Updated: January 17, 2025
Episode 405: Part 2: Why You Can't Stick to Your New Year's Resolutions

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About Today's Episode
We're days away from "Quitter's Day" - January 19th, when most people abandon their New Year's resolutions.
If you're feeling your motivation slip away or you're ready to throw in the towel - STOP. I know exactly why this happens.
In last week's episode, I shared the first reason resolutions fail. Today, I'm revealing the second. And it's something no diet ever talks about:
Your motivation is SUPPOSED to fade.
Listen to today's episode -- Part 2: Why You Can't Stick to Your Goals -- to find out what actually works when motivation disappears:
- The feelings that beat motivation every time
- 3 powerful questions to ask yourself before you eat your feelings
- How to fall in love with the process (instead of waiting to love yourself at goal weight)
Real weightloss happens in the moments when you're not excited.
Listen now to discover how to keep going when motivation fades.
Hi, I'm Corinne. After a lifetime of obesity being bullied for being the fattest kid in the class and losing and gaining weight like it was my job, I finally got my shit together and I lost 100 pounds each week. I'll teach you no bullshit weight loss advice you can use to overcome your battle with weight. I keep it simple. You'll learn how to quit eating and thinking like an asshole. You stop that and weight loss becomes easy. My goal is to help you lose weight the way you want to live your life. If you are ready to figure out weight loss, then let's go.
All right, everybody, welcome back. So we are going to do part two. If you do not know what we're doing today, I started talking about why our New Year's resolutions, our New year's weight loss goals and stuff fail, and there are two big reasons. The first one I did in part one of this podcast series, which is you don't have a plan for when shit hits the fan. So if you have not listened to that one, please make sure you go back to it because it's really important that when you are setting a goal, when you are going to create the plan for your weight loss, whether you're going to work with me inside of the no BS weight loss program, or you're going to work with somebody else, some other program, whatever it is that you include a plan for when things don't go as planned.
Because when I look at the thousands of women that I've helped lose weight on top of me losing a hundred pounds, one of the key factors of their ability to finally reach their goal is in the moments things don't go well, they know what to do next. Most of us fuck it, eat, and I don't want you doing that. I don't want you going face down in the Oreos because you screwed up your dinner. What I want you to do is to be able to screw up dinner and figure out what is your next best step forward. If you go back to that last podcast where I talk about why our New Year's resolutions, why our weight loss goals at the start of the year, why they often fail, that will be critical for you. Now, there is a second reason why they fail, and this is an important one because a lot of diets do not address this.
Most diets are geared toward making sure that they get you hyped up and excited in the beginning. Now, I am not poo-pooing on that. I think we do need excitement. I think we do need to have some motivation and stuff. I am not saying that we're going to go through life unmotivated and lose weight, but what they don't do is they don't address what happens in the normal course of events when it's no longer exciting and it's no longer motivating. So let me tell you what I mean. When you are relying on excitement and motivation and you think that in order, I want you to think about this. Just close your eyes unless you're driving and see if this thought feels true, and the way that I want you to do this is I want you to just listen to the words that are going to come out in my mouth and I want you to think, oh my gosh, this feels so true, or no, I don't really believe that.
Does it feel true for when I say when I try to lose weight, I always lose my motivation and that's when it all goes to hell? If that feels true, then welcome to this podcast because I'm going to help you overcome the moment when the motivation does go away because it's supposed to. Now, I want you to listen to this statement and tell me if this feels true. Unless I'm motivated and excited, I can't lose weight. Now a lot of you're going to be like, well, yeah, that feels very true. Welcome to this podcast because here's the truth. You cannot rely on motivation and excitement to lose weight. That is the biggest mistake I see people make. When you are losing weight, you are going to have moments, you're motivated and you're going to have moments that you are dreading it. You're going to have moments that it's boring.
You're going to have moments where you'd rather do anything than to eat what was on your plan. You're going to have moments where you are not excited about the third salad you're eating this week. You're not going to be excited nor motivated. If let's say we're all going out to eat this weekend and you're going to go out to eat on Friday and Saturday and you decided that I want to eat my favorite nachos on Saturday night, if you're like me, I'm going to do it on Saturday because that's when I'm going to be at my favorite restaurant with my man. Then Friday comes and your girlfriends are wanting to go out and you're still wanting to lose weight. You've had a pretty good week and you go into the meal. Do not expect yourself to be excited and highly motivated to eat a fucking salad when everybody else is face down in chips, salsa and margaritas.
There's nothing wrong with chips, salsa and margaritas, but we're not going to eat those things if we are going to go the next night and have our nachos and our margarita with our favorite person in the whole world. The problem that we run into is when we think we are entitled to be motivated and excited the entire time we're trying to lose weight. What we don't have is a fucking plan for when that shit wears off because it always does and it's supposed to. You are not supposed to be. I want you to picture buddy the elf. You are not supposed to be buddy the elf all the fucking time about losing weight. You are supposed to normalize to it. It's supposed to come habitual. It is just like when you get a new car. I use this example all the time because it's the most common thread I ever see in people.
When you first get a new car and let's say you've been driving the mommy van forever, now you're getting mommy's ride. This is not about the kids. This is about mama. Now you swear to God, there's no way we're ever eating in it, and every Friday you will see me outside with my golden diaper wiping that car down, making sure there's not a single smudge on it and it will always be pristine. I'll never eat in it. There will never be trash in it. In your mind, you are going to treat this car unlike any other car you've ever owned. Four months later, you're fucking hungry. You've been driving around, you're looking at the car. You notice that you're not wiping it with a golden diaper every week, but you're still running it through a touchless car wash. Once a month, you're hungry, real hungry and you're like, Ooh, I wasn't going to eat in the car.
Well, it'll be all right because the new car smells faded out a little bit. You've gotten used to that car. You don't walk outside every day and go, wow, now you just walk outside and you fucking get in the car No more taking a cruise around it and looking at it and having your proud ass moment that you finally have arrived. You don't have to drive the damn minivan no more. Now you just getting in the car and next thing you know, you stop to get something to eat. You eat your cliff bar that you got from the gas station, and when you get out of the car, guess what you do? You leave the wrapper in the cup holder. That is you. No more motivated and excited about this car, but no one does that and then says, oh my God, I swore I would always treat this car.
It was my pride and joy. I must be a failure now. I'm going to go and I'm going to order three pizzas. I'm going to eat 'em in the car, leave the boxes in, going to start my hoarding hobby and destroy the car because I left a wrapper in it. This is what y'all do. If you wouldn't do that with your car, then don't do it with your fucking weight loss plan, so there is a condition, it's called hedonic conditioning. Your brain is supposed to fucking get used to shit because it is not normal to walk around your entire life high as a kite about everything that you love. If you've had a child, you have hedonic conditioned yourself to it. When they put that baby in your arms that first time you're looking at it like, oh, this baby's special. This baby's beautiful. We're crying, we're hugging.
We have brought life into the world. Eight weeks later when your nipples are bleeding and cracked and sore, you ain't sleeping. This baby ain't sleeping. We have hedonic condition to this little thing. Our brain has gotten used to it. You don't wake up with every toot and fart and be like, oh my God, my newborn's crying. You're like, why the fuck does this thing not sleep? Maybe I should take it to the damn emergency room. Something must be wrong with this baby. We are supposed to get used to things, but for some reason we have this thought when it comes to losing weight that we are entitled to every moment feel good, be excited, be motivated, ride the wave as if it's brand new. Here's my best advice. Ride the wave of newness and then when it starts to not be as much fun, remember that's normal.
You're just getting used to it. You're probably also, if you're like my clients, you are probably starting to run into situations where let's say something doesn't go right in your life or someone says something kind of douchey to you in the first few weeks of losing weight, you are so excited about weight loss and so dedicated and so committed. You barely even heard that shit, but now that you're getting used to what you're doing and your body doesn't need all that excitement and stuff and it's tuning it down, that shit is louder. Now it can actually be heard and so now it's aggravating. You just had a few weeks that you didn't hear it as well, so now what's happening are blaming like, oh my God. The reason why I overate tonight is because I'm no longer motivated. I must be lazy. I'm not committed.
There's something wrong with me. This always happens. I always lose my excitement. You are supposed to lose the excitement. That's not your problem when you are overeating, it is not because something's wrong with you or you're lazy or you're not committed enough. It's because you don't have a plan. Listen to the other episode that I did. You didn't make a plan for when that shit was going to happen in your life. That's the only problem we have. We have to learn how to keep going when we're not motivated, when we're not excited, we have to learn how to figure out what feelings do we actually need long-term in order to not only lose our weight but keep it off, and as someone who's lost a hundred pounds and has helped thousands of people do the same in my membership, I'm going to give you a couple of the feelings that you are going to need if you would like to lose weight and be able to keep it off.
Number one, you need willingness. There's no fucking way that for the rest of your life you are going to be motivated to take care of yourself every single day. That's what we want to do. We want to always be making the best decisions for ourselves, not emotionally eating, learning how to really meet our own needs. We want to be making healthy choices. That's what we want, and in order to have all that, that means you've got to be willing to do it when you don't want to. That's a skill of weight loss. Learning how in the moments when you're just like, no, I really just want to eat my face off right now. I have had a long day. I could give a shit about my future or my goals. Here's what I really want to do. You see that pasta over there? Let's go add extra cheese, please.
We have to learn how in those moments to not sit and think this would be easier if I was more motivated, this would be easier if I was more committed. I'm just not excited anymore about my weight loss. Welcome to real weight loss because the people who actually lose their weight in those moments, they get fucking willing. They're like, I would really like to go face down in cheesy pasta right now, but I plan for a salad today and I'm really willing to eat the salad and be mad at my boss for making me work late. Be mad at my partner for not helping or loading the dishes correctly in the dishwasher. Whatever it is for you, you've got to learn how to be willing to do the things that you're not going to want to do in the moment because you will have things come up in your life.
That food is going to always be a sexier option and you have to be willing to say, that's all right. I'm just not having it. I'm moving on. Here's another feeling that we have to have patience. Most of us don't realize the first time you weigh in and you're supposed to have weigh-ins all throughout your weight loss journey that go up and down, everybody wants it to just go straight down like we are on one of those water park rides that where at the end you go straight down the flume and when you get out of that water you're wondering, first did I shit my pants? Number two, am I still wearing my bottoms?
Weight loss is not like that. It is not a straight trajectory. Weight loss has ups and downs all the way down the scale. You should see a zigzag pattern for your weight loss all the way to goal. Some weeks you're up a little, some weeks you're down, some weeks you're up a little. Some weeks you're down. Some weeks you don't lose anything. Some weeks you're down, but if you draw a line through all the zigzags, you should see the trend going down, so what does that mean? When you start hitting the normal peaks and valleys of weight loss, guess what? You've got to have patience. You can't be sitting there thinking, oh no, I've lost all my motivation and excitement because this week I gained a half a pound. No, you have to be patient in that moment to say, as much as I really want to lose weight, here's what I know.
I can't fucking eat over this. I got to keep going. Eating over it for a hundred percent sure does not elicit weight loss. Learning how not to eat over this definitely leads to weight loss and you know what? That doesn't feel exciting and it's not motivating at all. Do you know what it is you practicing some fucking patience and then the last thing that we all need is the why or the purpose. When excitement, motivation wears off, you got to know why you're doing this. You got to be willing to remind yourself why you're doing this for a long time. You got to have it at the ready and lemme just tell you, telling yourself why you want to lose weight in the moment that you won't eat your face off does not mean you won't eat your face off. It means you give yourself a pause and an option.
Most of you aren't doing that in the moments when you want to eat your face off. You are not asking yourself any key questions. You're just like, here we are. Here's me Miss Unmotivated, here's me miss no excitement. This always happens. I guess I can't lose weight instead of this is what real weight loss is. Real weight loss happens in the moments when it's not exciting, when it's not motivating. Real weight loss happens in the moments when you need the patience and you need the willingness and you got to understand why the fuck you're doing this to begin with. Why am I not eating Oreos after a bad day and I'll tell you a really good reason not to eat out Oreos after a bad day. It's because you want to be the kind of person who can have a bad day and go to bed.
You want to be the kind of person who can have a bad day and figure out what you need to do about it the next day. If you you're eating, you'll never stop. People pleasing if you're eating, you'll never set a boundary. If you're eating, you'll never have a difficult conversation. If you're eating, you'll never stop blaming. You will always be the victim in every situation for your bad days. When you stop eating, it forces you to start thinking about solving real issues in your life. It holds up a mirror to your face that says, we want better for ourselves and inside my membership, I teach you how to do that. Most diets are just going to tell you what to eat and give you a calorie range, slap you on the ass and say, now go and do some excruciating workout, not me. That is not what I'm ever going to do to you.
I would never do that to you. What I do is I help you really understand how to start fundamentally changing your life so that food can earn its rightful place. It is what you eat for energy to physically feel good. It is for true joy, true pleasure. Most of us are eating the foods we love in the most unloving moments, in the most unloving ways, and then we don't get what we really want. We're eating the foods we love the taste of, but then we can't love ourselves after, and that is such a fucking shame because all of you should be able to lose weight eating foods you love, but we want to make sure that you love yourself at the end of the day after, and that comes from no longer eating because you're disgusted with yourself. You think something's gone wrong because you fucked up the day because you don't like your life.
That is not fun eating that is a trap, so I have three questions that you can start asking yourself in the moment you're going to want to eat when that newness is starting to wear off, and I think they are very powerful. They're not only questions, but they're kind of like statements. So the first is you're sitting there and you're facing that bag of Cheetos and it's been a long day and this is the first time that you've had a moment to yourself and the only way you know how to care for yourself is with eating. It's the only time of day that you ever feel like anybody gives a shit about you is when you start eating and you won't be motivated and you won't be excited to put those Cheetos down, but these questions are going to help you figure out why you will give you some willingness and help you practice patience. The first one is, so we're going to be in our Cheetos situation.
It'll be worth it because so when you are sitting there looking at that bag, you need to ask yourself saying no to these Cheetos today, no matter how bad I want to eat them, even though they're going to taste good and I think that they're going to make me feel a fuck ton better, it'll be worth saying no because you need to know why it's going to be worth it. You have to give yourself the opportunity to have the willingness so then when you give yourself the reason why it'll be worth it, you're going to say, so can I just, so let's go back to Cheeto gate. Can I just put the bag back in the pantry on a high shelf? Go sit and do something else for 20 minutes. Can I just do that and then let's reevaluate. That's going to give you patience, so asking can I adjust is one of the questions that gives you the patience to just try something. It's a little like willingness, but it's eliciting both, so you just have to ask yourself, can I adjust? Then the last thing is once you do something new, whether that's you don't go back to the Cheetos or you say after the 20 minutes, you go back to the Cheetos and you're like, know what? I'm going to have to have some Cheetos and you decide, okay, well, can I adjust, put some in a bowl and not go back because I normally rip through the whole bag?
Then the last question is going to be, it's going to come after you've navigated this and it's, I'm proud of you because this is one of the most important questions and this is where I see a lot of podcast listeners say, I listen to your podcast all the time, Corinne, I love everything you teach, but something's missing for me. I don't know why, but I don't seem to be losing weight like your members do. Inside the membership, we do an incredible amount of work on helping uc wins what's actually working. Most of us who have been brought up in the diet industry, we think winning is when the scale goes down. Winning is hitting your goal weight. That's not winning. That's one small piece. True winning is when you're actually changing your life and true winning, hitting the end goal, getting into maintenance and stuff can only happen if you know how to be someone who spots what the winds actually look like.
You need to tell yourself, I'm proud of you because you tried the questions. I'm proud of you because you put the Cheetos back and you made it through the night. I'm proud of you because you only ate that bowl. I'm proud of you because even though you ended up eating the Cheetos like you always do, you allowed yourself to try to ask the questions. It is so important that we all learn how not to dismiss success simply because it wasn't perfect. You've got to learn the part that will make all of this worth it because one thing women tell me all the time is when I ask them, why do you want to lose weight? Why do you want to lose weight? We're really trying to figure out why you want to lose weight. At the end of the day, they usually let out a sigh and they say, I just want to fucking be proud of myself, or I just want to fucking be happy.
I'm so tired of not liking me. I'm so tired of not being happy. I'm so tired of having a good life, but everything is measured against how much I weigh and when that's the case, you have to be able to see all these wins and really spotlight them a lot because while you're losing weight, you need to have moments where you're proud. We can't save it for the end or you're going to be exhausted and you're never going to get there. We have to have moments where we're happy and we have to spotlight 'em. We can't wait till the end or you're going to burn out and you're going to quit. You have to have those moments. You have to have the moments where you're starting to experience feeling better and we can't wait until you hit some arbitrary number that you've set. There's no reason not one single good reason on this earth for you to try to lose weight miserably for you to try to lose weight.
Only thinking when I lose weight, that's when I'll take a breath of a sigh of relief. When I lose weight, that's when I'll feel better. That's like saying until I lose weight, I have to be miserable. Most of you are eating because you're miserable. We have to stop that. Your goals will not be met if you are trying to get there grinding through misery, and that's what I teach inside the No BS weight loss program. That's what sets us apart. I mean, if you're fucking tired of trying to do all the diets that have you, just giving you calories, just giving you macros, just giving you workout plans, just telling you what you can and can't eat, and the only way that you can be happy is if the scale goes down, but the rest of everything else is like, Nope, we don't get to be happy about anything else.
You're just doing it wrong and you're probably somebody who would raise their hand and say like, yeah, I've started and stopped a thousand diets cor. Somehow they always blow up. This is why they rely on initial motivation and excitement about getting something new in your hands, and then when you habituate to it and it's not new and it's not exciting, you are left without food but your life, you're left with shit hitting the fan. You are left with the normal cadence of not feeling good. You are left with not knowing how to be proud of yourself. You're left with always looking for what's not good enough about you, what's wrong with you? We have to unlearn that shit if we're going to lose weight because that is the stuff we eat over. All right, so here's your questions one more time. It'll be worth it because so can I just try something, come up with anything and then when you try, I'm so proud of you because try using those questions. Let me know on my social what you think, and y'all have a good rest of your week. Bye y'all. Thank you so much for listening today. Make sure you head on over to no bs recourse.com and sign up for my free weight loss training on what you need to know to start losing your weight right now. You'll also find lots of notes and resources from our past podcasts help you lose your weight without all the bullshit diet at us. I'll see you next week.
So whether you set a resolution or not, if you're listening to this podcast, if I have to guess at the beginning of the year, what did you do? You probably set a weight loss goal, which I don't think is a bad thing. I really do think that that's great when we want to change our health, when we want to lose weight, when we want to have that new relationship with food, the ability to wear whatever we want. I don't think there's anything wrong with at the new year riding the wave of that. Basically New Year's momentum. There's this effect that goes on in the brain, which is one of the things we want to take advantage of, which is when we have a first of the month, a first of the week, or at the new year, our minds automatically do some type of a reset.