Updated: October 25, 2024
Episode 389: What to Do When Weightloss is Slow

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"Ugh! Why is my weightloss so slow?"
I hear this question from women a lot. And, honestly, it kind of drives me crazy.
I'm not irritated with women for thinking their weightloss should be "faster." I blame the diet industry that has fed us a bunch of bullshit claims like "Lose 10 pounds in 10 days."
Hell, I remember one diet where I lost 20 pounds in 3 weeks. It was miserable. And it all came back anyway.
Losing that much weight in a short period of time isn't normal. And it sure as hell ain't healthy.
Listen to today's episode, "What to Do When Weightloss is Slow," to discover:
- What "normal" weightloss actually looks like
- My average loss per week while I lost 100 pounds
- The #1 thing that sabotages your weightloss efforts
- The mindset that helped me finally lose my weight for good
Don't let another day go by feeling frustrated with "slow" progress. Listen now for how to feel good all the way down the scale.
Losing weight shouldn't feel miserable. And if it is, I promise you're doing it wrong. Tune in for a much better way.
Hi, I'm Corinne. After a lifetime of obesity being bullied for being the fattest kid in the class and losing and gaining weight like it was my job, I finally got my shit together and I lost 100 pounds each week. I'll teach you no bullshit weight loss advice you can use to overcome your battle with weight. I keep it simple. You'll learn how to quit eating and thinking like an asshole. You stop that and weight loss becomes easy. My goal is to help you lose weight the way you want to live your life. If you are ready to figure out weight loss, then let's go. Hello, everybody. Welcome back. So I want to talk today about a question I get all the time. I get it from my clients. I also get it from a lot of my podcast listeners, and it is what can I do to be okay with slow weight loss?
I would just be really honest. This question, I had to really think about it because at first it just kind of drives me crazy. As someone who's lost a hundred pounds, I really was sitting there thinking about when I was losing weight and what was I thinking about it? And honestly, I never really thought about slow weight loss. I think I was just in such a place when I first started that I had just hit a rock bottom. I mean a serious rock bottom. My son was about a year old. I was probably in postpartum. I was so out of shape, overweight. I mean, walking up the stairs with him was so painful. It was so hard. The least little things I did, I got winded and I was only in my early thirties. So I think when I was losing weight, I didn't focus on, oh, this is so slow.
This is going to take forever, blah, blah, blah. I think I was in a spot where I was just thinking, I don't like how I feel. Anything is better than this. So for me personally, I never really had to get okay with slow weight loss because I wasn't setting a big goal. I've told people this a thousand times. When I first started, there was no fucking way that I was going to set a weight loss goal. I had done that so many times. It freaked me out. I was like, no, here's what we're going to do. I'm just going to lose some weight. I'm going to figure this out. And when I said I'm going to figure this out, I meant I'm going to figure out my fucking life. I can't keep being this overweight. I can't keep up with my own child. I am so ashamed of my body all the time, all of that, I was just like, I'm just done.
Now, I also knew that when I started losing weight that I was not going to do radical changes anymore. I was not going to do any dumb ass shit diets anymore. Those had failed me so much in my past that I knew that this time I didn't give a damn what I did. I didn't even give a damn how long it took. I was just so focused on this shit ends now. And I think what helped me was just knowing I don't want to be like this, but I'm not going to sit here at 250 and pretend like I know what the end is going to be like. I'd never been thin. Some of you are so lucky. You have been thin at some point in life, you have an idea of what living like that is. Not me. I had only ever knew what it was like to be an overweight child and an overweight woman in this world.
So it just was one of those things where I know that from my own experience, it never got on my radar. And so as I was thinking about, I was like, it took me over 500 days to lose weight. I think if in the beginning I had thought like, oh shit, it's going to take 18 months, over 500 days, maybe I would've freaked myself out. But I think one of the things that helped me was not to do that. I just thought, this shit ends. Now. I'm going to figure out how to lose weight every day. I'm just going to wake up with purpose on today. I'm figuring out how to lose weight. I stayed in that mindset and that helped. I ended up losing about an average of 1.4 pounds per week when I was losing my a hundred pounds. Just to give you some context.
So one of the things that I did to prepare for this podcast was think through, okay, if so many people are freaking out about this, we need to think about why we would have to become okay with slow weight loss. So I think the first problem that people run into is they do not know what slow weight loss is or what fast weight loss is. It's like we just have this idea somewhere in our head, probably from thousands and thousands of diets that we've done where we lost weight too fast. So if you don't know, the average woman by the time she turns 40 is going to try to lose weight at least 140 times over the course of her fucking life. The first time I read that, I was like, are you kidding me? It makes sense to me, but it also floored me at the same time.
And so of those 140 diet hymns, you have to think about how we're kind of taught and conditioned. So I was thinking about my own story, and I remember this one time I lost, oh my gosh, it was like 21 pounds in three weeks, and it was right after I got a divorce. So if you don't know, when I was 18, I ran away and eloped with a dude that I'd been dating for six months in high school. Not the shining moment of my life, but I was a mess Back then, I was very depressed. I had been depressed since the age of 16. I had been off and on different antidepressants. I was actually depressed since the age of 13, 14. But my doctors started me on antidepressants around 16 because I was having IBS and I was just having a lot of problems.
And so my senior year of high school when I was 17, I was severely depressed. I attempted to take my life. I was in the hospital for a few weeks. It was kind of a big deal. And then when I graduated the following July, I ran off and eloped. I was so afraid to go to college by myself, which was so funny because once we got married and I went off to college, he came with me. He refused to work. I had to drop out of college to make money so we could both survive. It's just a whole mess. So when I found out that he was cheating on me, something in me, and I was around two 50, then something in me just said, you cannot tolerate this. I don't care if you never find someone for the rest of your life. We are not going to be with someone who treats you like this.
Because not only was he cheating on me with several different people, but he was also stealing money from me. He was getting fired from jobs for stealing. It was one of the reasons why I had to work was because he'd worked for a few weeks. Next thing you know, he'd be caught stealing and he'd get fired and then he would lie to me about it. So one of the things that I did is like most women, I immediately went on a diet because that's going to solve everything. And so I starved. I barely ate every day, and then I would go to Ladies Fitness, I forget, I think it was called Ladies Fitness. And I would work out for two hours every single day, and in three weeks I drop 21 pounds fast. Now that's dumb. And let me tell you why. If you are a younger person, you're listening to that and like, oh my gosh, maybe I should just barely eat and exercise for two hours a day.
Well, I couldn't keep that up. This is one of the reasons why when I started losing my weight this last time, that I made an agreement with myself that I was not going to do dumb shit that I couldn't do for the rest of my life. I was actually only willing to do things that I knew that right now I commit to this and I feel like this is part of what I would want to make my life story. This is my life eating story. This is going to be my life movement story. This is the person I'm becoming. So as I was on a mission to lose weight only in the way of the person that I wanted to become, I was not going to lose weight in a way that I had to become a new person when the diet was over. I didn't want to have to adjust.
I didn't want to have to figure out, well, now what do we eat if I've been starving and over exercising and I don't want to do that for the rest of my life, the last place I ever want to try to figure that out is after I've had success. That's the wrong fucking time to figure it out because you don't have any motivation. Just think about it. When you lose all your weight, how many times for all of you, how many times have you lost weight with a diet you know cannot sustain for the rest of your life, but you just think, if I get the weight off, I'll just never gain it back. But then the second, you don't have any more weight to lose, you don't have any motivation whatsoever to keep doing what you're doing because you hate it. You are only strong on yourself to get there.
But also you just want to break. And so when you want to break, your brain is just like, let's eat the things we used to eat. Let's do the things we used to do just for a break. Well, the second you reintroduce that stuff, your brain automatically starts thinking, this is the way we do it. This is how we should be eating. This feels so much better than what you've been doing to me, and it will pelt you and pelt you and pelt you with, Hey, let's keep doing this. And then you just start feeling like, oh my God, I'm gaining weight. Oh my God, I can't stop this. But if the only answer is to go back to torture and extreme things, it is so hard to make yourself do that again. That's why so many women get caught in the cycle of dieting and restricting and then indulging and gaining.
So for me, the second I didn't go to the gym that first day where I didn't go for two hours, my body was like, oh, that's great. I love this. Let's just skip this day. Hey, today I think you need to work late. Oh, hey, so-and-so's doing this. You've been working really hard. You deserve a night out. Next thing I know, my body was just like, we need to do anything we can to get her to feel better because all she's doing is starving us and overexercising us. Your body knows when you're mistreating it. So when I started, I agreed I wasn't doing that stuff. But the reason why I tell you all this is because you have so many diet attempts that you've done over the course of your life where you had these big losses on the scale, and then your brain starts to think that's how fast weight loss should go.
The very first thing we have to do is we have to really understand what is normal weight loss. Normal weight loss is a half a pound to two pounds a week. That's called normal. Quit defining that as slow. That is not slow weight loss. You feel like shit. When you think of that as slow weight loss, you've got to tell yourself that is not slow. That's called sustainable weight loss. That's called normal weight loss. That's called the kind of weight loss that's going to stay off. And another thing that we have to think about that most of you don't, that help you normalize your speed at which you lose weight is that when you start losing over two pounds weight per week, you're really what I consider going into dangerous weight loss. And let me tell you why. The faster the pounds are coming off, the more you're probably losing things that you don't care about.
So if you think about what do you want, you probably want people to notice that you're losing weight. You want to see your body getting thinner. You want to be able to look in the mirror and say like, oh my God, I see collarbone. Oh fuck, look, a cheekbones starting to come up. Oh man, look, my thighs are getting smaller. You want to be able to see it, but when you are losing more than two pounds per week, this is what you're going to notice. You don't see as much in the mirror. You just look the same all the time because your body, number one, your body carries fat in different ways. There is the fat that you see on your body, but there's also organ fat to protect your organs. There is that kind of stuff. It's like no one said wakes up one day.
It's like, oh my gosh, girl, look in the mirror. I think that liver's starting to look thin. Is my colon looking a little tighter? No, we don't want to lose that fat. But when you lose weight faster and you're always pushing to be above two pounds, guess what? You're getting skinny organs and you need that fat. The other thing is you lose muscle. Women do not need to lose muscle. Only if you want to be Grandma who falls down at 65 breaks the hip and can't play with their grandkids. You need muscle. So when you're losing like a half a pound of two pounds a week, you are going to lose a little muscle, but not like you will if you're going over two pounds per week, over two pounds a week. There's a lot of studies that show, I can't quote you none. Just y'all got Google, y'all go Google you some shit and make this stuff make sense.
But when you are losing over two pounds per week, you are inviting a lot of muscle loss, a lot of organ fat loss, a bone loss. Nobody needs to skinny bones. I just want you to be thinking about a half a pound to two pounds per week is going to give me visual slimming. Want to? If you're like me, it's like when I look in the mirror, I want to know something happened. I don't want to be sitting there like, well, the scale's going down, but shit, my clothes still feel the same shit. I don't look any different. So we want to make sure that we're normalizing what is slow and what is fast. Now, here's the other thing that you need to know about. When you're losing over two pounds per week, a lot of people are doing things that are going to set up themselves for disordered eating habits, and then sometimes you can also set yourself up for binges and loops of like I was doing extreme diets, extreme things, and then swinging in the other direction To the other extreme, I want you losing weight in the middle.
Everything I teach you is doable laced in common sense. It is intended to be creating a food life and just a exercise life. Anything that you're doing, it's intended to create a life that you want to live that feels really good to you because the way that I teach weight loss inside my no BS program is we should be able to have a social life. We should be able to eat with our family. We should be able to go out on vacations and stuff and enjoy ourselves. We should be able to have holidays and stuff and enjoy foods that we love. I think a big part of weight loss is your ability to also enjoy what you're doing for weight loss. If your weight loss plan only causes you suffering, you are doing it wrong. In my opinion, weight loss should be one of those things that's making your life better.
It is helping you improve your relationship with food. So many women that I work with when they come into my program, they are so used to being afraid of food. They are so used to only restricting food or binging on food. It's like I'm either fuck it eating or I'm starving myself. And my job is to teach you how to reset the relationship with the food because one of the biggest, strongest things that I teach is food serves many roles in our life. Of course, we want to eat for our health, of course, we want to eat for our physical energy, but food also is a part of celebrations. It is a part of sometimes comfort. We should be taking oral pleasure in our food. We should get joy from our food too. When we run into problems, when it comes to food is when food is your only source of comfort when food is the only way you get pleasure when food is the only way you take a break when food is the only way you're not bored with your own life, that's what we work on.
I want you to think of it this way. Your weight loss won't feel slow. If you are raising up the quality of your life to where you have things you enjoy, ways you get pleasure and stuff outside of food, when we fix those things, then food gets so much easier to deal with and it's so much easier to lose weight because you're enjoying your life and now we're taking away the one thing that's preventing you from actually losing the weight, which is the misery and the suffering, and we're working on your life while we're simultaneously working on your relationship with food. So the next thing is a lot of people are thinking that they're going to feel as miserable as they are on day one all the way up until they lose weight, and I think this is a big part of learning how to make peace with slow weight loss.
So I really thought about this. When a lot of us start our weight loss journey, we are at rock bottom or we are just at a point where the weight, not only our scale weight, but just the weight of being overweight is weighing on us so heavily that we're miserable and so now we're ready to do something, but then we want to lose weight fast because we think, well, until I reach my goal weight, I'm not going to feel better. And that's the problem. I don't teach weight loss that way. Here's how I think about it, and here's how I try to set my clients up every say, let's do it this way. I just want you to close your eyes for a second. If you're not driving, if you're driving, don't do that. Please just take a deep breath and think about this. If I could wave my magic wand today and you lost 10 pounds, would you feel a little better than you do in this moment?
Most people would say, well, yeah. I'm like, okay. Let's say I wave the magic wand again and in another month you are down a total of 15 pounds. Let's say in four months I wave my magic wand and you are down 25 pounds. I want you to think about all these future versions of you who's down in pounds in milestones, in five pounds, you would probably feel very different than you do today. If you're miserable today in five pounds, you would at least be going. You might be thinking, I have so far to go, but you'd be thinking, at least I've started. If it's 10 pounds, you would probably think, huh, I think some of my clothes are starting to get a little looser. I'm starting to notice some things. I'm a little bit on a roll. Every milestone between now and your goal weight, I want you to think about this.
You're feeling better. You're starting to enjoy life more. When you get, think about how much weight you want to lose, if you could have any amount, say it's like me and it's a hundred pounds, if we just got off 50, and I'm not saying you would never lose the other 50, but at 50 pounds down, you would feel like a completely different person than you do today. I want you to think about this feeling good along the way is going to compound right now. If you are miserable, I just want you to tell yourself that's not going to last forever. Once I get started, there is a version of me in the very near future who feels a little better, a little more in control. She feels momentum, she feels motivated, she's starting to feel proud. Things are easier for her and she's not that far off.
And when you start hitting those milestones, when you start feeling a little bit better, you stop feeling like you're in a rush to get to the end because now the end doesn't represent when you're happy, you start noticing, oh, there's going to be a lot of moments between now and when I reach my goal weight, where I am going to feel better about myself because that is at the heart of this question is not how can I be okay with slow weight loss? It's like, tell me how to be patient until I feel really good and I want to invite you to think we don't have to work that hard. It's not going to feel that slow. You're going to start hitting milestones pretty quick or momentum starts catching where you start liking what you're doing to lose weight if you do it my way, if you do it the no BS way, you start liking what you're doing.
You actually start enjoying the life you're creating, and when you enjoy the life that you're creating and you actually enjoy this new version of you that we're building together, you don't feel the need to rush it anymore. We only want to rush things that we hate. It's like sitting in traffic. It feels like it takes forever. You just want to get it home because sitting in traffic is no fun. I don't want you losing weight that feels like you're in rush hour and that you're just counting down the moment until you get home and hating every second until you get there. I want you to feel like you're on a Sunday drive. It's like it's going to take you an hour and a half to get there, but it's the scenery's nice. You're listening to good music. Maybe you're listening to podcasts and stuff and you're having finally some alone time.
You're just enjoying it. That's what I want for y'all. And when you learn how to lose weight through enjoyment, through adding things to your life, you are no longer in the big rush. So I want you to think about this. There are benefits to losing weight at a half a pound to two pounds per week. Number one, you are going to establish way better habits when you're losing at that pace. Your habits are going to have plenty of time to get on lock so that you don't have the stress and worry of losing weight so fast that when you finish your weight loss journey, you don't have to worry about regaining the weight. So you get to lock your habits in better. And it's also just easier to do when we're losing in these, what I call very manageable chunks. You don't have to give up everything you love just to lose weight. You don't have to spend tons of time in the gym. You don't have to do elaborate food preps. You don't have to do a lot of the things that traditional diets say you need to do to lose at that pace.
For my listeners, I promise you there are so many things that you can do to lose weight in the early days that aren't a complete 180 in how you're living right now that are not super expensive. I never tell people to drink shakes. I don't have you. There's just not a lot. I just don't think there's a ton of expense when you work with me on losing weight. We're not asking you to buy a bunch of shit. We're not asking you to start buying expensive foods and certain foods and this, that and the other, and there's not a lot of time. I don't think weight loss should take over your life. I think you should have your life and weight loss should fit seamlessly in it. And then I think the other thing that everyone needs to know that will help you kind of make peace with the process of losing weight in terms of speed is it is normal for the scale to stall out at least once a month.
For most women, you're going to have at least one week every three to four weeks where you do not lose weight at all. The scale will either stall or it will go up two to three pounds. And unless you are eating like an asshole, and this is for all the people who are like, but I'm doing the things cor, I promise you I'm doing the things. I'm not overeating. I'm stopping at enough. I feel like I'm on track, but I don't understand why sometimes I don't get rewarded. It is very natural and actually very good for your body and healthy to have a week or two every month or to have a week every month where you don't lose. Sometimes it's our hormones. It could be because you're in perimenopause or menopause or you are in your period. Years. When I was in my period years, I would always go up about four pounds, sometimes three, but usually I would expect leading up to my period about usually five days before my period, the scale would start going up one or two pounds, and then when the day my period started and the next day it would be up around four and I could tell it my lower stomach would be bloated.
It would, and you have to think about it, your body needs to retain a lot of water to handle the cramping, to get your shit out of you and all that kind of stuff. And then it would drop dramatically the week after. As long as I wasn't eating like jackass the whole time that I was on my period, I often planned for that. I was like, I know the scale's going to go up, so I didn't always weigh during that week. I was like, I just don't want to deal with it. That scale's not telling me anything that I don't know. I know it's going to go up. I don't need to see the number and get all like this is my period time. Also, now that I'm in, I think I'm, I don't know what stage you call it, but I've not had a period now for going on my fourth month.
I am knocking on the wood over here that we have arrived, ladies. I hope Corinne has arrived. I would love to never see that thing ever come back, but I still have a week out of every month where I am more bloated than usual where the scale goes up and this happens to be the week. Last week I was at a low. I was like, oh, and I had just gotten off vacation, but I think because I had rested so much on vacation, I got so much sleep. I had cake I think three nights. I had a couple of glasses of champagne a couple nights. I ate a little bit of fried food, but I walked a lot. I sweated a lot and I slept a lot that week. I just got some solid rest. Came home and I was down at my low end.
For me, I was like, what? This week I'm back. I'm back to working, back to doing the things. And I was thinking, man, my back's hurt a little bit. I just felt tight in my joints. Everything felt achy and stuff, and I weighed. I was up four pounds, four pounds, and this week I actually been drinking all my water. I've been back in the gym. I didn't work out while I was on vacation. Not at all. I did was every day. I went for a little short walk. One day I ran, and I swear to God, I don't run much, but I got a crazy hair up my ass. I was like, you know what I'm going to do? I used to run a lot, but it was flat and I thought, I'm going to run, and I got to running and enjoying the scenery.
Then I got too far away from the home and realized, oh God, my hips are starting to bother me. Had to turn around and walk all the way back. I was like, why did I do this to myself? I was out there like an hour and a half. So for the next two days, I didn't do jack shit. I was so sore and so achy. So this week I got back into my routines and stuff, but being at home, sitting a lot, just doing the things, I was up. I was up and I could tell it, and I promise you it's not from being a jackass. So we all need to realize we are just going to have scale fluctuations and what makes weight loss feel slow is when you overreact to fluctuation. So if your scale goes up and you fuck it, eat and you eat like an asshole for three days piss because the scale goes up instead of rationalizing it or being patient and waiting it out, you slow down weight loss.
So don't say, how do I get okay with my slow weight loss? Say, how can I not slow my weight loss down? What are the basic things I can do to not slow it down? And the number one cardinal rule in order to not slow your own weight loss down is to not fuck it. Eat when something goes wrong, like the scale going up there is 0, 0, 0 way that you eating like an ass clown because the scale went up. It's going to get you what you ultimately want. Now, if you eat like a asshole, you will get away from your own beat down, but if all you want is to not feel bad about the scale going up, then change your attitude. Don't shove a big Mac in your mouth to do it. That's an option. And if you will change your attitude about it, guess what?
You start normalizing how the scale works. It doesn't throw you for loops. When's a good time to weigh in, and I'm going to tell all of you, if it throws you for a loop to weigh in after a vacation or to weigh in on your period or whatever, stop doing it. If you want to weigh something, weigh your habits. So if it's your period, then track your habits that week. Don't track the scale. If you come back from vacation, track your habits of getting back into routine. Don't weigh in, and that will help you more than anything to have what I call good, sustainable, consistent weight loss because consistent weight loss doesn't happen every week. Consistent weight loss is over a period of three months. Did you trend down or are you, I work really hard for a week or two and I do dumb ass shit that I'm not going to do for the rest of my life?
Then the scale might not go as fast as I think. So then I eat my fucking face off and then I get pissed that the scale went up again. So then I go back to trying to torture myself. Stop doing the dumb shit. That is the stuff that does not help weight loss if you want. Honestly, losing weight is a boring fucking process. It is very small daily habits. It's don't fucking eat, drink your damn water, go to bed instead of watching Netflix. Get your sleep. Walk some even if you have to walk around your damn house. Don't be trying to kill yourself in the gym. I always love when somebody wants to join the gym and kill themselves there and they're not even walking to the damn mailbox. It's like, how about you just start with getting ass off the couch a little bit before we go to F 45?
And then the other big one is just pay attention. Are you hungry when you're eating or are you just eating? Are you cleaning your plate because it's there or are you stopping at enough? Let's get back to the basics. I promise you the basics work a half a pound to two pounds a wheat works. It is not slow. It is lifelong, and that's what's most important for all of you. All right, I hope you enjoyed this one. Y'all have a good week and I'll talk to you soon. Thank you so much for listening today. Make sure you head on over to no bs free course.com and sign up for my free weight loss training on what you need to know to start losing your weight right now. You'll also find lots of notes and resources from our past podcast help you lose your weight without all the bullshit diet. I'll see you next week.