I used to weigh 250lbs and was DESPERATE to get the weight off. I know what it’s like to wake up each day obsessed with diet thoughts. Most of the thoughts were pretty shitty.
I wanted to give you the things I thought about when I lost my weight.
All my past BS diets confused me so I erased my brain.
Trust me.
None of that crap is going to help you. I know because I had to drop the BS I thought I knew to lose the weight.
I lost 100lbs because I quit making dieting complicated and started making it DOABLE.
No diet was going to fix me. I had to focus more on what I wanted for myself. I had spent a lifetime thinking about what I didn’t like. ENOUGH OF THAT.
Each day I woke up and asked myself what I could do today that’s a little better than yesterday.
Switching my thinking was a game changer. I was able to make healthier choices, move a little more, and be nicer to myself.
I know you want some magic pill or quick fix but I’m just going to be honest. They don’t exist.
Losing weight is just a series of daily decisions. It took me 540 days to lose my weight.
Each day was important. Each day I kept it simple. I lost 100lbs. doing it with small, easy steps.
Don’t be in a rush! Losing weight is simply going to take time. Sitting around thinking about how long it will take will just DEFEAT you. You thinking about how long it will take does not make the weight come off any faster.
Choose one small habit and get good at it before you choose the next one. Any habit will do. You can drink water, add a vegetable, eat 3/4 of what you normally eat. ANYTHING will do. The problem is we want to pick ALL the habits. You get ONE. You do it until you feel really good about it. When you feel good about it you will feel confident (not rushed) to add a new one.
Set small, doable goals. This goes back to habits, too. Most of you will want to what’s perfect. Guess what? There’s no perfect! There’s the shit you will do on repeat that works. Do what your gut says you will do. Keep doing that.
Make mistakes. And a lot of them. They teach you how to keep going and how to get better. I swear I made a bunch of them. I would just ask myself what did I learn? There’s zero chance you will lose weight without mistakes so get over it.
That’s it. This is the mindset I had to learn how to adopt day after day. When I finally started thinking like this I was able to get out of my way and lose weight.