually hungry is such a bad plan. There’s nothing wrong with keeping things simple. Corinne has a client that was overeating at lunch every day because she didn’t want to waste money. The meal was $12 and she needed to only be eating about two-thirds of it, which is about $8 (throwing away $4). Corinne figured out that the amount she’d be throwing away would be $1040 a year and asked the client if she would pay $1040 to lose 100 pounds in a year. The client said yes and then realized what she needed to do, stop at two-thirds of the meal. It was that simple. It didn’t have to be overly complicated.
Corinne answered questions at the end of her Facebook Live. Make sure and check them out!
Corinne’s next membership opening will be from April 1st-3rd.
Sign-up for her free weightloss course at to get on her email list to get notified when membership is open. She’ll offer a couple of training the week of the opening, so make sure you’re on her email list to get access to the trainings. It’s a shorter opening this time and you don’t want to miss it!