Updated: December 12, 2023

Quick Travel Workout

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Get a total core toner workout with this quick travel workout.

I love routine. If you don’t know me I THRIVE knowing what I’m going to do.

When I travel I can be a little “antsy” because all my comforts of home are gone.

Rather than have an epic melt down each time I take time to think about what I can do to have healthy routines.

One thing I do is exercise on the road. It can be a simple walk to start my day to an in room bootcamp.

I also make my 24 hour plan even if I have no clue what’s being served. Trust me. It’s comforting to know that NO MATTER WHAT you can be in routine. You can be creating health EVERYWHERE.

I rarely do it ladies but I’m giving you a workout I love to do when I only have a hotel room and want to kick my own ass. And, how I make a 24 hour plan when I don’t know what the hell food I’ll be eating for DAYS.

Amazingly I survive every trip. I haven’t died or gotten pregnant…yet.


10 exercises | 30 sec of each exercise | 20 sec break between each exercise | take a 1-2 minute break at the end of all 10 | repeat 3-5 times

  • Step Ups on a chair
  • Fake Jump Rope
  • Push Ups
  • Alternating Front Lunges
  • Plank
  • Squats of any type
  • Full Sit Ups
  • Alternating Rear Lunges
  • Chair Tricep Dips
  • Squats of any type


B: Coffee (I always bring my coffee mix. Click here to get travel packets.)

L: Eat 2-2. Don’t eat desserts and drop extras like bread baskets, appetizers, fries, and sauces I wouldn’t normally make at home.

D: Repeat dinner.

S: Fruit if you get hungry. If not fruit feast on the calories stored on your ASS.


I bring my sleepy time pills that also keep my pooping. I won’t poop on the road or sleep without them. Click here to see my Sleep Remedy.

I order an Instacart if I will be gone a few days or hit a Walgreens. I buy bottles of water and a couple of Perrier’s so I have no hydration excuses. The Perrier in a wine glass in the room makes me feel luxe and like I’m winding down. If I go out I just get a diet soda or club soda, lime and a splash of cranberry.

That’s it! Those few things keep me in enough routine that I can look forward to going home and drop worries of weight gain.


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I'm Corinne Crabtree

Corinne Crabtree, top-rated podcaster, has helped millions of women lose weight by blending common-sense methods with behavior-based psychology.

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