Updated: December 12, 2023

Ep. 57: What Can’t I Stay On Plan?

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Y’all ask meĀ ALL THE TIME…Why do I keep quitting my diet? Why can’t I stay on plan?

Here’s what happens.

You just start getting sloppy.

You don’t do your food journals, you skip exercise here and there, or you grab ass some chips.

These are called little quits.

Little quits add up to big quits, and all of a sudden you’re not losing weight. You’re in maintenance mode and you don’t know why but still feeling like you are working hard.

Before you can fix this you have to take ownership of the choices you are making.

“I’m trading exercise to get a manicure” is owning a choice. “I didn’t get to exercise because I had to get a manicure” is a BS excuse that doesn’t create the feeling of responsibility and ownership.

If you take ownership of the quit, then you will take responsibility for the next good decision.

Make a list of the things you aren’t doing – your little quits.

Write down why you’re not doing them.

Then you just decide how you will get started or adapt your planning.

For example, you are not writing down your food each day. Ā The reason why is because you don’t want to do it at night. That’s an excuse.

Set an alarm on your phone that BLASTS YOU at 7pm and another at 7:30pm. You have three minutes to get your food journaled.

This helps you see it doesn’t take as long as you think and it ALERTS you each day to take action. It’s wicked easy to keep quitting if you don’t have a reminder that you are doing it.

Try it! And tell me in the comments ways you decide to take action instead of quitting.

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I'm Corinne Crabtree

Corinne Crabtree, top-rated podcaster, has helped millions of women lose weight by blending common-sense methods with behavior-based psychology.

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Tried Everything to Lose Weight? I Did Too!

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