Hi, I’m Corinne. After a lifetime of obesity, being bullied for being the fattest kid in the class and losing and gaining weight like it was my job, I finally got my shit together and I lost 100 pounds. Each week, I’ll teach you no bullshit weight loss advice you can use to overcome your battle with weight. I keep it simple. You’ll learn how to quit eating and thinking like an asshole. You stop that, and weight loss becomes easy. My goal is to help you lose weight the way you want to live your life. If you are ready to figure out weight loss, then let’s go.
I was listening to a recording this morning. I was listening to some of my own cell of development. And there was something that was said that I was like, “This is so good.”
A lot of us have a hard time taking action. So we have a hard time with making our plan and following, asking ourselves, “Have I had enough?” So if you follow me, if you listen to the podcast, if you’ve done my free course over at, you know that I teach you four basics to weight loss. But a lot of you have a really hard time being consistent with it and stuff. What most of you do, is you plan those actions. You plan the things that you’re going to do around the idea that everything has to go perfect in order for this to happen. And what I want to challenge all of you to do is to start looking at the things that you’re going to do and make sure that, “The shit can hit the fan and I will still do it.”
That will help you get a little bit of clarity around a lot of times, what we’re doing is, I say, we’re planning in fantasy land. So we’re going to plan to eat a head of broccoli for dinner, with maybe some fat free ranch dressing as if that’s a good choice. And that we’ll want it on a day when we know we are stacked and jacked with kids that are sick and we got to show up at work and our boss was on a tirade yesterday.
I’m not saying you need to plan hamburger and French fries from the Burger King, but sometimes what we need to do is think about a little bit more around when we’re planning things. “Am I actually planning this from the mindset of, ‘I won’t want to do it and I’m probably going to be resisting it?’ So if I’m not going to want to do it and I’m going to be resisting it, what does that action look like today? What does that food plan look like today? How many times will I need to remind myself of certain thoughts today? What are those thoughts going to be today?”
I want you guys to start thinking about that as you are creating your plans. We are in the middle of basics 2.0 inside the membership where I am teaching you guys every single day a deep dive topic on the four basics, like how you implement them. Just like today, we will be going over weekends, celebrations and trips. This goes into that action. Never plan a weekend, a celebration or a trip with a mindset of, “It’s going to be almost insurmountable, so here’s my plan.” Or, “If it was perfect and everything went right, this is what I would eat.”
We really want to make sure that when we’re planning, we’re planning from doable, realistic mindsets. “If I’m not going to want to do it, and I’m probably going to have resistance, can I still follow through?” If the answer is likely to be no, you don’t have a plan, you have wishful planning. So we really want to start changing that.
All right. So keep raising your hands, go ahead and unmute yourself. Ask your question, and always start with, “My question is.”
Speaker 2:
My question is, I’m working on self sabotage around good and bad foods. So I’ve been practicing putting these foods I considered bad on my plan, but then when I’m in the moment faced with choosing to eat them, I feel like I don’t really want that. I want the healthier food. So do I almost, I don’t want to say force, but do I eat it even though I feel like I don’t really want it right now? Or do I just keep putting on my plan until I want it in a certain moment.
Okay. So this is an interesting question. Let me make sure I’ve got it phrased up right so that I don’t answer this wrong. So you’re making your plan. You’re making the doable plan and you’re putting on foods that you think you’re going to want. And it typically is foods that maybe you’ve been afraid to plan before and that kind of stuff. Is that what’s happening so far?
Speaker 2:
Okay. And then what’s happening is in the moment when it’s time to get down on a hamburger or something, you’re like, “Oh, I don’t know if I really want a hamburger.” And you might want, say, a salad?
Speaker 2:
Or something like that, okay.
Speaker 2:
Or a grilled chicken. I just don’t feel I want it.
Okay, so this is perfect. This is what I call weight loss mecca moment. The reason why I have you guys plan these foods is because when your brain starts realizing, “We’re going to get them whenever we want to plan them”, they lose their thrill. Before, it’s like, “When we think we can’t have them and we don’t ever plan them, they just linger in your brain.” Like, “Oh my god, it’d be so good to eat a hamburger. Oh my god.” And you just imagine your life exploding in delight and every moment being, if you could just get that hamburger in your mouth.
Then when you’re actually doing it, what happens is the part, the fantasy, around the food and the off limit stuff, when it goes, a lot of the energy goes behind it. So then what happens is you’ve been focused on, “I’m going to lose weight. I’m going to do it the No BS way. Corinne teaches all this stuff.” I have you go through thinking about what your life is going to look like. And I start opening you up to, “Here’s what I’m grateful for today.” And as I do all of that work in your planner, what happens is suddenly it’s like your goals and what you really want it for yourself are starting to have a louder voice than a hamburger.
Speaker 2:
So go ahead.
Speaker 2:
I mean, for me, I realized going to dinner at people’s houses or parties or stuff like that, I would go in kind of miserable because I’d have this very restrictive plan. And I realize I’m really missing out on life with this. So I would put, “Oh, you can have the French fries, you can have the whatever.” But then when I get there, I’m like, “I don’t want it.”
Speaker 2:
So I’m wondering, am I better off forcing myself to eat it? Or is it okay? [crosstalk 00:06:55] on my plan, but I don’t want it.
I’m getting to that part. I’m going to tell you exactly what to do. But the reason why I’m going into all this description is because there’s a lot of people sitting around thinking that you never happen. They won’t plan these foods and stuff, but it’s important for you to understand what’s actually happening in your brain. Your brain is making the shift to being more focused on what it truly wants out of life versus just what it wants in its mouth, which is two very different things.
So here’s how I would start doing your plan, now that you notice this is coming up. The first thing that most of you can do is although it’s going to jack your stats on your habit tracker, you will eat off plan. So now what you will do is if you truly don’t want the burger and you want to level up, you’re like, “I really would rather have something that’s going to help me, like a piece of chicken, whatever it is, not because that food is the better food or whatever, but because it’s what you want. And you can see yourself eating it and being satisfied and truly enjoy it, and it not take you away from your goals. You’re not eating it because you’re uncomfortable. You fear you’re going to miss out. You’re worried you won’t ever get this again.
This doesn’t work in reverse order. We’re not going to go and have a salad plan and decide to get a burger because we’re going to reinforce some bullshit like, “I’m afraid I’m going to miss out. I may never get this burger again. Might be the best burger I’ve ever had.” We’re not doing that shit. In this case. What she’s doing is she is like, “I really don’t want this. I thought I would want this. And what I’m realizing is I want more out of my life and I would rather eat this and this could even be better for me.” She could have a thousand reasons why. That’s not diet mentality. That’s No BS Weightloss mentality.
Diet mentality would be saying, “Well, I planned a burger, but I’ll probably get fat tomorrow. So I’m just going to go ahead and eat a salad.” That would be diet thinking. That’s still being afraid of a hamburger, but that’s not happening here. She just doesn’t want it. So what I would do first and foremost is I would just break my plan, count it as I didn’t follow my plan. I would do a discovery worksheet, but I would do it in reverse of, “It wasn’t an excuse. I’m learning more about my true wants and desires”, so that you get the benefit of exploring changing your plan from a good mindset, from the No BS woman mindset.
Then what you can do is you’ll probably start seeing yourself want to say, “You know what? I think I might want a burger or whatever, but what history is showing me is I don’t really want these foods as much. I would rather go in and not have it planned and just see if drama comes up, knowing that I can eat what I plan. And if I ever want to plan the burger again, I can.” So you can do it that way.
And you’re just going to pick whichever one feels best to you. The last way that you can do it is say, “You know what? I’m going to plan both. I’m starting to see that these foods have way less importance. So I’m going to plan both the burger plus the chicken breast and baked potato. And then when I get there, I’m going to decide what I really want. So any of those would work.
Me personally, I always err on the side of just… Well, honestly I do both. I either plan for the burger and stuff and then just break my plan if I want to level up. And then I give myself a good journaling session on, “That’s awesome. You decided in the moment that you really didn’t want it. You really didn’t need it. That you could plan a burger. Anytime you decided to go with a salad.” I would reinforce that mindset and just be like, “This is the kind of woman I want to be.” Or I would probably not plan the burger, plan the salad and go in. And if I wanted the burger at the time, teach myself it’s not the end of the world if I don’t get it this time. And then figure out, “All right. So when’s the next time I could plan it?” Next week, tomorrow, whenever it would be. That would be the two, but for some of you, you may just want to start with, just to get easy wins, giving yourself the option and you go in and then you decide. Does that help?
Speaker 2:
Yeah, that’s great. As long as when I’m getting out of this is that I want to analyze what my mindset is.
Speaker 2:
When I don’t choose to eat the stuff, like the burger or fries or dessert, I’m leveling up in my mind, but I have to do it for the right reason.
Yeah. So there’s either, sometimes you guys will do it from a fear. It’s like, “I’ll plan the foods, but then I get there, I’m so afraid to eat them, I won’t eat them.” That might decrease desire and the want. I don’t want to say, “Force you to eat a burger.” Be mindful of why you would want to switch.
Speaker 2:
And then, because what you could do is if you find out what you’re thinking, then you can find out what you would want to be thinking in that moment or what you want to think about those foods. It just gives you a lot of good information.
Thank you so much for listening today. Make sure you head on over to and sign up for my free weight loss training on what you need to know to start losing your weight right now. You’ll also find lots of notes and resources from our past podcasts to help you lose your weight without all the bullshit diet advice. I’ll see you next week.