Updated: December 12, 2023

Before and Afters: Jill Lost 57lbs and Took That Photo!

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A woman standing in front of a door wearing a dress.

Before photos. Through my years of helping women lose  weight there is nothing more daunting than submitting the before picture.

You might hate seeing yourself in photos. It’s not like many of us practice looking at pictures and immediately think how amazing we are.

We see our belly before our smile.

We notice that saggy leg instead of the way our husband is looking at us.

We see our fat so much that we don’t notice our kids playing around us.

When it’s time to take a before photo you likely get the willies or just want to vomit. You immediately go to everything that’s wrong with you. How you haven’t lost weight successfully and kept it off.

You know what I mean. You rehearse every reason in the world that this is a bad idea.

Today’s podcast I talk about how to get past the BS and just take the photo.

In fact, my husband inspired this episode.

He teaches my son the concept of future selves. He’s always telling Logan how sometimes he has to stand up to friends or set boundaries with the ones that don’t know how to act just yet. Chris says, “These kids future selves will thank you one day, but today, they might just get more upset.”

Future self is nothing new in my woo-woo life and weight coaching industry but it’s important in weightloss.

Last week I was telling him about several clients who have lost weight recently and posted amazing afters. Like Jill, who you see here.

She said…

Just thought I’d share my progress on this journey. I’m down 59 official pounds. I’m grateful for finding Corinne Crabtree this summer. She got in my head and her philosophy just makes sense. I love the tribe and especially all the people who open their lives and get coached.

I can tell you, though, that it is a gift you give your future self.

Your future self is out there. There is a smaller version of you. She wants your pictures.

But, what she really wants is for you to get over yourself today! She knows you just need to start doing things. They don’t have to be right. Just quit doing nothing waiting for perfect. She is telling you that you don’t have to believe you can do it right now. Start acting like someone who IS going to lose weight.

Most of us dread taking before’s because we have a fear and underlying belief we will fail…and fail again.

That’s OK. The thing is you must practice doing things anyway. You must practice doing things you aren’t sure will work but you know sitting on the sidelines is killing you.

That’s what today’s episode is about and more. Enjoy it and take your before photo. You will never regret a single before photo when you are wearing a size 8. Your future self wants every progress picture she can find.

Click here to listen! Episode December 16, 2017

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I'm Corinne Crabtree

Corinne Crabtree, top-rated podcaster, has helped millions of women lose weight by blending common-sense methods with behavior-based psychology.

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