Updated: December 12, 2023

Episode 280: Frequently Asked Weightloss Questions

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“I keep switching my 24-hour plan around during the day after I make it. How can I stick to it better?”

“I hate WASTING FOOD. It’s hard to quit eating, so what can I do because I know I can’t keep eating like this and lose weight.”

“I’m terrified of weighing in. Should I bite the bullet or wait until I have some momentum?”

Does any of this sound familiar? I bet it does.

You aren’t alone if you’re struggling with knowing what to eat, sticking to your plans, or weighing yourself.

The good news? In this podcast, I answer these questions and more.

Episode 280: Frequently Asked Weightloss Questions.


Corinne Crabtree:

Hi. I’m Corinne. After a lifetime of obesity, being bullied for being the fattest kid in the class, and losing and gaining weight like it was my job. I finally got my shit together and I lost 100 pounds. Each week I’ll teach you no weight loss advice you can use to overcome your battle with weight. I keep it simple. You’ll learn how to quit eating and thinking like an asshole. You stop that and weight loss becomes easy. My goal is to help you lose weight the way you want to live your life. If you are ready to figure out weight loss, then let’s go.

Hello, everyone. Welcome, welcome, welcome. My name’s Corinne Crabtree. I am the host of Losing 100 Pounds podcast. I am the Founder and CEO of the No BS Weight Loss Program and the Founder and CEO of the No BS Business Women Membership. So today it’s all about the weight loss. We are going to talk all things weight loss. So as you come in, let me just go over a couple of little things before we get started, so that you know were in the right place. Number one, I don’t do keto, I don’t do calorie counting apps, I don’t do food plans, all of those kinds of shenanigans. So if you come in and you’re just like, “What do you think about fasting? What do you think about keto? What do you think about Weight Watchers? What do you think about apps for calorie counting?” I’m going to tell you right now, it’s a no.

Here’s what I do believe in. If you will go to nobsfreecourse.com, you can download my free course on weight loss, and it will give you the three simple things that I believe in when it comes to losing weight, and it ain’t got nothing to do with that horse shit. It has everything to do with, are you thinking before you eat? Wait, step one to lose weight, think before you eat. Are you eating because somebody offered it to you? Ain’t a good reason to eat it. Are you eating because you’re bored as fuck? Ain’t a good reason to eat. So I address what the diet industry does not address. The real reasons why we overweight and the real reasons why we going to lose the weight. So if you take that free course, it will help clean a lot of shit up for you.

Number two, what you need to know about me, there is a lot of cussing in here. I cuss on my lives. I cuss to my mother. I cuss with my brother. I cuss around my family. I cuss around people who don’t cuss and they still love me. If you knew most of my friends, none of them cuss. They also don’t bitch about it. So if you don’t like cussing, guess what? This is not the free place for you. There are free ways to hear about weight loss all over the internet, where they do not cuss. I know some of these people and they are my dearest friends. So if you come busting up in here like the Kool-Aid Man, thinking that you going to be like, cat name it and tell me all the things about me being rude, peace out. My team will take you out. Go find you somebody you like listening to. This is free shit. Either use it or don’t, but don’t bitch at me because I don’t lie for something free to you in the way you won’t.

It’d be like you going to the Costco, going up and down the aisles and saying, “I really want to lodge a complaint with Costco. I was expecting hot dogs today and we got burgers.” We don’t do that there, and we ain’t going Costco up on me either. So that’s the two main things to know. So here’s the last thing. It’s Q&A day, which means you get to ask questions, that means that you get to use #ask. So inside the chat in Facebook, my team is there and they are going to be helping me either give you links to podcasts that I already have content on. They will answer questions if needed. They’re also going to filter to me questions to answer for you.

So if you use #ask, that just makes it really quick for my team to be able to figure out who’s asking a question. If you don’t use #ask, we assume you’re just asking the people inside the chat, if they know the answer. Because Corinne is sitting here talking to a camera. She is not maintaining a chat. All right. Let’s see. We have a question that already came in. Let me find it. And then, team, if you’ll make sure that you post questions in the Corinne Only Entire Team channel, that’s where I will be looking today in the Slack. All right. First question, “How do you make yourself feel good while losing weight?” So if you have listened to me for a while. So I know a lot of you hear are loyal podcast listeners. You probably been listening to me for years. I know I have over 250, we’re in the 270s I think of numbered episodes of the Losing 100 Pounds podcast.

But I have done all kinds of Facebook lives and stuff that we also put in there over time. So we’re in the 300s. So technically if you wanted to listen to me anytime you wanted, you could. So one of the things that I talk about inside that podcast is we cannot hate our way down the scale. We cannot wait to lose weight, to finally deserve our happiness, to finally be like, “Now that I’ve lost weight, I am now worthy.” What we want to do is we want to learn how to enjoy the process on the way down. Now, this is very contradictory to everything you’ve ever learned in social media, in diets and stuff. They really teach you, something’s defective about you, you don’t look like everybody else. And then, if you watch commercials, the befores are always showcasing misery.

It paints a picture inside your brain that we are supposed to be overweight and miserable, or thin and happy. That’s really the story that’s always been told to us. The way I teach it is the way that I lost weight, which was first and foremost, understanding that I was not going to be able to hate my way down the scale. I had tried that. So I originally I was nine years old when I started developing a weight problem, I was 210 pounds in 8th grade, bounced around from 175 to 200 throughout high school in my 20s. I bounced between 175 and 250, most of my early 20s. And then, my mid to late 20s it was 250 plus, I stopped, honestly, one of the things that I stopped doing every time I would get to 250 is I wouldn’t get on the scale anymore.

I probably got higher every single time. I have no idea. But what I do know is about the time that I hit 250, I would hit what I would call my shit limit. And I’d be like, “All right. It’s time to get serious.” So I would go on some extreme diet. And every single time I did that, I would do it from this mindset of, you’re probably never going to be able to lose it and keep it off but let’s try anyway. You’ve always been overweight. Food controls you, but we got to lose weight. I did it in such a panicky, frantic, self-loathing place. The last time when I decided that I was at my rock bottom, I knew that I was going to have to do things differently. There was something in my head that just said, “Every way that you’ve done it before has not worked, we got to do it in a whole new way,” and I really thought about this.

So one of the things that I focused on was, I made sure that everything that I did when I was losing weight, I didn’t start it unless ahead of time, I felt I could keep doing it for the rest of my life. That I was ready to do it. That it felt it was a good choice. That I was excited about doing it. Even if I wasn’t super excited, I had to at least be curious, I needed to be hopeful, those types of feelings. In the past, when I would start, I would do things with no belief in it, thinking I was going to fail no matter what, and just trying to just force myself into doing it. That forcing always felt terrible, and I could only force myself for so long before I would need a break. And the only way I knew how to give myself a break was to eat my fucking face off over the weekend.

I’d eat my fucking face off over the weekend, and then I would feel more hopeless on Monday trying to force myself again, eventually getting to the point to where I just couldn’t force myself. I had made myself feel so bad. I kept trying to force myself to where I got stuck in a cycle to where I couldn’t even start again. And I didn’t want to do that anymore. So when I was losing weight, I made sure that every day that I was setting myself up to feel like things were doable, manageable, that they seemed, not necessarily always easy, but they felt it wouldn’t take a lot for me to convince myself that it was a good choice. So when that mindset shifted over, guess what? Every day, I didn’t feel I was forcing myself to do stuff.

Every day, the hardest conversations that I had when I was losing weight was, now I had to work on it not being good enough. I would much rather be doing something and convincing myself that it was good enough, when my brain wanted to go to extremes, it not being good enough than to every single day try to convince myself to force myself to do such hard things, to the points where I couldn’t even do that anymore. Eventually I would run out of steam on that. The other way that you enjoy losing weight is by making sure, I teach this a lot in the podcast. This is something that we do a lot of inside my private membership, which is women are not taught how to find their successes. We are taught success is only in the big wins, but we don’t measure and mark the little things that are changing.

If you notice and give yourself props for little changes, you feel a little bit better every day. But what most of us are doing is we’re sitting around, we’re losing weight, and we’re telling ourselves the entire time, “But you’re still overweight. But you still look like shit. It’s going to take forever, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. I can’t wait until all the weight’s gone.” We get so focused on everything that’s frustrating and terrible, that we suck the joy and we miss every opportunity to be proud of ourselves. That’s why it’s important for you to stop looking for food plans, micro counts, calorie counting ranges, and all this other stuff. Because if you don’t have your brain right, even if you’re doing that stuff, you’re going to make that process miserable for yourself. You’re going to drag yourself along.

And most of us just hope that we’re going to be like, “I just hope that I can bitch at myself, force myself, and drag myself along long enough to that when I lose weight, then I’ll get to fill the miracle of weight loss.” The problem is, is that if all you’re ever doing, while you’re losing weight is finding fault with yourself and thinking something else is better. You’ve taught your brain thousands upon thousands of times throughout weight loss, to hit maintenance, to only find fault with your maintenance, and to think that there’s going to be a day, it’s like, you’ll lose all your weight, then you’ll be like, “Well, I just can’t wait for the day that I can just eat normal again.” Because if you did something extreme on the day you hit your goal weight, your brain is now like, “All right. I’m used to thinking about what’s next. I’m not used to being proud. I’m not used to all this stuff.”

So it will weigh in be like, “Oh my God, I have lost the weight. I’ve hit my goal. I wonder when I’m going to be able to eat normal. I wonder if I’m going to be able to keep it off.” Your brain is been trained to think like an asshole. So the best way to not only lose weight and to be able to keep it off is to break the asshole tendencies that we have inside of our mind. We have to break those habits. The thinking habits that we have around our body, around food, around the scale are more important than the eating habits of today. Because if you don’t get the thinking habits down, you will always default to old eating patterns. Okay. “I keep adjusting my plan as I go along during the day. How can I stick to what I planned in the morning?” Well, it’s actually simple. Stop adjusting. I want you to just think about your question. I keep adjusting it. I want to know how do I do that?

We have to be like saying, “I keep rolling through stop signs.” How do you motivate yourself to stop at the stop sign? You think about the tickets you’re going to get. You think about the safety reasons why you should stop. It’s the same thing with changing your plan. Every single time you want to change the plan rather than just convincing yourself it’s a good idea. Now, you have to convince yourself why it’s detrimental. Why is it detrimental for you to be changing your plan? Why is it harmful for you to be changing your plan? You need to write about that. You all know how I am about journaling. I’m always talking about journaling. Write about those things.

Here’s a couple of reasons why changing your plan during the day sucks for you. Number one, you don’t build the habit of commitment. What do you think you need to lose weight? You need to be committed to what your best self thinks is good for you. So if you are new to me, go to nobsfreecourse.com and take my free course. One of the things that I talk about in there is we are going to make a food plan every single day. You’re going to pick whatever you want to eat. I don’t give a shit if it’s a corn dog, put a corn dog on there. But what we’re going to do is we’re going to agree with ourselves.

First thing in the morning, self, this is the food I think today we’re going to eat. This is going to help us lose some weight. This is going to help us get committed. This is going to take care of our taste buds. We ain’t going to be putting shit on there we don’t like. If you don’t like broccoli, quit fucking putting broccoli down on your plan and wondering why you blow the fuck up. So you’re going to put down the foods that you want to eat. And if you’re all confused about that, take the free course. I’m not going to give a big ass tutorial here on what foods should go on that list, and what do I recommend. So you’re going to put those down. When you do it first thing in the morning, you’re using what’s called the thinking part of your brain. The thinking part of your brain is making decisions.

The thinking part of your brain is the one that stands in the kitchen with a notepad and thinks, “What do I need to get done today? I need to get my kids to school. I need to make sure I answer these emails at work. Don’t forget to get the laundry. Rover, he needs a special food pickup,” whatever it is, right? That’s our thinking part of our brain. And that part is the one that can take into consideration. Are we going to be tired tonight and not want to cook? So if we’re going to be tired tonight, let’s not plan to go by the store by 40 different fresh items, come home and try to be a Martha Stewart. We want to use the thinking part of our brain, it happens first thing in the morning. The reason we do this is because the rest of the day, your automatic brain is likely to be taking over. We only use the thinking part of our brain about 5% total out of the day, 95% of our thinking is always just routine, whatever our brain throws up stuff.

When you’re tired at night, your reasoning brain is about at 0.01% of capacity. You do not want to leave it up to that version of you to make a decision on what to eat. That version of you is like a honey badger. It don’t give a fuck about goals. It don’t give a fuck about your size. It don’t give a fuck about anything other than, this bitch is tired. What the hell? What’s the word of pizza? We start over tomorrow. And that’s always going to feel good. It’s going to feel just about. It’s going to feel true. I am tired. You’re right, brain. We’re exhausted. The reason why we plan is so that we can use that thinking part of our brain to make our decisions, so that the tired ass version of us does not have that heavy load on her. That she is not stuck trying to figure out what to eat for dinner, what to have at that afternoon snack when she’s burned out after teaching all day.

We want to plan for those people smartly, wisely, and in a way that we can be committed. It’s called making some decisions ahead of time. I’m a big believer in spending five minutes in the morning, getting your mind right around your food and around what you want to do for yourself for that day. Because every time you spend that five minutes, it is an investment in the future payoff of you. It is five minutes that can grow. That can save you time. It’s five minutes that you spend planning so that you at 5:00, doesn’t spend 10 minutes arguing with yourself in the refrigerator or the pantry debating if you should eat something, wondering if you’ll gain weight if you do, hoping you don’t wake up with regret tomorrow, and worrying someone’s going to see your ass getting down like a raccoon in the night.

You all going to remember, you over eating waste a fuck ton of time. It wastes your emotional energy and it wastes time that’s valuable in your brain. Every time that we aren’t planning for our best self, and we are not allowing that gift of writing that food down. Guess what we do? We have to spend more time wondering if we’re ever going to lose our weight, wondering what people think about us, worrying that we’ll never get it done, worrying that we’re going to end up having to get on diabetes meds. We waste all that time. So five minutes is an investment on becoming who you want to be. That’s a cheap fucking investment. That’s like saying, “I’m okay with $5 in, and tomorrow I’m going to have 10.” So we want to make sure that we’re investing our time. All right.

“Is exercise a big part of weight loss?” No, not one bit. Don’t believe the hype. Here’s how I think exercise helps with weight loss. For some people, when they exercise, they release good endorphins in their body. And when they have good endorphins in their body, it’s easier for them to feel better about themselves. And when they are thinking and feeling better about themselves, they tend to make better food choices. That’s the biggest way that exercise impacts weight loss. So let me say it again for the people in the back who heard me say that exercise is good for weight loss, because you just missed the point.

When you exercise, some of you will get good endorphins and stuff off of it. You will be proud of yourself. You will think things like, “I showed up for myself. I’m getting stronger.” The exercise does not make you feel good about you. The thoughts you apply when you have exercise are what makes you feel good about you. And when you’re feeling hopeful, when you’re feeling committed, when you’re feeling proud, guess what happens next? You start making better food choices. You start trying to make sure that your food fuels those amazing workouts. That’s how it works. But the calories burned, if you are someone who exercises and thinks this, “Well, thank God I exercise, because I like a fucking jackass yesterday.” All you’re going to feel is even. You might feel relieved. You might feel justified in your overeating.

And then, all day long you’ve run out of steam, those feelings aren’t going to help you make better food choices. You know what they’re going to do? You’re probably later on in the day going to be offered a donut or be tired and think, “Well, I worked it off today, I can work it off tomorrow.” And that’s why exercise can blow up in your face when you’re working out. Ain’t none of you all going to outrun a bad diet. Ain’t none of you all going to outrun overeating. And when I say a bad diet, I don’t mean eating corn dogs. I mean eating your face off with ice cream, because you don’t like looking in the mirror. Or eating all the food you get served at a Cheesecake Factory, because you’re sitting there worried about how much you paid for it. Instead of sitting there thinking how you’ve enjoyed what you’ve enjoyed, and that your sole focus is to try to lose weight while you enjoy your food.

So if you want to do those two things, you don’t finish. Everybody knows Cheesecake Factory’s given us enough for four. So when it comes to exercise, I don’t teach my people to exercise. If they want to, great. If they want to go to the gym, awesome. If they want to go walking, hallelujah, let’s do it. But I don’t teach it as a part of weight loss, because your mind has to be right first for anything else to be right, because your mind controls what goes in your mouth. When you get control over your mind and your mouth, weight loss can happen. Now, I exercise almost every day, you all, only because I love it. I was telling a friend of mine last night. She came over to the house. We were just talking. She was like, “Where do you work out?” She’d never been to my house. I’ve known her for years and she was in Nashville.

And I was like, “Well, sometimes in my gym, sometimes at the rec center.” She’s like, “Well, why do you do both?” And I said, “Well, I really like lifting weights.” Sometimes when I lift weights, I want to be at the gym where I’ve got machines and things that I don’t have at home. Sometimes I just need to get shit done, I like having enough equipment in my house to never have an excuse. I just enjoy it. But that’s the point. Exercise needs to be enjoy. My mama loves to swim. And I’m not talking to Olympic swimmer. She gets in her pool. She does her little water jogging, her dog jumps in with her. They doggy paddle around. They do all the things. But she gets in there and moves like about an hour a day. My mom has lost 120 pounds, been overweight all her life. And she does it because it makes her joints feel better. She’s got real bad arthritis. It allows her to get outside. She has lupus. And so it’s really hard for her to be outside.

If you’re going to do exercise, I only want you doing it because you enjoy it and it gives back to you. All right. “I recently found your content and I love it.” Well, thank you. “I took the free course and I feel like I’m getting good. I’m only eating when I’m hungry.” That’s awesome. “But I feel like I don’t have a ton of energy and I’m not giving my body enough fuel. How do you find balance between only eating when you’re hungry and giving your body enough to function?” Well, if you’re only eating when you’re actually hungry, that is given your body enough to function. If you’re feeling that tired, one thing that I would do is I would go to a doctor first. Very often, I’m going to tell you in this country, most of us are low on our vitamin D levels. I’m not going to give too much medical advice, but there could be a lot more going on than just like, “I’m eating until I’m hungry.”

You also could be used to live it off sugar, and you will feel… A lot of times when we only eat when we’re hungry, I don’t tell you all not to eat sugar. So please don’t think like, “Oh, here it comes. She’s going to tell us we can’t have sugar.” That is not what I’m fixing to say. But when you only eat when you’re hungry, what you do realize is you’re going to eat significantly less. If you’ve been eating for entertainment, for taste, for boredom, for free, whatever has been coming along your way. Let’s say you’re used to eating Snickers, or just sugary foods, or whatever, when you cut a lot of that out, you’re cutting out a lot of the fake ass energy that you probably thought was your normal. So you may need time to regulate. So make sure you’re drinking your water.

Just get a physical. Get all your stuff checked just to make sure you’re not low in vitamin D. I have to take vitamin D supplementation even when I’m outside a lot. My body cannot produce enough vitamin D naturally anymore. And so I take vitamin D supplementation just to keep up. Just check into all of that first. Let’s see. “I’m fearful to weigh myself. Do I need to before I start the plan or when I’m ready?” It doesn’t matter. So if you’re doing the free course, it’s whatever you want to do. Now, if you’re a member of No BS Weight Loss, if you’re one of my private members, you’re going to go through the No BS Weight Loss course first, which is about a month. Some people choose to weigh, some people. It depends on how you want to do it.

But what I would suggest is in your month two is that you take the Conquering the Scale course. It’s another 30 day program that helps you get over the fear of the scale. It helps you read the data accurately. It teaches you how to separate yourself worth from the number. It also teaches you about the normal fluctuations. It really is good to just even understand how the scale works and how it works with your weight loss, so that you can quit using… So many of you will weigh in, you’ll lose weight and you’ll eat. You’ll maintain and you’ll eat. You’ll lose weight or you’ll gain weight and you’ll eat. So in Conquering the Scale, we work on how we typically respond to those things, how to make better deliberate choices around it, how to understand what our patterns are telling us, and how to separate our self worth from the number.

“I find it easy to begin to simply dish up less on my plate as I hate waste.” Good. Just do that. “I have cut down portion size by 30% and I’m doing great. Is that okay to continue? Or should I really be getting into the habit of asking, have I had enough before I finish?” You’re doing it anyway. Here’s what I would do. I like the way you’re doing it. It’s working for you and we’re never going to stop doing something that works, but we want to work on you hating waste. I understand we don’t want to throw away food, but I don’t want you sitting around. Because what if you get served at a restaurant? What if you go to your mama’s house for a holiday and she makes your plate? You haven’t addressed being able to stop at enough. So in those situations, you’re setting yourself up to only think like you always do, which is, “If I leave food behind, I’m wasting food,” versus, “If I leave food behind, I’ve stopped wasting my life. I’ve stopped using my stomach as a garbage disposal or trash can.”

I want you all to think about this. So often we get tied up into thinking that the worst thing that we can do with food is like, “Oh my God, you need to eat it all. That’s so wasteful. There are people starving in the world.” I have yet to ever hear a story on the news where they interviewed someone starving in the world who said, “Oh my gosh, I’m no longer starving. I think I just felt someone in the United States overeat. I’m good.” You’ve not solved a fucking problem. Not one problem. If you want to quit wasting money on extra food, learn how to start eating at enough. So that over time you can dial back how much you buy and purchase. That’s the best way. And the only way to know how to dial back is you got to see what it is your body doesn’t need anymore. You have to see the visual representation of like, “Oh, I made this level plate. My body said that was more than I needed. So I got to break the habit of doing that.”

Now, for what you’re doing right now. I don’t think it’s a problem. I just want you to work on the thought that if I was to leave food behind on my plate, that’s not wasteful. That’s called investing in another 10 years in my life, because this body won’t have to carry food. It was never intended to carry. It doesn’t have to work harder. You only get so many pumps of your heart over the course of a lifetime. When you all overeat, your heart rate goes up, and it goes up for a long period of time and has to have extra beats. You’re pulling off the total beats you’re ever going to get in your life every time you’re overeating. That’s more wasteful.

All right. “I just found out that I’m in menopause. I’m 52. So do I need to eat differently now? The last eight months have been a struggle to lose weight, in fact, I’ve gained.” All right. We’ll do it like we always do it. If you are a No BS woman, and you are in menopause and you have lost weight, please put in the comments how much weight you’ve lost and at what age you’ve lost it. Here’s what I have found for most people in menopause. They want to blame the menopause when they are not 100% consistent on eating only when they’re hungry and stopping at enough. When you are 100% consistent in that for a month, and if you haven’t lost weight, then we go to step two. I’m now going to be 100% consistent on staying exactly on my 24 hour plan, what I plan for me. And I’m 100% consistent with my water and my sleep.

When those four things become 100% consistent and you ain’t losing weight, please feel free to go to any other diet program out in the world that addresses menopause stuff. But here’s what they address in the menopause land if you’re going to go and get on specific diets, they’re just going to cut a bunch of foods out, and then tell you to eat a certain amount to try to get you to only eat when you’re hungry and to stop at enough. I’m just like, “Can we just skip complicated lists? And can we just skip the math?” I’m all about skipping math anytime I can. I just don’t think math needs to be a major contributor to weight loss. So that’s my stance on menopause. Now I’m 48. I’m perimenopausal. I get you, but I just work the basics. So all I do, I eat when I’m hungry. If I’m getting hungry, that’s when I eat. When I’ve had enough, that’s when I stop.

I still to this day, have to think about it at times. Sometimes it’s very automatic for me, because I’ve been doing it for so long. But when I’m eating something I really enjoy, when I’m on vacation, especially at night when I’m tired, I have to really have a conversation with myself, “Where are we at, Corinne? Have you had enough?” Most of the time I’ve had enough before I want to stop eating. That’s okay. I like to know that. I like to ask myself, “Why do I just want to keep eating if I know I’ve had enough?” Very often, because you’re tired, and when you stop eating, you’re going to start thinking of all the things you should do. You should check in one last time with your team, hit that email one more time, go diddle in the Facebook group just make sure.

A lot of times for me, I want to extend my dinner because I’ve worked a lot that day. And I know me, the moment I stop eating dinner, my brain is going to turn back on thinking, “You could work more. There’s more you could do. You probably should be doing it.” And when I started realizing that, you know what it gave me the advantage of doing? It started allowing me to talk to myself about all that I have accomplished for the day. Why it is okay to stop working? How deserving I am of stopping? When you just keep eating, you miss the conversation that changes the relationship with you. But in order to change the relationship with you, you have to hear the relationship that you have.

And for most women, especially when it comes to after school eating and evening eating. I mean, basically from 4:00 to 9:00 is the Donkey Kong window for most of us. Some of us have different parts, some of us it’s earlier in the night, some of us it’s later in the night, depending on when our kids go to bed and stuff. I will just tell you, you have to hear the conversation first, and that can be hard. Because if you don’t learn what I teach inside of No BS, in module two of No BS, we don’t learn how to listen to that conversation. It’s overwhelming at first. But it’s the invitation for us to change everything with ourselves. And when we change all of that, so much easier to lose weight. If you get used to every night, having the desire to keep eating, hearing yourself, “Should and work harder, and, “Oh my God, you need to do this.”

Then, you allow yourself to be like, “I get it. I’m the kind of person that works hard. I’m the kind of person that has high expectations. But I’m also the kind of person who got this much done today. Yay me. I’m also the kind of person who is very deserving of a break, and here’s why,” you get to have that conversation too. But as long as we keep eating, you all, every night to compensate for shitty thoughts about ourselves. All we’re going to do is be overweight with a lot of shitty thoughts about ourselves, and desperately running from them. I want you to face them head on and I want you to be the bitch that changes the conversation, so that you get to feel better about yourself. And it goes back to that first question, how do we enjoy losing weight? This is exactly how, because when you do a typical diet and they just give you calories, and they just give you meal plans and stuff, they don’t even talk about changing the conversation with yourself.

You know what they say? Like, “Oh, you got to your plan. Oh, you lost weight.” Everything is contingent upon losing the weight. That is the only time you get to be proud of yourself. They don’t teach how to be proud of yourself around other things in your life. I mean, who gives a shit? Let’s say that you are a great mom. You are an amazing wife. You are a daughter who will do anything her mama asks. You are the best friend to the end. And you are the employee that your boss will throw shit at you all the time, knowing you can handle it. Let’s say you’re all or some of that. When you know a typical diet, they never teach you how to recognize that, they never teach you how to find your greatness. They only teach you how to find greatness in the scale and what you look like. But they don’t teach you how to find those things, recognize those things, think about those things, acknowledge those things.

Because if all you do is lose weight, but you tell yourself all the time, “I never have time for me,” instead of, “I am the kind of person who makes time for everyone. And I’m learning how to make time for me too.” If you don’t do that, then you’ve just lost weight while still worrying that the reason your boss gives you all projects. It’s because he thinks you’re not good enough, or that your boss just doesn’t like you. When it may be, “No. My boss trusts me. Maybe that’s why they keep giving me all the work.” So it’s just important that we learn to lose weight in a new way. All right. Let’s see. “I journal 80% of the time and have been going back, going back and cannot figure out why I am at such a stall. Three to four weeks and have noticed the scale slowly creeping up. Is there advice on how to figure out what is going on? Have lost just over 50 pounds, but can’t figure out what’s happened.”

All right. So first of all, I don’t know if you’re a member or not. Kathy, if you all could somehow figure out if these are members or not. So I will talk to this person as if you are a member. Take the Stalls and Plateaus course, that’s the fastest way to figure out what the fuck is going on. We have a four week course on stalls and plateaus that will tell you what a true stall or plateau is. The first thing you need to ask yourself, number one is, am I 100% on eating to enough or starting when I’m hungry? You need to check your basics. If you’re 100% on those and you have not lost weight in three to four weeks, then what we need to do is we need to recalibrate your enough.

So if that is the case, let’s say you’ve been 100%. Then what I would do is I would go to… Oh, what is the course? Somebody tell me in the chat, which one of our… Where is the link? There’s a whole worksheet, or a thing that gives hunger challenges and stuff. You’re going to want to test that. So this month, one of the things that we’ve been doing in the membership, for the month of July is every week, we have done the halftime method, we’ve done on the clock method, all the different things to recalibrate your hunger and your satisfaction levels. So you’re going to want to make sure you go do all of those. If you go to, it is Corinne’s drop it like a hot challenge on the website. If you go there, you’re going to see not only each one of the recalibration tools that we have to figure out where hunger and enough are. There’s a video explaining exactly how to do each one.

So I would suggest doing that, number one, but also make sure you take the Stalls and Plateaus course in your journal. We want to make sure that a lot of times that we do is we tell ourselves, I’m doing all the things, but we haven’t really investigated yet. We haven’t looked at our data. How many plans did I follow in the month of June and July? How many times did I wait until hunger in the month of June and July? All of that information is in your Habit tracker. So all you have to do is go to your Habit. If you are tracking your shit in your planner, then you’re going to see what that is. Whatever is not compliant, that’s a flare that says, “This is the next weight loss problem you got to work on.”

So a lot of times people will lose, let’s say you have 100 pounds to lose. You lose 50 of it, and for the first 50 you could be eating on your plan most days of the week, on the weekends you break your plan. Most of the time you’re waiting for hunger, every now and then you preemptive eat. You eat to enough a good bit of the time, but you’re still a little bit over eating, but the scale’s moving down. It’s fine. Then you’re going to hit a point where what you’re doing, keeping a few weekend extras, sometimes eating when you just want to, eating past enough because it tastes so good. What you think are little things are now where at this size that’s maintenance for you. And so that means we have to go in and we have to recalibrate.

We have to think like, “All right. My next challenge is to figure out, why am I not just making plans that are sensible on the weekends?” You just pick something that you’ve identified, that’s causing your stall. It’s a behavior that’s causing a stall. It is very rare that I have anyone that is 100% compliant and their body won’t shake loose of the weight. It has happened on one hand, the 15 years that I’ve been teaching people to lose weight. And each one of those people, we just really worked. It really came down to a few of them just need to sub out a few foods. That was it. And then, their body went right back into weight loss mode.

All right. “I’ve been a member since March, but still get caught up in diet mentality and feel that if I allow myself to put anything on my plan, then I won’t lose weight. Suggestions on how to get past this feeling.” So listen to some of the classes on diet mentality. So I want you to go in. So somebody from my group, will you please put some links to anything that’s on diet mentality, getting over diet mentality. I’m trying to think. I don’t remember which course it is. One of them really addresses it, but I want you to just listen and double down. I tell you what, if you will post this question since you’re a member, don’t post it here in the public side. Just go over to the main Facebook group and say, “Hey, I was on the public life. Can the community team hook me up with a bunch of resources on break and diet mentality?” We have worksheets. I know I’ve coached on this a thousand times. That’s really what we want to do.

Now, one of the resources I would highly encourage you to use is the four ends process. You want to notice your diet mentality thoughts, like your whole thought is, “I can’t allow myself to put anything on the plan or I won’t lose weight.” You don’t even know, it feels true but it also feels scary. So we may just need to test. We may need to be brave and you put a few things on there. That might be what you need. Also, I will say I am getting ready to write the third module for the maintenance course. I know you’re not in maintenance, but very often what we deal with in maintenance is the exact same thing we deal with as we’re losing weight. The next month, it will release in August. It is about experimentation in maintenance, which you might want to apply to experimenting to break your diet mentality.

But at the end of the day, you’re just scared. But you don’t know what will happen. So at some point you just have to decide, “I’m willing to be scared and try it to see what happens.” The best way to try it though is don’t like, if you’re terrified, let me see if I have this flip chart. I keep showing you all this over and over and over again. But let me find. Here, I’ll just create a new one. So let me make sure you all can see it. All right. When we are trying to make a decision on doing something, this is really important for all of you to know. There are three zones. All right. In here is the comfort zone, that’s where you’re at right now. You are planning like a diet person. Now, a lot of people are like, “Oh, that’s not a comfort zone.” It is for many of us, because if we keep putting really strict things and everything that we believe is the truth in here, then we feel comforted.

We may not love it. We may not like it. It may not feel like freedom, but it is comfortable. What most of us do is we go to this zone next, it’s called scared shitless. This is where, here I am eating everything I’ve learned from Susan Powter, Jane Fonda, Weight Watchers, and the Whole30 Guide. I’ve combined all of their horse shit and made a magic concoction. And now I try to eat on that every day where I feel like, “All right. This is safe.” You may hate it. It may feel restrictive, but it does feel safe. Then you’re like, “Well, Corinne is teaching we should eat what we want, and we’re going to try all the foods.” And so we think, “All right. I’m going to put every day, Ding Dongs cakes, Snowballs, Snickers, nachos, French fries, bottle of wine to polish it all off.” We suddenly go out here. We’re going to put all the things on here. And guess what we do? Freak ourselves the fuck out.

And when we’re freaked out, what we’re doing is we’re triggering like a trauma response. If we’re freaked out, we’re just going to run right back to the comfort zone. So a lot of us, this is what we do. We like, “Hardcore diet, hardcore diet, hardcore diet,” “Oh my God, can’t do that.” Another extreme, “I’m going to eat all the things. I’m going to do all the stuff. Blah, blah, blah, blah,” and then we’re just vacillating between the two. So we go from freak out to feeling safe and protected, freaked out to feeling safe and protected. There is a middle zone. Humans are not notoriously good at the middle, but we going get in the middle. I’m all about the gray. I’m all about the middle. It’s called the uncomfortable zone. The uncomfortable zone feels like there’s a little doubt, but it also feels doable. Triggers a little bit of worry, but you can also negotiate.

It’s not so freaking wild that you can’t talk yourself off the ledge. It’s like you just get above your comfort zone, and your reasoning brain can still talk to you. We want to be in here. So this what this would look like is if you’re trying to break diet mentality, you may every day plan for one thing that you’re not used to. So maybe you are just hardcore, always eating stuff and you’re like, “You know what? If I could just have a sandwich, it would change my life at this point.” This is what a lot of the keto people tell me. They just miss fucking sandwiches. It’s like, all right. Here’s what we’re going to do. For this week, on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, you’re going to plan that sandwich. You’re going to plan all your other foods the same way.

But for this week, we’re just going to be uncomfortable on Monday, Wednesday and Friday. We’re going to sneak a sandwich in. We’re going to eat it with intention. We’re going to enjoy it. We’re going to stop at enough. And we’re going to do it just enough to calm our nervous system down around all of our food rules. So that we can continue to keep trying a little bit more, a little bit more. So that we’re not freaking ourselves out. We’re not triggering our body to do wild things. We’re just working with ourselves. So this is important. This is a concept I keep teaching inside the membership that we all need to remember. “Are there any adjustments to be made if you’re pregnant or trying to get pregnant?” No. What I want you all to do is, a lot of my women have had… Now, we have had people who’ve had three or four kids inside the membership. They just are little baby pumpers in there at times.

I always just tell them, especially when you’re pregnant. If you’re listening to your body, your body will tell you how much food it needs. And the point of it is so that when you have the baby, you’re in the habit of listening to your body, you’re not in the habit of just eating whatever, because you’re pregnant, or eating as much as you want because you’re pregnant. We’re always letting our body just guide us along the way. “I had a snack to my daily plan. I don’t always eat it, but I always add it. Seeing it on the plan makes it seem okay. I know this is probably asshole thinking.” I don’t think it’s asshole thinking. I’d rather you have a snack on your plan that triggers you to ask yourself, “Am I hungry? And if I’m not, then I just know I’m not going to eat that snack for today. And if I’m ever hungry, I get to eat it.” I think that’s just smart and wise. So it’s not an asshole.

“I’m doing great eating when I’m hungry and stopping at satisfied. But I’ve noticed about two hours later, I notice I’m hungry again. What do I do about that?” You could try adding a little fat to whatever you’re eating. Fat and protein tends to keep us satiated a little bit longer. So if I just ate, let’s say if I ate a jelly sandwich and some chips for lunch. Although I would love it, I know that I would probably be hungry in two hours. So I would at least want to put some peanut butter on my jelly sandwich. So sometimes just looking at the mix of your food is helpful, but often you could probably eat three to four more bites, and you’ll probably find that you’re just fine.

I mean, if you think about your stomach is only the size of a fist. A lot of us think in order to get four or five hours of satiation that we got to eat so much more. It’s like, “No. You ain’t really got that much room in your stomach,” you only really need about three, maybe four more bites, that can make all the difference. So that can make you last two more hours at times. “Talking of old diet mentality. We were often told that losing weight quickly, it would come back quickly. That ideal is one to two pounds a week. I’m losing two to three a week consistently, but a little voice pops up. And then question if I’m losing too quickly.” No. I don’t think that’s a black and white topic.

It depends on how much weight you have to lose. Some of my members lose weight a little bit faster, especially in the beginning. Over the course of the lifetime of their weight loss, they realize that it starts averaging out to be a half a pound to two pounds. So sometimes in the beginning, you’ll lose weight a little faster, because you’ll be losing water blow. Your body just ready to release more weight in the beginning. Those kinds of things. That’s why so many people get freaked out. Let’s say you’re losing two to four pounds in the very beginning for the first few weeks. And then all of a sudden it goes to one, people will think they’re doing something wrong. Instead of thinking like, “Oh, this is just where my body is now really dropping just fat. It’s really doing what it needs to be doing for the long haul.” So I wouldn’t worry about it too much.

The reason why most people say, “If you lose weight fast, it comes back fast,” is because when you lose weight fast, you haven’t changed your habits. You’re not addressing your emotional eating and stuff. Very often people will go on juice fasts, they’ll go on shake programs. There’s a lot of them out there. They will do antique-y type diets that do not teach them how to deal with their emotions, that do not teach them how to have a normal relationship with food. So when they lose their weight or run out of willpower, they go back to what they were doing, and what they were doing was aggressively gaining weight. So yeah, it comes back on pretty fast, but it’s because of the eating.

All right, everyone, that’s it for today. So make sure that you do me a favor. Number one, if you get value out of this, please tag people in the comments that should be listening to me who maybe aren’t. Please share this on your newsfeed. If you love me, please share it on your newsfeed, so that more people can hear about No BS Weight Loss. And make sure that you’re listening to the podcast. A lot of you ask, “How can you work with me?” Here are the ways to work with me. This live is the third Wednesday of every month at 10:00 AM Central Time. So there’s one of those a month. If you’re in the membership, you’re getting me at least twice a week. Now, if you want to listen to the podcast, there’s one podcast that happens every week on Fridays. So make sure you go to Losing 100 Pounds with Corinne, download the podcast, subscribe to the podcast. It will automatically alert you when you have new podcasts. So make sure you’re listening to that.

If you’re a member, you have the private member podcast, you’ve got quick hits that are 20 minutes or less, you’ve got live trainings that are an hour or more, you’ve got courses, you have me, you have a lot of me in the podcast that’s private. The other way is to take our free course over at nobsfreecourse.com, sign up for it. And then when you do, you get a special invitation to join No BS. It’s only good for a few days. And then after that, we wait until we have a big opening. Our next opening will be at the end of September. So we will be opening the doors at the end of September again for new members. But if you want to get in now, if you take the free course, then you get a special invitation. All right. That’s how you can work with me. I hope I can see you as a No BS woman one day, otherwise I will see you all next month. Same time, same little channel. Bye all.

Thank you so much for listening today. Make sure you head on over to nobsfreecourse.com, and sign up for my free weight loss training on what you need to know to start losing your weight right now. You’ll also find lots of notes and resources from our past podcast, help you lose your weight without all the bullshit diet advice. I’ll see you next week.


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I'm Corinne Crabtree

Corinne Crabtree, top-rated podcaster, has helped millions of women lose weight by blending common-sense methods with behavior-based psychology.

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