How do you believe in yourself?
Well, I taught how to do it in a recent FB Live, and today in the podcast you are going to hear the four ways to get it done.
The trick is simple.
You have to DO and THINK on purpose to believe.
If you are sitting around thinking you can’t do it or can’t figure out your shit then you are THINKING and BELIEVING wrong.
You have to stop beating yourself up about past diets, thinking about who you wish you could be, or regretting eating off plan AGAIN.
It’s so easy to do that crap.
What’s not easy is taking how you’ve always thought and deciding to stop, then redirect and believe on purpose.
Belief doesn’t fall out of the sky or happen because you heard me say something amazing.
It happens because you start WORKING on your belief.
The four things are simple:
- Keep believing even when things don’t go as planned (Unconditional Belief).
- You choose what to think instead of wondering if you can do it (Purpose Thoughts).
- Watch your patterns and create new ones based on what you learn (Unbelieve the Old You).
- You do shit even when you doubt and you don’t blame (Adulting).
The bottom line:
Believing boils down to a lot of choosing to think nothing is going wrong when it all feels like it is.
Click here to listen and enjoy.