Updated: December 12, 2023

Live From Lose Weight Gain Control 6-Day Event [VIDEO]

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Join us for a live broadcast from the 6-day Lose Weight Gain Control event where experts will guide you through your weightloss journey.

What’s it like at an event with me where you get all the help in losing your weight. I’m live from my 6 day Lose Weight and Gain Control event in Nashville before the day begins.


Facebook Live: What it’s like at an event with Corinne

Go to www.pnp411.com to sign up for Corinne’s free weightloss course.

Corinne’s Facebook Live came live today from an event she is doing this week with her private members. It’s a smaller event that is six days long.

She had apology mirrors placed around the room. If anyone said something bad about themselves, they had to walk to the mirror, look at themselves and restate it in a more positive way. 

On day two of the event, the group spent time talking about questions that they were asking themselves: 

Why do I feel guilty about leaving my family to come to this event?

What is my reward for being overweight?

 Why do I keep my weight around? One of the reasons why people keep their weight around is because they don’t want to have to tell people no and risk rejection.

How can I push myself and feel motivated when I get home? As a group, they are working on how to keep moving forward once they get home. Motivation isn’t always going to be there. You have to just keep trying, even when it’s not fun.

How can I use my emotions instead of running from them? Emotions are the indicator light. They are not a bad thing. Emotions are a reminder to check in with yourself and question what you’re thinking.

How can I work to move past my past? What were you told about your weight when you were a kid? How can you tell yourself a new story?

What is it going to take for all of this to stick? You have to do the things you say you will do. The things you say you will do have to be based on love for yourself, patience, compassion, and not being in a hurry to get through it. You have to be in it for the long-haul.

On day three they are talking about the past and rewriting it. On day four they are talking about body image and how they want to think about their body. 

Corinne asked them what results they wanted to go home with this week. Some of the answers were living not just existing, having better relationships, changing the conversation they have with themselves, having a clear vision of their future self, dropping the shame around food, setting up a lifestyle that allows them to have a long life, and working through the fear of reaching their goals. 

At every meal, they had dessert. Corinne also had all of their favorite binge foods there so that they could get used to being around them. They learned that food never has control over them. It can’t sprout legs and jump in your mouth. Your thoughts might not be in control around food and that’s something you can work on. 

She worked with the six day event ladies for three months before the event and will continue to work with them for three months after the event. 

Make sure and check out the Facebook Live because Corinne gave a tour of the event and answered questions!







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I'm Corinne Crabtree

Corinne Crabtree, top-rated podcaster, has helped millions of women lose weight by blending common-sense methods with behavior-based psychology.

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