Episode 13: What Is Fat Girl Thinking?
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Today we talk about a topic I’ve been blogging about for years, Fat Girl Thinking or FGT.
That’s the inner tantrum, that chick inside your head that bitches and moans about everything you’re trying to change or improve.
It’s also that voice that tells you how bad you look, how terrible you feel, and why you should stop trying to lose weight.
This podcast will show you how to start practicing thoughts that counter balance your FGT. You’ll stop the chatter and learn to create new thoughts to shut down your inner bully.
I tell you how to recognize the destructive thoughts that you’ve told yourself over and over again.
If you don’t stop believing the old thoughts you’ll never make room for the new ones!
You can’t wait and work on it after you’ve lost your weight – you have to work on changing how you think as you lose the weight. So many women don’t do this and WONDER WHY THEY GAIN THEIR WEIGHT BACK!
On day one, you must start working on the mental side of the journey as hard or harder as you work on what you put in your mouth.