Updated: January 24, 2025
Episode 407: My Current MUST-HAVES for Weightloss and Life

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About Today's Episode
I get a lot of questions about what I do to maintain my weight and take care of myself. And today I'm spilling my secrets.
But first, notice I'm talking about both "taking care of myself" AND "maintaining my weight." Because they go hand-in-hand.
The diet industry has taught women that weightloss should feel like punishment. That you can only feel happy once you've hit "goal weight." What a bunch of bullshit.
The truth is that when you start taking care of yourself - even in small ways - weightloss becomes easier.
So in this episode - My Current MUST-HAVES for Weightloss and Life - I share my favorite tools to look and feel amazing. Like:
- The ONE device that tracks my stress and sleep
- Exactly what I put in my morning shake to keep up my energy
- The nutrient I make sure to get enough of every day
- Which products I use to take care of my face and hair
You don't have to wait until you lose your weight to take care of yourself. Think of this episode as your permission slip to start loving yourself right now.
Hi, I'm Corinne. After a lifetime of obesity being bullied for being the fattest kid in the class and losing and gaining weight like it was my job, I finally got my shit together and I lost 100 pounds each week. I'll teach you no bullshit weight loss advice you can use to overcome your battle with weight. I keep it simple. You'll learn how to quit eating and thinking like an asshole. You stop that and weight loss becomes easy. My goal is to help you lose weight the way you want to live your life. If you are ready to figure out weight loss, then let's go. Hello everybody. Welcome back. So I thought we would do something fun today. One of the questions I get most is just about should I do in my life? Wanting to know what are your favorite health tools, what are your favorite face tools and things like that.
So I was just going to tell y'all a few things today that I am loving right now that I'm using regularly because I just think it's always good for you to get something that will kind of help you take better care of yourself and in more, I just think it's so easy for us to always be talking about weight loss, weight loss, weight loss, but sometimes weight loss happens because we are taking better care of ourselves and that's one of the big emphasis for 2025 in terms of weight loss trends that I'm seeing and that I want to be at the forefront of the movement is that under eating, starving yourself, treating yourself like shit, wearing yourself out just for weight loss is just outdated. And I think one of the things that you are going to see in 2025 is a big movement in health on how do we actually take care of ourselves?
How do we start meeting more of what I'm calling our real needs? So in order to lose weight, you need to also meet your real needs. And real needs are hydration and sleep for sure. But it also is things like self-love, comfort, warmth, pleasure, joy. There are a lot of parts to our basic human needs and I will just be honest. Women, we sometimes forget that we need to feel rested, we deserve to feel rested, we need to feel some joy and some pleasure in our life. Otherwise, when you are missing out on those vital elements, guess what happens? You go face down in food to get it. That is the biggest reason why I see most women can't lose weight is because they keep trying to count calories and cut foods out and do all this bullshit when the real problem, the true underlying issue is you are not taking good care of yourself when it comes to rest, relaxation, stress, management, joy, pleasure.
When those things are missing, diets fail very often. And let me tell you why. If you eat every night because you're exhausted and you gave, gave gave all day long, you are someone who is overdoing, people pleasing. You are always anxious at work worrying if you're doing the right thing. You're a perfectionist, you're constantly afraid. Or maybe you have imposter syndrome if you're walking around high strung like that all day long. But then you're also every single night, the only way that you ever get a break, the only time you ever get any relief, the only time you ever feel like you can relax is when you're eating well. The moment you start a diet, guess what happens if you don't have the calories and they take away your favorite foods? You have now lost the one way that you are taking care of your basic human needs.
So not only are you now going to be going through life, people pleasing, overdoing, worrying that people are going to, you're going to be exposed with imposter syndrome. You're nervous as hell. You are running around doing everything for everyone but yourself and you're exhausted. And now the one way that you can take care of those needs has been stripped. It is no wonder you will break the diet. That's why I keep saying in weight loss, there's missing pieces to the puzzle if we don't start solving these things. No diet stands a chance. That's why when you work with me on N No Bs, we work on the real problems. We're going to attack the root causes of weight gain and we're going to attack the root causes of emotional eating and we're going to fix those things so that it's super simple to eat food you love without overeating them to be around any food you want and only have them when you're truly going to enjoy them.
Wouldn't it be nice to be around cookies all the time? And every now and then you have one simply because you're like, I bet that will taste good, that really hit the spot and you're done. That would just be lovely. But for most of us, when we're standing around cookies, we're sitting there with so much shame and guilt that we shouldn't have them. And then if we eat one, we finally feel like a momentary blip of relief from the world. And guess what? We go face down in them. We eat them because we don't want this to end. We eat them because we dread what we got to do next. We eat more than we need or we eat a ton of the cookies because this is the only break we even get today and we don't want that to end. So I want you to just think about that when we are not addressing the root cause to lose weight, insert any diet and it is destined to fail, not because you're lazy, not because you like willpower, not because something's wrong with you, simply because when we are not addressing the heart of the matter, guess what?
We are going to fail because we are missing vital pieces of the weight loss puzzle. Okay? So I was thinking about that and I was thinking about what are some of the things that I use and that I do in order to help me just feel good, just have a nice life to have some pleasure to also keep track of if my real needs are being met. So the very first one is my URA ring, OURA, and we'll put links to all these things in the show notes so that y'all can get your hands on this stuff. But I love my ora ring. I am on the latest generation. They just came out with oil ring four, my husband and I replaced our old ones. The only thing I will tell you if you're considering if you have an older oil ring, I don't really know if there's any better features, but this one, it's a lot lighter.
I mean it is significantly lighter to me than the three was. It also is smoother on the inside. So if you didn't like all the little divots and stuff, this one is a lot smoother. And this time I happened to get the gold. I have had matte black, I've had the basic, I have had the matte silver. Now I've got shiny gold to go with my wedding ring. So I always like to switch them up. So what the ora ring does for me is every morning it is one of the first things I check. I like to look to see how well did I sleep because it will tell you all of your sleeping. It also gives you a readiness score. It will tell you like today my readiness score is at good.
It is an 89, which is really good for me. And so in the readiness it will tell you what your resting heart rate is. It will give you your body temperature, so you will start knowing if it's going up. I will tell you, I can't tell you many times my body temperature has started to rise right before a big trip and I have upped my vitamin C, gotten a little extra sleep, made sure I got all my water and stuff, and I swear I have staved off minor illnesses doing that. But it will tell you just different things about your stress levels. I love checking to see am I engaged? Am I resting, am I stress? It will show you those levels throughout the day. The fascinating part though for me, which I love the most is your sleep scores. Because I have worked really hard on my sleep scores for the last couple of years, I'd gotten to where I wasn't sleeping that good and the oil ring has really helped me balance that out.
The one area that I still don't do well in is deep sleep. We're still what on that first two hours of sleep and I know what's happening. I like to go to sleep with the TV on and I will tell you it's wrecking my deep sleep. So we have been slowly, as I always teach y'all, the best way to lose weight and to make changes in your life is to start slow. So we used to set it to I think it was 180 minutes before the TV would go off. We have been rolling it back one chunk at a time every two weeks. So the TV is shutting itself off a little bit earlier so that I can get used to it turning off while I'm sleeping. But it will give you what your total sleep is. It will tell you how efficiently you slept.
It will give you a breakdown of your REM sleep, deep sleep latency, which is like how long it takes you to fall asleep, your timing to make sure that you're staying in an optimal timing range. So I have loved the OA ring simply for just the sleep scores that it gives me, but it also will give you activity scores. It will tell you if you're moving every hour, if you're meeting your goals, it will give you progress. You can track your steps with it. It just gives you so much good information. So I really love the AA ring because what it does for me is it helps me stay on track around am I stressed a lot? Am I getting plenty of sleep? It gives me that feedback so that I can then make small changes in my life to try to better those things because the one thing I do really believe when it comes to weight loss is that if your sleep is not something you're working on, it is going to make weight loss harder.
I'm not saying that if you've got a newborn or whatever that you can't lose weight if you're not getting your sleep. But a lot of us, what we do is we under prioritize our sleep. We stay up a little later than we need to. I can't tell you how many days when I check my sleep score and I'm like, Ooh, I feel a little rough, and I look and notice that I don't have enough sleep. I skip workouts on those days and I prioritize the sleep over going to the gym. So sleep is one of those things where if you are not paying attention to it, it can cause overeats because when your body is tired, your ability to logic and to follow your plans and to make healthier choices goes out the window. Your brain is now just trying to figure out how do I get energy food?
How do I get through this moment the easiest, fastest way possible because I'm tired and I don't have time to sit there and think about, huh? I wonder what's best for me. I know what my goals are, I should really be in alignment with them. That shit ain't happening when you're always tired. So the OA ring just kind of helps me stay on top of that so that I'm prioritizing my sleep needs. Now the second thing that I'm loving right now, and I've been using this stuff for probably six months now. It's called Simple Green Eats. It's a powder. It's got your super foods in it. I don't mix it in water though. I have yet to find a greens powder that I think tastes good on its own. This one is okay. I would say it's probably the closest to own its own that tastes good.
They've got it in peach. They haven't several flavors. My two favorite flavors are peach and green apple. Right now I'm on a green apple kick, but what it does for me is it helps me make sure that I am getting plenty of greens in. It's just hard. I feel like it's just hard these days to get all the nutrients that you need and this has a lot of good vitamins in it. So I use this every morning and I make it with my breakfast. So let me tell you how I make my breakfast. I have been for the last couple of months getting up and going back to eating within an hour of waking up. One of the things that I had noticed is I just wasn't getting hungry until later in the morning, sometimes nine, 10 o'clock, I'd get busy working. I wouldn't be thinking about it and I couldn't tell if I was just missing hunger cues because I was so busy or they were tamping down because I was busy.
But what I did notice is in the afternoons it didn't matter how good of sleep I was getting by the afternoons, I was running out of energy and I started just doing a little research. And one of the things that said is that especially women when they're in their menopausal years, which I'm now in my menopausal years, I'm 50, is that starting the day with breakfast is really good for us, especially if you have afternoon brain fog. So I thought, well, I'm going to try it. I'm going to see what happens. So I started having breakfast first thing in the morning and I have noticed I now have the energy to go through the afternoons without needing a snack or needing a nap or unable to focus. I'm lucky I work for myself. I run two companies. We own a restaurant, but I call my day.
Most of my days start at 4 35 in the morning. I start working first thing and then I was getting to where around one I'd have to lay down. I would feel like the weight of the world was on my shoulders. I would feel exhausted and tired and I hardly could keep my head up. And I thought I am too young to be feeling this wore out by fucking one o'clock in the afternoon. So I did that research and now what I do is I start with breakfast within an hour of waking up and it has made all the difference in the world. So my morning routine is I do a cup of coffee. I take my simple green eats, I take one scoop and I use one and a half containers of oks, 20 grams of protein containers. So I'm actually getting 30 grams of protein.
I put that into a blender cup. I just use a ninja. I have one of those ninja blenders, so a scoop of the simple green, simple green eats in the juicy apple. I put a handful of strawberries in it. I like it with strawberries mixed in. I just feel like it brings out some flavor. One and a half containers of the Oks Greek yogurt. I get the 20 grams per serving. You can get the 14. I did that for a while and I used two. Now I'll just use one and a half I like because thicker, it just makes for a thicker shake. I put that in there. And then I also put in there a little bit of vitamin D liquid because this is the time of year where I don't get out much because cold. So I put a little vitamin D in it.
What else do I put in that heifer? Oh, I put a scoop of creatine because I've just read that that is also good for women. It helps us with they've been, there's some research that shows that creatine is good for staving off dementia and Alzheimer's. It's also really good to help you if you like to lift weights. It'll help you lift heavier weights. It'll help you preserve more muscle. So I've been using creatine for over a year now, and then also put a little fiber in there. So I blend that with just water and it just turns into a really good shake. If you want to put ice in it, you can. I don't like cold things, so I just put water in there. So I blend that and then I add to that because to me, that's not a breakfast. That's like a good start to the day.
I also love, love Kodiak muffin cups. You can buy 'em in the store. You put a quarter cup of water in there, you stir that shit up microwave for a minute. They are so good. And I think they have around 10 grams of protein also. So I'm starting my day, number one, delicious. Number two, hydrated. I drink my coffee after I've drank my shake and after I've ate my breakfast. So then I get a little caffeine and I will tell you the first part of my day, I am cooking with all the gas, I am going, going, going. And I eat that. And that is such a great start of the day and I'm getting 40 grams protein to boot because I know a lot of you are really mindful about getting some protein these days because as we get older women, we need to keep our muscle, we need to keep our bones because we are going to be losing it at high speeds if we're not actively trying to build muscle.
And you need to lift weights, which I do four times a week, almost always four, sometimes three, but almost always four. And I really try to prioritize protein and I can, I only need about a hundred grams of protein a day. Well, I'm getting 40 for breakfast right off the bat. So if you are wanting to start your day, that is a delicious way to do it. I mean, I look forward to that breakfast every fricking morning. Sometimes I make peanut butter toast, but I am on a Kodiak muffin cup kick right now and it ain't going nowhere soon. Now here's something that is more of a fun thing that I'm in love with right now that I thought a lot of you would like to know about, and that is the Sonic Smooth Pro. So this is essentially dermaplaning for your face. So I have been getting dermaplaning for a long time at, I go and get a facial once a month and I usually get a dermaplaning because I get all the peach hair.
I have always gotten peach fuzz and I'm very blonde and I'm grateful that I'm a blonde because Lord, if I wasn't, I would have as big a beard as my husband does. So I started Dermaplaning a long time ago and then I decided, you know what? I don't want to have to go to the salon to get an expensive. So I bought the Sonic Smooth Pro and I use that every couple of weeks to just take down all the fuzz. Now, why am I including this in one of the things that I love and how does this pertain to weight loss? One of the things that I was talking about in the very beginning is you need to feel a sense of being cared for. One of the reasons why so many women end up gaining weight or unable to lose weight or they are blowing diets religiously is because a lot of them will tell me, I just feel like there's no me time.
I feel like there's no time for me and we are not doing the little things that could be considered and construed by our internal self as self-care. So some of the things that I do is I lotion. I have all kinds of lotions. I mean, I have got gold bonds. It's their version of crepe erase. I just refuse to pay the money for crepe erase. So I use the gold bond. I also have several, there's one called, I think it's like bum bum cream or something like that. It's got a very delicious smell. I've got some from Bath and Body Works. I've got some fancy stuff from, I'm going to butcher their name. I hope that they don't mind, but it's Cetane or it's some kind of French place. It's like LOCC, whatever. I'm very southern. I always pronounce things wrong. Just bear with me.
I love their almond shower soap. I actually have that in my shower. I got all that loose skin. So I'm always trying to figure out what's the best way to keep this shit hydrated. I also have their oil spray so that if I'm doing calls and my arms are going to be exposed, they just look better shiny. So I signal to myself through little ways that I'm still important that I'm still on the list because I am like all of you. I run two companies. We own a restaurant. My 22-year-old still lives with us. I got a marriage to take care of. I got friends that need me. I've got all kinds of obligations and stuff. It is very easy for me to just work all the time and Corinne fall to the bottom of the list. So one of the things that I do in order to maintain my weight is I know how important it is for my subconscious to get signals that I matter when I'm taking care of my face.
For me, that feels luxurious. It feels like I'm taking, it literally takes five minutes, but it's like, see, you took the time to do something for you. And I think that that's important in weight loss. So I like the Sonic Smooth Pro. It keeps this main tame on my face and I tend to have a lot of extra hair growth because I'm also on testosterone pellets for my energy level. That's also one of the things I love right now. I've been on them for over a year. They have really helped me with my energy between the OA ring really diving into my sleep, getting my testosterone back up. I was basically in the negative. I forget how much you're supposed to have, and I was barely a blip on the radar. And then after a year of every three months getting them put in, I have felt a thousand times better.
And that is another thing that I want to tell all of you is that you really, if you want to feel better, you need to look at how you're thinking and make sure that we're working on our self-talk. You of course, need to be looking at, am I moving some? Because our bodies are meant to move. They're not meant to sit on our ass all the time. What am I putting into my body? Are you getting enough water? Are you getting the supplements that you might need? I needed testosterone. I'm making an effort to do the simple Green Eats. I'm making an effort to put good foods in my body and at the right times, starting with breakfast was just such a simple change that made a huge difference in my life. But also just making sure that we are just always pouring into ourselves.
Are you putting good things on your skin? Are you doing good things for you? So I just think it's important for you to be thinking about if you do want to be someone who loses weight, it's probably because you want to feel cared for. You want to be proud of yourself. You want to be known as the kind of person who takes care of themselves in the early stages of weight loss. Don't sit there and think you have to be losing weight as the only way to be making progress to becoming eventually the person you want to be at the end. I knew that when I was losing weight, when I would picture her, she was always wearing nice clothes. She looked like she showered every day. I was always put together. I seemed happy. And so when I first started losing weight, I started thinking about God, if I'm going to be that person one day, I can't start my journey as someone who neglects her needs.
I've got to find out how do I start taking care of myself? For a lot of you, it's just meeting some of your basic needs. It's like figuring out the little things that signal you're caring for yourself and for me, lotioning taking care of my face, getting a massage once every couple of months, the little things that show you matter, they make all the difference in the world when it comes to losing weight. Now, the last thing that I'm loving right now is a newer product and all of, I've got extensions and I have really long ones and they are not easy to take care of. So one of the things that I have done is I have invested in some good hair products. I am loving right now, this brand called IGK, they were all over my Instagram. I kept seeing people using them and specifically people with extensions.
So I am using first and foremost antisocial. This is a spray that you put into your hair every night and it's like a hair mask and it smells good, and you literally, you just spray it in and then you comb through and your hair immediately looks better and then it smells good. So if you have extensions like me or you have really long hair, I don't wash my hair, but twice a week, sometimes only once, this keeps my hair smelling and looking good because it kind of repairs your hair and if you have extensions, they get dry. They don't get oil in them like your natural hair does. So I use antisocial and I spray my hair with it every single night and I comb it through and then I put my hair into pigtails and that's how I sleep. Then when I am going to fix my hair, I use their good behavior product.
So you spray it in your damp hair and then you style your hair. And then I also use it on the in-between. So if I am going to straighten my hair for, let's say I'm going to do a coaching call inside my membership, I spray the good behavior on there then and then I straighten it. Then my last favorite thing that they have is called disco. Disco. This is like a shimmer spray. It just kind of keeps my hair looking shiny and fresh and good. And I'll tell you, y'all know for a long time I had the short hair. I love my extensions, but I do not love caring for them. So these three products have really helped me. But tying it back to weight loss, this again is one of those things that when I'm doing it, I don't sit there and think extensions are a bitch.
I have to do this because my extensions are hard to care for. When I am doing it, I tell myself, I love how my hair smells after. I love how my hair looks. I talk to myself in a very positive way about an action that's signaling that I'm taking care of myself. So I hope that you enjoy these products if you try them. But the main thing I want you to get out of this podcast is don't limit yourself to thinking that you can only be happy once you've lost your weight. The only way you're actually going to lose your weight is you've got to find in the early days the little ways that you can start signaling to yourself that you are taking care of your basic human needs, that you care enough to do little things for yourself, that you are making sure that you are going to include pleasure, love, self-care, and all those little things that you think are going to happen at the end.
Let's start 'em at the beginning because it's a lot easier when you start changing your food and you start doing the things you need to lose weight. It's so much easier to get there when food is not the only way you're feeling cared for. Okay, I hope that helps everybody. Again, we will put some links to all this stuff in the show notes so you can check these things out and feel free that if you see this on social, tell me things that you're using that you love. I'm a whore to try things, and I will try anything and everything that smells good, makes me look good, and that feels good. Y'all have a good week. Thank you so much for listening today. Make sure you head on over to no bs free course.com and sign up for my free weight loss training on what you need to know to start losing your weight right now. You'll also find lots of notes and resources from our past podcasts help you lose your weight without all the bullshit diet advice. I'll see you next week.