Updated: December 12, 2023

My thoughts on what other people think of you. [REPLAY]

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I weighed 250lbs and carried at least that much mental weight around every day.

I obsessed over what other people thought of me.

The biggest problem? I assumed the WORST…even from the people who loved me most.

It was paralyzing. I avoided going out. If I did go out, I ate to compensate for my fears.

And, the worst part was I did so much of this I missed out on the most important opinion of all.

My own.

I spent so much time in other people’s heads that I ignored my own.

Today’s free video training is personal. It’s about how I went from fearing what people thought of me and basically hating myself to what you see today.

A No BS Woman. I don’t take shit off others and I don’t take shit off myself either.





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So many of us walk around worrying about what other people are going to think of us. We also worry about or fear what we think and what might come up.

Corinne is not someone who is going to start sharing things because everyone else is sharing something. She has spent the last couple of days studying, listening, and educating herself. She doesn’t talk until she knows what she is talking about.

She has been educating herself on what people of color have gone through and are currently going through. She’s currently listening to “Me and White Supremacy” by Layla F. Saad. There is a companion workbook that goes along with it. It is thought work that you can use to answer questions and look inside.

You have to be willing to feel your feelings right now. Don’t eat through it. Read a book. Have a conversation.

Corinne knows what it’s like to wear your fat on the outside where everyone knows that you emotionally eat and thinks you’re lazy. She realizes that it’s nothing compared to what some people have gone through, but it’s the best way that she can relate to others who’ve been through a lot.

Here are a couple of resources that are helping Corinne right now:

1. Trent Shelton has a podcast called “Straight Up.” Episode 26 was really good. He talks about how there’s no community without unity.

2. Layla F. Saad has a course on how to talk to your children about racism.

3. Kara Loewentheil’s “Unf*ck Your Brain” podcast. She released an episode on how thought work applies right now.

Corinne has asked herself multiple times over the last couple of days “if I wasn’t worried about what people think, what would I be doing?” She’s learning, listening, and figuring it out. She spent over 30 years of her life worried about what other people thought of her. She eventually gave up worrying about what other people think and she’s not going back. Sometimes she might piss people off and sometimes people might not like her, but she’s willing to deal with that rather than go back to the life where she didn’t even know who she was anymore.

Trent Shelton talks about four action steps to take right now:

1. Awareness – Don’t sit in denial. Be aware of what is going on.

2. Educate – Buy some books. Listen to some people that don’t look like you.

3. Question Shit – Question what you are thinking. Just because you think something, it doesn’t make it true. Like Byron Katie advises, ask yourself “is that true” and then ask yourself “is that really true?”

4. Do Something – It is not enough to share things on the internet. You have to take action. You can’t change unless you take action.

Corinne answered listeners questions at the end of the Facebook Live. Please check it out and listen to her answers.

Corinne teaches weightloss that starts with the mental game and ends in the physical game. She teaches it super simple. She has a free course at www.pnp.411.com. She has over 200 free podcasts episodes available (Losing 100 Pounds with Corinne). You have the resources available to you to start living a better life now!








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I'm Corinne Crabtree

Corinne Crabtree, top-rated podcaster, has helped millions of women lose weight by blending common-sense methods with behavior-based psychology.

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