Hey y’all, are you freaking out when it comes to weight loss for the holidays? Maybe you’ve spent the year making yourself do one restrictive diet after another, only to cave every time you feel overwhelmed, or maybe you’re upset that your usual holiday is ruined, and scared as shit you’re going to each face off because of it. Now I know this sucks. So I want to tell you this. It doesn’t have to suck. One of the things that I teach at No BS Women is they get to decide if they’re going to gain, maintain, or lose weight during the holidays. You heard me right. You do not have to lose weight if you don’t want to during the holidays. You also don’t have to go face down in your grandma’s chess pie either for fear that you can’t lose weight.
So this week I’m getting you ready for the holidays, so you can feel something better than afraid, unsure, or overwhelmed around food for the next two months. I have some holiday homework that’s going to help you make the holidays doable and put things back in your control. So for today’s podcast, I’m giving you a clip from inside the No BS Women weight loss membership, where I describe one of my favorite holiday weight loss tools, the holiday calendar. If you’re a member, just go to our handling the holidays course, and you’ll find not only the full video on this training, but you’ll also be able to download our holiday guide filled with helpful cheat sheets and worksheets to get you focused and feeling in control around food and your weight this holiday season. So if you’re one of my podcast listeners, I want you to make sure to listen all the way through, because at the end, we’re going to have a little gift for you.
Before I even became a life coach, this is old school Corinne, when she wore bandanas with rhinestones and camo all the time. I was legit in some style about 10 years ago. I came up with this idea that we have a thought all the time, like oh my God, there’s just so many parties. I’m so busy. I got so many events. We blow it up, and we spend Halloween to fucking January 2nd eating our face off over a few events. And I’ve watched people do this all the time. Totally blow out of proportion and not dial in what are the facts of your holiday fucking season. Because when you think, I got all the parties, I’m so busy, there’s so much going on and stuff, guess what? You feel overwhelmed, taxed, torn. And what do we do? We give up trying to lose weight because we think we’re so busy, as if your 24 hour plan takes you so much damn time. Suddenly the 24 hour plan goes from three minutes to like three hours, baby.
Then the next thing that happens is you forget that you ain’t got to count no calories, you ain’t got to do no apps, you ain’t got to do shit other than wait until you’re fucking hungry, grab you a water bottle, tote it with you to go do your Christmas shopping, and then if you had had enough, you just got to have the common sense to stop. That does not take time. That does not do anything in the holidays. And yet, we give up on all of it because we complicate it. We act like it’s all so much. I don’t care if you’re going to go to 400 different malls every single day between now and then, top it all off with a party every night that you got to dress up for, that ain’t got a damn thing with what you put in your mouth. If you ain’t hungry, don’t eat. Once you had enough, stop.
You may not want to. You may throw an internal fit. You may have old shitty taking a dump on your Christmas tree, but that doesn’t mean that it takes more time. It doesn’t mean that you ain’t got time to lose weight. It don’t mean none of that shit. And most of you, if you’re Christmas shopping, guess what you can do. Don’t tell me some horse shit, you ain’t got time to listen to No BS. You know what you got? Earbuds. Back in the day, if I had to send you some cassettes or CDs to tote around and listen, yeah, I might give you a pass that it would be hard, but even with a Walkman and I sent you cassettes of everything that I say, you could slap that hussy right on your hip, you could still take me shopping. You could still get some shit done. Y’all got earbuds and a phone that you never leave anywhere. Half of you sleep with it next to your head in the bed.
So do not sit there and tell yourself you ain’t got time. We live in a world of convenience now. If you want to listen to every word I drop out of my mouth, you probably can. Shower. I listen to two podcasts while I shower and blew my hair out. You know what I did? I put my earbuds in, so while I’m drying my hair, guess what? I can still hear. When you’re Christmas shopping, when you’re driving to these parties, slip an earbud in. If your partner is sitting next to you in the car, then listen. And when they’re not talking, like that partner you always bitch about that’s so quiet in the damn car. Well guess what? Listen to me in one ear. And on the rare chance they actually say something to you, you’ll hear them.
What you want to get done can be done. The only way things get done is when you get over your excuses, you get over all the things that you tell yourself. So the holiday planning calendar, it’s gold because I watched people do this for years and years and years. I finally developed something for them, and it’s real simple, the way it works. You look out over the next 60 days. Here we are November, I think today’s the 9th. You look out over time. Every single thing you can think of that you’re committed to, you put it on the calendar. You write it down. I got to party. This is when we’re traveling. These are the only days where there’s going to be a real meal. The other days, I totally can do this. We’re going to be stopping at gas stations.
For all of you that keep bullshitting me that, oh my God, I’m going to be on the road. I don’t know where we’re going to eat. So what? So fucking what? If you ain’t hungry, then don’t eat. If you go to a gas station, it is rare these days, but you go to a gas station that doesn’t have cheese sticks, protein bars, hard boiled eggs, bananas, apples. There’s all kinds of things now. Protein shakes in a bottle. 10 years ago, my bitches didn’t have that. You know 10 years ago what they had? A blog called Igloo is My Purse, because when they went on the road, they actually had to bring all the food with them because the gas stations hadn’t caught up to shit yet. Nowadays, you can go anywhere, anywhere, and make something work, but you’ve got to be willing to make it work.
So you write all of it on your calendar. The meals and the parties, you’re like, all right, this is the ones I’ll be having the drinks and this is the ones where mama’s chess pie is coming out. These are the ones. What it does is it shows you that out of like 60 days, let’s say you’ve got 10 parties and three big days of shopping where you’re actually going out into the world. You’re not just ordering the Amazon. You’ve got all them other days to get it right. What’s 60 minus 15? Say you had 15 days. 45. You’ve got 45 days to be a champ, to just do you normally. You’ve got 15 days that it ain’t going be like every other day. You’ve got 15 days you’ve got to turn your brain on and be mindful. Think it through. Decide deliberately what you want to have and what you don’t want to have. That’s why we do the worksheet.
All right. Even if you aren’t a No BS Woman, you can take control of the holidays by pulling out a calendar, writing down when your special holiday occasions are and doing the simple math. And if you do, I want you to head on over to my Facebook page,, or hit me up on Instagram @Corrine, C-O-R-I-N-N-E, underscore Crabtree, and share what you learned on today’s podcast.
Now here’s that gift I promised. I am so grateful for everyone that listens to the podcast and follows me on social media. I get so many messages from y’all about wanting to join the membership and wondering when are we going to be welcoming new members. Well, I am excited to announce that the No BS weight loss membership will be open for new members March 2nd through the 5th of 2022. So if you want to be notified of our opening, make sure that you’ve taken my free course over at Hope you enjoyed today’s podcast, and I will see you next week.
Thank you so much for listening today. Make sure you head on over to and sign up for my free weight loss training on what you need to know to start losing your weight right now. You’ll also find lots of notes and resources from our past podcasts to help you lose your weight without all the bullshit diet advice. I’ll see you next week.