Updated: December 12, 2023

Two Things I Changed to Lose 100lbs for Good

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In this Facebook Live we are going deeper into the brain and the process of weightloss.

Most people don’t know why they sabotage themselves with weightloss.

Have you ever caught yourself spiraling in pointless questions and self-shaming thoughts like…

“I don’t understand why I overeat?”

“I don’t know why it is so hard to follow my plans…there must be something wrong with me!

The problem starts with we aren’t looking at what we make losing weight mean.

Are you defining dieting as being “terrible, restrictive, losing your social life?” If so, you will have a hard time creating a realistic plan and following it. It won’t feel right. If it feels doable you will start thinking this can’t work. Next thing you know you are doing things to make sure you prove yourself right!

Your brain works like this.

You think things.

Your brain goes to work on proving it correct.


In this video I teach you how to find those thoughts that are breaking your weightloss efforts and start creating new ones.

The second thing that I teach you is how to make sure you are defining each basic, tiny step in weightloss as SIGNIFICANT.

Every pound you lose, each and every one of them, will be lost because of…

A glass of water you drank when you didn’t want to.

A few bites you left behind because you decided to stop when you were satisfied.

A day you were overeating and decided not to say F-it and eat all night, too.

This conversation is important to losing your weight for good.

How I viewed my weightloss journey and the small steps I was will to take were everything for me when I finally lost 100 pounds.

Enjoy them.

P.S. I mention the waitlist for PNPTribe. Here’s the link.


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I'm Corinne Crabtree

Corinne Crabtree, top-rated podcaster, has helped millions of women lose weight by blending common-sense methods with behavior-based psychology.

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Tried Everything to Lose Weight? I Did Too!

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