Updated: December 12, 2023

Episode 206: How My Mom Lost 100 lbs

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How My Mom Lost 100 lbs

This may be one of the most heartfelt and touching podcast episodes I’ve ever recorded. Someone very close to me, my mom, lost 100 lbs using my simple weightloss advice.

It’s a first for me because I have my mama on, who everyone including me, calls Mammy. We’re talking all about our relationship and how weightloss has brought us closer together.

Today, Kathy is in the driver’s seat, asking Mammy and I all the questions. I gotta say there wasn’t a dry eye in the house.

Growing up, my mother was a single mother who made something out of nothing. I respect the shit out of her for working hard to do the best by my brother and me.

My mother is one of my biggest inspirations. She lost her 110lbs later in life using tools that I created to help EVERY woman.

My mother used No BS to greatly improve her health and belief in herself. It’s literally changed her life so much that now she works for me, answering your customer service questions.

Mammy and I have done the work to embrace our happy ending by allowing ourselves to be authentically each other.

Make sure you grab a box of Kleenex, and push play on how I learned tenacity and perseverance from my mama.

My mama wants you to know if she can do it, so can you!

In today’s podcast, I’m sharing my mama with you, so you know weightloss can happen for you too, no matter your age or life circumstances.


Topics discussed in the ‘How My Mom Lost 100 Pounds’ episode:

Topic 1: Why our relationships with our mothers are closely tied to how we feel about ourselves and our bodies. [00:01 – 4:47]

Topic 2: All about how Mammy raised me, and our shared history of Weight Watcher meetings and weight gain. [03:12 – 16:55]

Topic 3: What finally motivated Mammy to lose 110lbs, and how she changed her limiting thoughts about what is possible. [18:41 – 30:58]

Topic 4: How weightloss often improves relationships with your loved ones, and how Mammy and I have grown to understand each other even more. [37:33 – 48:33]

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Speaker 1 (00:01):

Hello, everybody. Welcome back. So today we have something special, something never been done before on the podcast. Someone from my family is going to be on here. So I’ve been, um, talking to Kathy about, uh, doing an interview with my mom. Uh, and today you are all going to hear about Kerryn and Mamie’s relationship. Uh, we’re going to talk about her weight loss. We’re going to, we’re going to talk about all kinds of stuff. Honestly, Kathy has come up with a bunch of questions. Uh, she’s gonna ask us and we’re just going to have a conversation, but, uh, just wanted to let everybody know. My mom has lost a lot of weight. She, um, has struggled with her weight, all her life, just like I did. And, uh, since coming to work for me, uh, she really started kind of just absorbing some of the things that I teach. 

Speaker 1 (00:53):

Uh, funny story for, I don’t know how long we’ve had this podcast. My mom couldn’t figure out how to use a podcast. So she never listened to me teach and she never listened to me do stuff. And then how long ago mama was, when I, when you started doing the help scout stuff, help scout is our customer service. It was, uh, I went to work for you in August of 2019. Okay. So when she did that, she was having to like, she had to be a member of the website so that she could find stuff that members needed. Cause she’s, if you email into, uh, our customer service into support at PMP tribe, you either are going to talk to my mom or Vern. And so, uh, she wasn’t doing it for a long time. And so she had to start listening to. I actually say like, I would tell her some stuff sometimes, but she was like, eh, I’ve always been overweight. He’s never going to happen. Ran, ran, ran. And then she just started listening to me, tell everybody else stuff. Next thing I know she’s losing weight. And she’s like, you make sense. Who would have known? So we’re going to talk about all that today. Uh, and Kathy’s just going to ask us some questions. I think it’ll be fun. I’m excited. And, uh, Kathy, the show is yours now. 

Speaker 2 (02:09):

Great. I’m so excited too. So maybe thank you for coming. We, I want to tell all the podcast listeners that we all love many. In fact, we all call her, maybe just like horrendous so that when I’m, when I’m talking to mommy, I’ll just say, thank you. 

Speaker 1 (02:25):

Not usually we call her mammy most of the time when, like, if we’re talking more mother-daughter or, well, if I’m getting on her about something, I drop straight into mama, like that’s, that’s like calling her by her first name, making sure that she knows that I’m talking to her, 

Speaker 2 (02:44):

My mother, when my mother would get on the main, 

Speaker 1 (02:46):

She would call me Coraine yeah, well, we both have the same middle name. So that’s probably something that listeners don’t know is that you’re Anna Korean. I’m April Korean. Right? 

Speaker 2 (02:56):

Right. Well, that’s interesting. I don’t, I knew that. So I’m just, it’s funny when you say mama, I’ve heard that same tone a lot. Mamie, I get Cathy. So I’m, I’m quite familiar with that. So here’s what I think would be fun. A fun way to start, because Kerryn talks about a lot about right. Being, um, growing up and being overweight and going to whitewash or meetings with you, you know, off and on. So tell us a little bit, we, we all want to know a little bit about what Corinne was like as a child and how you all kind of shared your weight, gain weight loss, weight Watchers, history together while she was still here. 

Speaker 3 (03:38):

Well, the first thing I remember I can remember, and this is probably just my baggage. I can remember staring at her when she was like, she had started walking. So she was at least two and I can remember staring at her legs and her books and praying that she would get or daddy’s legs or daddies. But that’s how I was. And I don’t know if maybe I pushed some of that on her or not. And without even knowing it, I don’t even know. But I, after I had her a wide, 147, the day she was born and then, um, I battled my weight from then. Um, I was up and down, up and down, up and down. So then she was a thin child. I was so happy cause she was fan, you know, up until, um, she got started probably getting into puberty, just thought may cause I was in about the fourth or fifth grade when I got fired and that kind of coincided with us moving to Nashville and course, you know, daddy, the first three months we lived there, all he did was cook because we hadn’t been used to regular meals, you know, like most folks. 

Speaker 3 (05:06):

So I, I saw a mom and Amy’s a daddy that first son, or is seeing him at the back of him as he was cooking something in the kitchen. And um, so you know, we all, you know, gained weight. Well, everybody, but Joe, Joe and, um, my naturally thin brother is kind of in his twenties, secondary and got married and we reveled in that while it lasted. But, um, yeah. And so, you know, that’s when she started again and why, and, and she probably remembers more than I did. Um, she was probably sixth or seventh grade, maybe the first time I drug her to weight Watchers. I was in the sixth grade. I was thinking it was described, but that was my well, that 

Speaker 1 (05:58):

Was my miserable year. I mean, I had many miserable years, but sixth grade was the year that I got bullied. So I mean like day in and day out, like in school and had it been a thing I would have begged for it. 

Speaker 3 (06:11):

And that, that teacher, I cannot say can for mine, but I, well, we don’t have to say it, but I hated her. And you know, for me, that was the only thing I could think of was to get you on some kind of diet. Like I had been there, it started, you know, the, you know, the yo-yo stuff and she got, she got thinner in high school and, uh, she never did lose all the way, but she gets in or in Harsco. So it was better a little bit for as far as the bullying and stuff, but it was very hard as a mother to watch that because, you know, my mother was always saying mama was big, blonde, dirty, you know, head cheerleader. She was all those things. And I never was none of that. Um, so, you know, mama didn’t really know how to tell me how to die. 

Speaker 3 (07:14):

I had to just, you know, try to do it on my own. And that one, the first that I ever remember going out was I read it in the, uh, writer’s digest when I was in about 14 years old. And you did you star be literally fast and two days a week, they make nothing. And then the other five days a week, you ate 700 calories. Oh my goodness. Okay. I did that off their hostel after hostel. And then after I became majorette, I did it every week during football season, I did not ate Wednesday or Thursday. Friday night was the football guy, son. His halftime show was over. I made the bagel line to the concession stand cause I had nights since Tuesday and I was hungry. 

Speaker 1 (08:11):

Wow. I guess you were the raccoon in the night. 

Speaker 3 (08:15):

I am, I was a Friday night, like no other, you know, but I mean, I did that every week. I just didn’t think even though I only did 115, I, yeah, I felt like a bad and you know, and so that’s the way it went. You know, 

Speaker 1 (08:36):

It sounds, it’s interesting to hear your story and we all know Corinne story of, you know, around nine nine is when was it nine or 10 when she really signed, when I got fourth grade, we moved to Nashville. So my parents finally separated and officially divorced and made the clean break the summer after my third grade year. And when, when we moved to Nashville, we moved in with my grandparents and my grandfather had been, um, he was on, uh, he was retired from disability. He had had a severe car accident and just couldn’t go back to work. And so he, he gardened, he cooked. He, um, he was an amazing cook. I mean, he did all kinds of stuff, but he was also the babysitter. I mean, like, I, I have all kinds of stories of not only did he cook for us all the time, but even when we were in school, um, he always on the way he would pick us up from school, we’d stopped by the little store. 

Speaker 1 (09:30):

We could get a Coke, we could get chips and candy. That was like our treat every single day that, you know, after school. So, um, I spent a lot of time with like really the majority of my childhood that my mem my childhood. I remember, you know, my grandparents were a huge part of it. We live with them a lot. If we weren’t living with them, then they were the babysitters while mama was at work, you know, my grandfather was always picking us up. Um, you know, they just, even when I was in high school, when my mom and I, we weren’t getting along too well, like I would move back in with them. I mean, it was just, um, they were just a huge influence. So 

Speaker 3 (10:09):

Yeah, they were just an extension of my, I mean, every mama would often say everything stopped and started at Grimey’s house. Like if the kids were ever gonna dress it and go somewhere like a prom or a dance or whatever the event was, we always went to mamas. So she could, so daddy could see him and, uh, um, you know, type patrons or whatever, but that was just the way it was, you know, I could have never raised the kids without the help of my parents. How fortunate were you to have them? It was so, I mean, Korean and Joe, the only daddy I really know is my daddy. And he was, Hey, I’m going to cry. He was just the bed. Yeah. Yeah. 

Speaker 2 (11:07):

It’s very sweet. Very, it’s very cool to hear the relationship that you all shared, you know, as, as, as Kerryn was growing up and as you were raising her and your parents were there too. So let’s fast forward. 

Speaker 1 (11:19):

Let me add this. I think one thing, just in case there’s new listeners that, that makes this story pivotal is I think people forget how young my parents were when they had, like, I look at Logan now he’s 18. My parents were younger than him when they started with me, like, my mom was 17 and my dad was 16. My dad was a junior in high school. Like, I mean, mama always says, I mean, I don’t remember it, but I went to his high school graduation. 

Speaker 3 (11:48):

Yeah. You know how time? Cause you, you, you, you didn’t want to stale. And so I stood up and it was a hot GM and Alabama and Jane, you know, and it was no air conditioning. Of course I was probably fired as hail and I have no GI cause you couldn’t even walk. You had, you were a light Walker. So I had to hold you the whole time. You know, it didn’t, she didn’t want to sit still that’s right. Shocking. Her late Walker. She was a very Arley talk or my daddy called her motor miles. 

Speaker 2 (12:31):

Okay. So let’s go into adulthood now, as you look at, you know, you had your kids, you’re in your twenties, you’re working all the time. You’re trying to make ends meet. Did you have any thoughts about your weight then? Did you yo-yo diet, if you just pretty much say, well, I’m just going to be this way. Tell me about that. 

Speaker 3 (12:52):

And on a diet, probably my whole life on and off. Uh, I, I did, you know, everything. I did Jenny Craig in the seventies a bit, the bad doctor we’d have to drive to Huntsville to the doctor and he loaded us up on amphetamines and, um, which were the bad amens. And like 

Speaker 1 (13:19):

Moment, I would just like every listener as my mother is telling this, it’s like, and we think we got it bad now. 

Speaker 3 (13:27):

Like they’re 

Speaker 1 (13:28):

Actively giving us speed to lose weight in a vitamin. 

Speaker 3 (13:34):

So I did that. Did Jenny Craig they’re white Watchers did the middle of 

Speaker 1 (13:39):

White walls. Don’t forget physicians, weight loss, where you lost your hair. 

Speaker 3 (13:44):

Right. That was the name of that one that mama paid for one night. Yes. And you lost your hair? I lost my hair. Um, my hair ain’t been right since, but, um, and then I’ve just, I’ve gained and lost white like lots of way. 

Speaker 1 (14:05):

Yeah. So tell him like, basically once you got into adulthood, like your, like what your thin weight would get to, but what you, like, what, like start topping out at? Cause I mean, the only thing they’ve ever heard is you’ve either weighed one 15 or one 47, which is like, like I never have memories of you being that small ever in my life, you know? So tell them about that. 

Speaker 3 (14:30):

Um, well I would hug her. I I’ve heard for years around 200. Um, probably like you’re, you’re growing up up until probably your twenties. Maybe after you had gotten grown. I would have around 200, but then after that, I probably, at the time when I started getting older, you know, like in my forties, like your age now, then it really started getting bad, you know, where I was closer to 300 and the, um, you know, and it’s so hard for me to remember, but I don’t remember the last time I remember being close to 300 or over 300. I actually was before I got my left shoulder replies, I needed an MRI and I was refused and had to reschedule it because I weighed over 300 pounds and I wouldn’t fit in the machine. I don’t know if you remember that. I don’t even remember that horrible for me. I mean, I remember balling on the phone with the technician and I felt so sorry for her because she was so apologetic that she had to tell me. Yeah. But do you remember this now that you’re saying it? Yeah. 

Speaker 2 (15:57):

All right. You’re like five, three or five, four, two, right, 

Speaker 3 (16:00):

Right, right. And, uh, so anyway, uh, I lost enough weight to get that MRI and get that shoulder replaced. Um, but that was then I’ve just hovered around 300 from then. Um, I lost a little white in 2017 or 2016 actually. Uh, after my shoulder surgery, I did started doing whites with my son before I left to move to Florida. And I lost about 30 pounds or so, which was the bam. I was probably, you know, maybe two 50 or something like that. But, um, I quickly got down here and just started eight and my best friend loves to eat who. And so I put on a bunch of weight and I got out, I probably got over 300 the first year I lived here. And that’s it 

Speaker 2 (16:57):

That where that’s about where you started working, uh, for no BS for Korean purpose, right? You were right around right around 300 pounds and damper. Uh, it was August of 2019. So this is kind of a turning point for you, 

Speaker 3 (17:13):

Right? Well, I started helping hire just, I th I th you know, I’m retired. Of course. I didn’t have a lot of money when I retired. I, I actually, I guess I just got lazy and didn’t want to work no more. And so I retired, but I, I hate, Oh my God, can I just stop right there? Thank you. 

Speaker 2 (17:32):

Thank you for stopping her. 

Speaker 1 (17:34):

I know I’m like, you worked, I’m going to cry. You worked so hard all your life, but the word lazy should never come out of your mouth. You shouldn’t bomb it. When you say that 

Speaker 2 (17:51):

Kerryn talks about Mamie Curran talks about how hard you work, how many jobs you worked in order to make sure they had food and clothes and school. 

Speaker 3 (18:02):

Wow. A lot. I mean, please don’t cry, baby. I’m sorry. You got like my crap. But, um, I done got done. Got discombobulated. I don’t even remember. 

Speaker 2 (18:18):

We’re back to we’re back to when you started working for Kerryn, 

Speaker 1 (18:22):

But you had retired, basically. You’d retired in the main lounge. We just won’t tell everybody, this is why she retired. Her other shoulder desperately needs to be replaced. But the one thing that my mom has lupus, she’s got all kinds of arthritis. She has been in car accidents. She has slipped on us and fell. She’s got two new knees. I mean, her joints, we always talk about her joints are just blowed. And I’m very fortunate that I didn’t get the joints that my mom does. My brother got that, but I didn’t get that. But she retired because she would work all day and we’d be in so much pain. And the other shoulder that she just got to, where she couldn’t do that anymore. I mean like true straight pain, if nothing else. Um, my mother has always had, I think, because she’s always been in so much pain, she’s got an incredible pain tolerance, like a natural one. And like, when she, she just got to where every day she was hurting so bad at the end that she moved her retirement up. It wasn’t because she got lazy because she needed to quit working. 

Speaker 3 (19:24):

I know I did get tired of, I literally worked the last year with two heating pads on me at all times and one around my side. Um, but anyway, whatever raised it, I just didn’t lie when I first retired and I’m not saying I was just destitute dumb. Don’t get me wrong because I know what that is. But, um, I, I felt like I was having to really pinching pennies again, like when the kids were growing up and I didn’t like that. So I wanted some extra money so that I could go thrifting and go out to eat whenever I’m only to disarm pre COVID. And, uh, so I started working for Korean and I just work a few hours a day and it just gave me extra spending money. Well, in order to do this job, I had to learn about what she cages, because people would call up, you know, emails for asking all these questions. Cause I didn’t know that it’s for nothing. And so I’d go in, we had this, I’ve never listened to a word she’s ever had. I know some, but really just didn’t study it. 

Speaker 1 (20:41):

I know, but I just want everybody, this is the funny thing. So many people say, if you just come live with me, I was just your best friend. Like I got plenty of people in my life that love me and have direct access to me just because you know me don’t mean you’re going to do with it. Just, you’re a good example of you had to start not only listening, but you actually had to do it just being my daughter and having personal access does not create success. 

Speaker 3 (21:10):

Oh yeah. And of course, everybody works for Kerryn knows that, you know, we don’t wait, ask everybody before we ask Korean, you know, cause everybody on the team should have the answer and we shouldn’t have to always rely on what Korean play is. Right. So you got 

Speaker 1 (21:29):

To study it a little bit 

Speaker 3 (21:31):

Where I was going to get fired by the ball. And so when you started studying, what did you learn? I mean, a bit of a turning point, you started losing weight. Right? The biggest thing was, you know, the biggest question that I would get initially, or that I had trouble answering was this thing about eating too satisfied or are eating too enough and only eating when you’re hungry. And so, you know, I asked a lot of questions about that, you know, and, um, you know, the other girls on the team were really good about helping me with those answers and I still wasn’t listening to, and I was just, you know, asking questions. And so I got to thinking about my own sale and I thought, Hey, I’ll half the time I ate, just because of what time it is, you know? And so I started doing my, I started just trying to pay attention to only eating when I was hungry. And also the biggest thing for me was stopping. I had always ate till I was stuck. Yeah. I mean stuff, you know, that’s just the way I thought you weren’t supposed to do. And I guess that’s why, you know, people have such a hard time, as we all think like that, you know, I can remember going out to eat with Mary Kay. And even though she has white Tullos I can remember she would always get a, to go thing. And I thought, why does she do that? 

Speaker 3 (23:16):

Now? You’ve got a cart that around wait was cute. Never that’s probably wash. Although she’s overweight, she never was 300 pounds, but cause she knew this stuff. Right. And that was the biggest thing for me. And then the white tea started coming off. I started noticing it. It wasn’t fast. You know, it wasn’t like all at once my clothes were loose and you know, like, you know, when I would always, you know, narrow down what I was going to eat and ate no more than a thousand calories a day and you know, just, just, you know, have to grin and bear it to make it through it. Wasn’t like that. I was still, you know, eating my food. I was still going out to a, you know, um, I still eat my fried chicken cause y’all know I love fried chicken. And uh, so, 

Speaker 2 (24:15):

So basically you just started eating when you were hungry and stopping when you were satisfied before you were saying 

Speaker 3 (24:22):

Yes, that’s it. That’s all you did. And now remember when I hit below 200, I can remember I’m going to cry. I can about it. I can remember thinking I don’t have a, the only clear memory I have a billion under a hundred is the die that baby was born. And I know, I remember because that was the biggest I’ve ever been was 147. And that’s the only white that I clearly remember being less than 200 because the day Jojo was born, I weighed 202. 

Speaker 2 (25:05):

So from August, 2019 to now how much weight have you lost? 

Speaker 3 (25:11):

110 pounds. 

Speaker 2 (25:12):

110 pounds. Has it been easy or has it been like, excrutiatingly hard. 

Speaker 3 (25:17):

It’s the easiest one I’ve ever lost and that’s and grandpa, I won’t lie, but it’s almost the scariest part about it. And I know I got a lot of work to do all this and I’m staring at you cause I know you’re just aging. Say mama, 

Speaker 2 (25:39):

Why is it scary, Mamie? Why is it scary? 

Speaker 3 (25:41):

Okay. So look at my body language. I’m starting to read my head. I do that when I get nervous, it’s because I’ve always regained it. And I’m really, and I, I keep telling myself it’s different and this time it’s different this time and you know, I’m not gonna regain it, but tell me why it’s different this time. I didn’t restrict, you know, I didn’t, um, I didn’t, and I’ve never lost enough way since I’ve gotten to be an old lady to read, um, physical benefits, uh, in the year my daddy died. The last one he asked me to do was to get an endoscopy because I had been about heartburn for just years and before he died and Jane on father’s side in my, of 2000, I got my first endoscopy and they tell me I had Barrett’s esophagus. I had scorched, I had separate third heartburn, so much untreated that I had literally burnt my entire esophagus. 

Speaker 3 (26:55):

It’s just like robbed me. And he looked at me and he said, you will be on prescription, uh, acid for the rest of your life because of that. And that’s when I started taking those protein pump inhibitors. And, uh, I was on that until this year. And they had to take me off of it because like, how’s the stomach ulcers or CEUs. And my last endoscopy had showed that they were noncancerous, but he said, you can’t take that no more. You can’t with your daddy’s history of, uh, stomach Gates or it’s too risky. So they put me on, um, a different kind of an acid and then that’s how I lost weight. Um, I, I began to notice that I wasn’t having any issue with heartburn anymore. And then I got where I could like flat cause I have an automatic bed to raise me up for Barrett’s esophagus. 

Speaker 3 (28:06):

I got to the point where I could Lifelight again, I hadn’t, I hadn’t slept flat in probably 10 years and I’m sleeping flat now. And, uh, about, I guess it was about three months ago, the medicine that, um, I was taking, I couldn’t get it at Walmart. So I had to switch to an a over the counter and uh, but I had to take it twice a day while I run I out. Well, first off I cut it in half. I thought I’m not even having any symptoms. I’m just going to take one. I don’t think I made that second pill and I did not, never did reoccur. And then, um, I run out of it and I thought, well, I’ll just wait and go to Walmart and see if they got my prescription back. And I forgot it because of my short term memory sucks. And I was, I was probably two or three weeks in far. I realized I had not had an, an acid and I still, 

Speaker 2 (29:14):

Okay. So tell me, tell me how old you are. 61 62 or 64. You’re 64. You’ve lost 110 pounds. You’ve come off an acids all about a year and a half. What else, what else has has improved in your life? 

Speaker 3 (29:29):

I had gotten, um, I was, I had said I was diabetic and uh, put me on Metformin twice a day, 500 milligrams, twice a day. And uh, I got an appointment in fact next week. They’re probably gonna take me, they’ve already taken me off hacker that I’m only taking one a day now. And, uh, my, my blood work is now within normal range. So I feel like when I go back next week, she’s going to take me off that to also I was on two blood pressure pills and I think this was last summer when I hit a hundred pounds, I got, I started having problems with dizziness and, um, I’m a nurse. So I knew my blood pressure was probably low because it was when I would stand up and, you know, from a sitting position. And she took me off the diuretic because I didn’t need that. No mower. And she’s probably going to have to cut what pale I have in half, because I’m starting to have dizziness again. And I’m sure that’s what it is. My blood pressure is just running low or too low. What else in your life gets easier? Every time I could barely walk at 300 pounds, I could barely walk. Um, my brother had to walk my dogs for me, um, because I couldn’t, I couldn’t do it. And I’m not sure. How about emotionally? How do you 

Speaker 1 (31:05):

Feel inside you feel better about yourself? Oh 

Speaker 3 (31:08):

Yeah. I, I think, um, I like, um, I feel like every relationship that I have, whether it’s my children, my grandchildren, or just my friends, whatever. I just think in every aspect of my life, it’s better. Uh, I didn’t realize how limited my life had become because of my weight, because I had my feet suck. Anyway, I didn’t need to, you know, hard on that much mower by, um, carrying around an extra a hundred pounds. 

Speaker 1 (31:46):

Yeah. My mom had, um, she was born with deformed feet and so she’s never like she needs her feet redone. Nope. You know, no matter what, but I remember, uh, last summer we went to a beach house and I hadn’t seen her. I mean, with COVID stuff, I hadn’t seen her in forever. So we all drove down and just, we’re going to have a family week. And we went in, she and I walked out to the deck to see the pool and stuff. And I commented and I said, Mami, you’re just walking so fast. I just wasn’t even used to her having, um, a little bit of spade. She wasn’t having to hang on to stuff as much. She was like, she was her mobility. And like her balance was better just because she didn’t have all the way to me. It was very noticeable for me. 

Speaker 3 (32:35):

I haven’t fallen. It’s probably been about it at least a year because I have still have balance issues because of my faith being so flat. Sorry, I shouldn’t, 

Speaker 2 (32:51):

What are you talking about now? We know you’re really, Corinne’s mom, probably the least explicit, uh, podcasts we’ve done in 300 and something episodes. 

Speaker 3 (33:02):

I still have issues with violence if I turn, cause my feet are like duck feet. They roll inside, literally roll like that. And that’s why I’m now five, two instead of five, four. I mean, my I’ve lost two inches of height from them collapse and what little arch I had is gone. And um, so I still have balance issues, but in lot before, I mean, I was so good at falling I guess, because I was so big, you know, I just would just relaxed and go down, you know? And uh, but I haven’t fallen the last time I fell. I actually did hurt myself. And I’m sure it’s because I didn’t have all that extra pay 

Speaker 2 (33:51):

Or you weren’t used to falling anymore. You sound like a fainting goat when you talk about just time to go limp and fall. So Corinne, you don’t know this, but maybe, and I talked a little bit, um, before we podcasted today and she was telling me, um, about how your relationship that the two of you, your relationship together is better now than it ever has been. And I was so touched by that because I’m going to be the one crying now as the third person on this podcast, I see how proud Corinne is of Miami and how proud Mamie is of Korean. This, this mutual relationship development into pride and love has just been a beautiful thing for me to observe over the past year and a half. So I would like for both of you to talk about that a little bit about how your relationship has changed, how much, how proud you are. 

Speaker 3 (34:50):

I tell you everybody, and I’m going to talk to the mothers out there. Every mother, every mother loves their child. You know, you know how much you love your child and you just think they hung the moon. And every time it comes out of their little, my app is so great and blah, blah, blah. But when you hear just right, strangers, talk about how your daughter has changed their lot and how much she means to them and how much they love her and how much she’s helped them. Y’all just, can’t imagine what that’s like as a, I mean, for everybody that rocks in and about her potty mouth, there’s a thousand mower that write in and say, she has changed my life. I know she won’t say this, but she does because I’ve copied them and put them out on the thing. So everybody sees what they say. And um, I mean, we’ve even got a little channel now, which I love, it’s the winds and kudos channel. And I can put those out there all the time. But as a mother, you know, you just, you just kind of imagine how gratifying it is to know how much she’s changed. I always know she would do great things, you know, but Lord, she has just blown me away and I’d just give anything. If my parents were alive, 

Speaker 2 (36:31):

One of the beautiful things I see sometimes is when you are in our support emails and you answer, um, you answer them, you, you just put Anna on the Queen’s mom, cause we all call Kerryn the queen in the membership. And I can feel your pride when you sign it. I’m Anna, I’m the Queen’s mom. And they’re just like, Oh my gosh, you did such a great job with her. 

Speaker 3 (36:55):

And it’s like, I feel like telling them the Lord. I don’t know what I did. I don’t think I did anything that nobody else could have done, but she just is just an extraordinary kid. She was an extraordinary baby sheep. She overcame so many obstacles on mine. I mean, in some ways she’s a lot like me in some ways, because you know, I’ll go through a real storm to get what little things say fired. But, um, 

Speaker 2 (37:27):

I think you’re both incredibly tenacious. I think she gets her tenacity from you. Right? 

Speaker 1 (37:33):

I’m going to say for our relationship. I think what changed for me was, and I talked to the listeners about this all the time is, um, I really decided to start. I had to like let go of the childlike, um, emotions of like what you think your parents should be like and all that kind of stuff. Like I carried a lot of that in my adulthood. I think it’s very normal when you’re a kid to always look at your parents and see what they’re doing wrong and how it like how you’re going to do it different and stuff. And most of us never break the habit of being an emotional child around our parents. It’s like, we might be super mature in other areas, but then, you know, stick us in the room with our parents. And we’re 10 again, you know, in our mind. 

Speaker 1 (38:19):

And I read the big difference for me was, um, really figuring out like as an adult, how did I want to think about my parents? Um, did I want to keep looking for their lack or did I really want to start seeing all the things that I was missing with my like kitty, like attitude and stuff. So for me, that’s, that’s been the, and that’s even with my bad, I mean, y’all hear me talk about my mom all the time. I use, you know, I talk about me and my mom because so many mothers and daughters are inside of our membership. And I know that that’s for weight loss, especially most of us are, you know, we have our, like all of our thoughts about our body, our food and everything. The mother role is so pivotal to that. But I had to do the same with my dad because you know, it was harder to do it with him because there was so little to go on. You know, at least with my mom, like, I mean, I can, I can look at our history together and then I can just see, Oh, 

Speaker 2 (39:23):

Hard, you worked and 

Speaker 3 (39:26):

That’s okay. And like, 

Speaker 1 (39:28):

Everything that you gave up for me and Jojo, 

Speaker 3 (39:32):

That’s fine. I’m doing it again. And I know you ate, but right 

Speaker 1 (39:37):

Know, I just spent a lot of years looking at all that. Not, not like you had sacrificed for us, but I just focused on what we didn’t get. Right. 

Speaker 3 (39:46):

And that’s like with my 

Speaker 1 (39:47):

Dad, I didn’t even have that. I didn’t even have like a hard worker. Like I was with daddy. It was just like this dude that just didn’t want to be around us since. So how am I going to reconstruct that one? You know? So for me, that’s, what’s, that’s, what’s been a huge change. It’s just figuring out as an adult. What do I want my relationships to be like? And I don’t want to hang it on my ideals of what I thought it should be at 10 and 12. 

Speaker 3 (40:16):

Right? You just have to write your calling. I had to do that with your daddy. Cause I ain’t no girl. And I hopefully don’t listen to this. She said, sometimes she does listen. I made it. And he knows that I was so crazy for him. It took me so many years to get over his. I mean, I was awful. I was crazy for where I am. And um, you just have to get to a point with anything like that in your life. You have to just realize that that person had some kind of limitations, whatever it was. And you just had to forgive him for it. And I had to do that with him. It was hard because I saw how he wrecked her. And, um, that was a very helpless thing to witness as a mother. So one thing I couldn’t fix was ham, 

Speaker 2 (41:13):

But, but forgiving him, I just wanna, I just wanna make this comment for giving him was not a gift you gave him. It was a gift you gave yourself because you already gave him, you were able to release any anger you had. 

Speaker 3 (41:24):

Oh exactly. I mean, my dad is with that was the gift my daddy gave me. I can remember getting mad at daddy. Ooh. Cause obviously that it’s girl for everything, Korean lack is a fog. Having a father I had as a father, my daddy was the, the, my aunt. And um, I can’t remember him. Talon may in the thick of it all. Now, Anna, you just need to, to cut him some Slack. He does the best he can. And I can remember just getting so mad at daddy thinking, why is he feel sorry for him now? Why is he not on my side? You know? Cause I was such a little Bryant and um, but then as I got older and especially after daddy was gone, I realized daddy was, you know, Keith get just on dead. He did the best he could. And he come up. 

Speaker 3 (42:24):

Why short? Lot shorter, nine dead. But he still come up short just like I did and I won’t cry. It forgive me. And I want her to forgive him just like I had to forgive him. And uh, it’s gratifying for me to know that when he does kick, they’re not going to have no regrets her or her brother cause they’ve made peace with them. And that was really important for me as a parent to make sure that they, because when my daddy got a I’m going off here, y’all could probably edit this out. But when my daddy died, I was in a, uh, a support group and there was a woman there that was so tore up worse than me. And uh, it was because she had such a relationship with her mother and her mother had died and she knew she could never have what I had with my daddy. And the minute that I got out of meat and I thought, Oh Lord, I’ve got to help my kids. Forgive ki I don’t want them to be sitting in a meeting like this. 

Speaker 2 (43:36):

I think all that just goes to your heart as a mother. And how, how you’ve, you know, for however many years now, how old is Corinne, 46, 46, 46 for 46 years. You’ve just loved her the best way you can. And you continue to love her the best way you can. And you have this incredible pride for the woman she’s becoming in the life she’s changing. Oh yeah. Thing to see. And I, um, you know, I just love watching the two of you interact, you know, as, as no BS team members. And when I see you as mama and daughter, it’s just, it’s just very, very sweet. Very cool. And I’m so proud. I personally am so proud of you, Mamie for you’ve done to, you know, improve your life and your health. And for everyone who’s out there, who’s 64 years old and think it’s too late for them or made me loose on, 

Speaker 3 (44:33):

I mean, I can’t believe I’ve lost all this weight as old as I am like, it. Why didn’t I do this when I was in thirties? Maybe I could have family of manners, 

Speaker 2 (44:47):

Kareem, what do you got to say? 

Speaker 1 (44:49):

No, I, this is all good. I, for once I think, um, I don’t know if I’m speechless, but um, like it’s, I don’t know. It’s just fun to hear all this, to talk about things. And um, you know, it’s fun for me too, for the listeners to kind of get more of a, I mean, I’m pretty open book. It’s not like I’m sitting around holding back from you guys about what’s going on in my, in my head. But I do. I think because I have talked about my mother and used so much of my past is an experience. I think it’s nice for everybody to kind of get a, like, just to kind of put a voice with the stories and kind of see where we are now. If you listen to all the podcasts, even over the last three years, our relationship has changed just even how I talk about it through the podcast and stuff. So 

Speaker 3 (45:37):

When you, you know, asked me about coming to work for you, my biggest fear was that it would wreck our relationship because when we’ve gotten along, we’re, we’re getting along so much better, but it’s actually just enhanced it even more. I mean, it was the best thing that ever happened when I decided to help her. Yeah. She really, 

Speaker 2 (46:00):

And that’s, that’s the beauty of your relationship. You guys show up for each other. 

Speaker 3 (46:05):

Right, right. 

Speaker 2 (46:07):

And probably more so now than ever, which is Oh yeah. Very cool to see. All right. I’m out of questions. All right. Well Fairview, you have anything else you want to say? Yeah, 

Speaker 1 (46:19):

No, I’m good. I think that was, I think it was a good sneak peek into all the things. Maybe we can drag Mr. Crabtree on here one day and you can interview. 

Speaker 2 (46:29):

I like it. 

Speaker 1 (46:29):

I think that’s the other, I think that’s the other person everybody would like to hear from is, uh, hear a little bit from, from the King himself to see what he thinks about me. 

Speaker 3 (46:38):

I’d just like to thank cam ever day. I mean, he’s been the best thing for her. He is the perfect my kids for me to have one of them. I can’t remember which kid said at one of them said, you just showed us everything. Not to pick. That would be me. I said that 

Speaker 2 (47:00):

That was not jumped out. 

Speaker 3 (47:04):

It’s about have such beautiful relationships, something I never hired and that I desperately wanted for them. I didn’t want them to have my life. I wanted them to have the life that they’ve got. And um, so that’s, that’s just the best thing to see. And Chris Crabtree and, and Jennifer, uh, is JJ, I die is all, y’all 

Speaker 1 (47:30):

Know we’re by, um, they’re, they’re two people add dearly love as if they were my own children. We definitely did. Um, made up well 

Speaker 2 (47:43):

As a mama, it’s certainly gratifying to see your children find their people. And current Chris do fit perfectly together. Like two puzzle pieces. It’s I M so for all of you out there, who aren’t members, I have actually interviewed Corinne and Chris a couple of times before at our virtual events. And it is super neat to hear them interact. So maybe we can get him. Maybe we can, yeah, 

Speaker 1 (48:07):

We’ll have to get him on here one day. Maybe you can convince him, you talked to him in some of the meetings we have 

Speaker 2 (48:15):

That’s right, right. That’s right. And you did a beautiful job. 

Speaker 1 (48:18):

Yeah. You did a good job for somebody who was so nervous. You did a good job. It was really smooth. It just, just like I had envisioned it. We would just be sitting and talking. So, all right, everybody, I hope you enjoyed this and, uh, we will see you soon. Talk to you soon. Bye.


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I'm Corinne Crabtree

Corinne Crabtree, top-rated podcaster, has helped millions of women lose weight by blending common-sense methods with behavior-based psychology.

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