Updated: December 12, 2023

My Inner B!tch Won’t Shut It

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“You aren’t going to lose weight so eat the fries.”

“Why do you think this time is any different? Take an extra bite.”

“We’ve always been this way so don’t get excited over a few pounds.”

That’s just a few of the amazing things the inner b!tch loves to toss at us as we are trying to lose weight.

How we talk to ourselves is simply the inner monologue that runs in our head summarizing our beliefs.

And it gets well practiced. You aren’t broken because you THINK you are broken. You are like all of us. You are finding the negative more often than the positive.

Most of us make a HUGE mistake with the inner voice.

We want her to shut up. We want her to quit saying negative things.

The problem lies in this: those thoughts won’t stop just because you don’t like them! The trick? Learn to hear them but not go immediately into frustration, hate, or belief.

The self talk take time to change and that’s OK. It’s so worth it.

Most people give up out of frustration but don’t be that girl.

I have shitty thoughts all the time. I just have learned to say something better. It’s kind of like this. “This will never work.” I immediately think, “Well that’s not the way I want to think right now. It will only work if I keep going.”

I redirect myself A LOT.

Some people get upset with that level of “having to work on what you think.” They bitch it’s exhausting.

I’d rather go to bed mentally exhausted from helping myself feel better than from beating the shit out of myself all day.

The thing we all forget is the inner conversation won’t change overnight. And you will never believe something new if you refuse to think something new.

I suggest you start with one simple step.

For every shitty thought think an opposite one. If you believed in yourself you would think what?

Be willing to at least counter punch. It’s the only way you can shift your perspective.



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I'm Corinne Crabtree

Corinne Crabtree, top-rated podcaster, has helped millions of women lose weight by blending common-sense methods with behavior-based psychology.

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