My clients often tell me they eat because of their past.
They can’t get over what some a-hole in 6th grade said.
Their dad made comments like, “You look so much better when you are thinner.”
They can’t stay on plan because they keep thinking of their failed diets.
The stories go on and on.
Listen. Going back to your past does ONLY ONE THING.
It’s YOU going back to the past to bring pain to your food choices today.
I’m just going to state the obvious.
Most of us don’t need to feel like unnecessary shit before we eat. That’s like saying, “I’d love to set myself up so sticking to my diet is hard as F.”
I’ll tell you like I told my PNPTribe recently…
“If you don’t like your past, then quit vacationing there. It’s not a trip worth paying for. And you’re paying for it every single day at the expense of your dreams and at the expense of every goal you have. Every time you take a vacation to your past, you have borrowed money from your future to pay for it.”
Girls, you aren’t in Back to the Future. Focus on this…
You eat because you want something and decide to eat it. Period. It’s nobody’s fault.
Work on saying no in the moment more than you work on finding blame. #wasteoftime