Today we hear about how we tell ourselves all the things we’re too fat to do!
One of my clients even told me her calves were too big to get a pedicure!
If you talk down to yourself or shame yourself in order to motivate yourself, let me tell you it doesn’t work!
That’s definitely not the fast track to results! The only way to get a positive result for your weight loss is to start with positive thoughts.
Hear the inspirational story of our She-Tries triathletes! The women of the Tribe that met in Charleston to do a sprint triathlon, many of them for the first time! They are all such a testament to the idea that we all have weight, but everything I decide to think about it is up to me. The best part is figuring out how to face fear, feel uncomfortable, and do it anyway.
And, as I told you about my “podcast jail”…here’s what Kathy sees each day. I think the SheTri girls take a much better photo.
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